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Everything posted by Speez

  1. Thanks Pat, I enjoy stopping in to see what's happening. Glad to see you're doing it again this year. Once a Sioux fan, always a Sioux fan
  2. Early last season Tom Ranfranz & I and a few other fans were discussing the upcoming Sioux game that evening. We all gave our opinions on what the team needed to do to come away with the sweep. I asked Tom what were his feelings of the Sioux Logo. He had no reply. He opened his coat & pointed to his shirt proudly displaying the Sioux Indianhead. That was all I needed to see to know how he felt.
  3. They were both reassigned to Grand Rapids of the AHL. They both have contracts with them. They could be still sent down to the ECHL after the AHL training camp, but I doubt Skarp will go down. He played at Grand Rapids all last year.
  4. Check out the Redwings Training Camp Rosters. Redwings Rosters The Goalie on Team A that Kevin is on may be as good as Karl. A couple of other pretty good players on that team as well. I'd put my money on that team winning the tourney.
  5. Damstrait, Sorry that I didn't catch the sarcasm in your post. I'm so used to seeing those damn smiley things all over the place I just missed it. It didn't help that jk is a regular poster on this board & I had a few relaxation cool ones
  6. I've been reading this thread for awhile and have no qualms at all with anybodies choices for a leadership role on next years team. I'm tired of reading " Well I don't know what actually happened in the lockerroom", but... The Sioux had a great leadership group last year. They will be fortunate to have that calibre next year. The captians, including Lieney & Notes, were a group that laid it on the line every game for the team. You read about NHL captains saying, " Well I'm not very vocal, I let my actions on the ice do the talking for me." Well these guys did both. No one can see they didn't lead by example. The tanks were definately empty when a game was over. There were a number of times teammates were called on to the beautiful carpets in the lockerroom at REA between periods. There is only so much you can say to someone. If a player can't come to a game mentally prepared to play, then maybe they shouldn't be playing at this level. All these guys have the skills, it's the mental aspect of the game that matters when it's time to drop the puck. To the the comment that, "Ryan couldn't even convince his brother to stay another year," I couldn't believe I read that . These guys all have the dream of getting to the next level. I'll bet Ryan slapped David on the back, high fived him & said "Way to go, Bro" Dean wouldn't have even tried to convince David to stay. Not that it matters, but I'll give my vote to Ryan as next years captain. Let him continue to show the players what it means to wear the Sioux Indianhead & the pride that is passed on to anyone fortunate enough to play for "The Fighting Sioux."
  7. Karl signs a new contract with Colombus. I'll try to post a link, but not sure if I know what the heck I'm doing. http://www.sportzdomain.com/modules.php?op...ticle&sid=15820
  8. I remember back when the Blackhawks weren't afraid to spend money and actually fielded a competetive team. Great goalies cames through Chicago, Belfour, Hasek and one of my favorites, Darren Pang. Karl reminded me of the way Pang played in the nets. Fiesty little guy who didn't put up with anything from the opposing team. Lightning fast on his feet and with the glove. When Pang was up for Rookie of the Year honors, he had a load of T-Shirts printed up that said, "Pang is easier to spell than Nuendyk(sp)" Unfortunately for Panger he didn't win and blew out his knee a few years later, which ended his playing career. I met him a few times & he is every bit as fun and entertaining in person as he is as a broadcaster. I think Karl will definately make the NHL & show them that there is a place for the smaller player in the league. Good luck Karl. I'll be rooting for you.
  9. As printed in the Chicago Tribune: When Kings coach Andy Murray was asked what he knew about his team's 5th. round pick, Brady Murray, he replied, " He has a nice mother."
  10. Kevin scores his 1st. pro goal for the Portland Pirates against the St. John Flames. His goal came in the 2nd. period on a penalty shot after being pulled down from behind on a breakaway. He also assitted on the first goal & got in a scrum behind the play with Chuck Kobesew(formerly BC) where they both got roughing penalties. Probably was some pretty good jawing going on during that. Kevin started slow on Friday getting only 3-4 shifts per period, but worked himself into a regular shift by todays game. He's hoping they keep him around for the play-offs, but not sure of the AHL rules on it.
  11. I totally agree with you. Kunitz is the biggest goon I have seen play this game at the college level. If Kunitz even makes the top three, we will all know the Hobey committee doesn't watch the games, they just go by stats. Fortunately for Kunitz he didn't get his head rammed into the boards after taking the charging penalty at the end of the 2nd. He was spun around like a rag doll in a headlock aimed at the boards, but he was in the clutches of a player that was brought up to respect other players on the ice. He could have been watching from the stands today.
  12. He played at Lake State. He's one of the smart ones that got out of that disaster.
  13. The Sioux looked as dominant last week vs. the Bulldogs, they just couldn't put it in the net. Hopefully that turned around last night & will become a regular occurence again.
  14. Thanks Pat for the nice words about Kevin. I remember 4 years ago at the first parent weekend, Mr. Ambrust said enjoy these years because they will be over before you know it. I sat there thinking that this is just the beginning, well it's almost over now. We have enjoyed these years tremendously. We have had a great time in GF & other games we could make. I have met a few of you fellow posters & am glad I did. I'm glad Kevin decided on UND. There have been both highs & lows over the last 4 years but these are what memories are made of. I was a casual college hockey fan before, but I will always be a Fighting Sioux Fan no matter where Kevin may land up playing. The season & his career are almost over at UND & he hates not playing in April. I hope we can all meet up in Buffalo this year. GO FIGHTING SIOUX !!!!
  15. Dagies, I've been agreeing with you alot lately. Don't forget to vote for YOUR favorite Sioux player. I do everyday.
  16. I do too. I agree with Dagies on this one. Enjoy the fun of watching the Sioux be back near the top of the standings where they belong. Last year everyone was crying & moaning about the team & what was happening. Anyone expect this kind of turnaround besides the players? The team learned alot of lessons from last years season to get them in this position. It's better to hit the bumps now & learn some lessons from it, then have it happen when you lose & you're out. I remember the Sioux losing the 1st. game in the playoffs to UMD in 2000 or 01, & had to win the next 2 to go the FF in MNPLS. This team is very young & still is having growing pains. The Sioux will have a strong team for years. Enjoy them now. I'm hoping for a trip to Buffallo this year, but everything has to fall into the right place at the right time. This is the fun time of the year. Crunch time is right around the corner.
  17. Was almost rooting for MSU to win it, until I realized a tie would be better for the Sioux. I guess the Goofs don't have what it takes to bury anybody. They outplayed MSU both games but couldn't put them away. I liked the way MSU kept battling back. The 3rd. period & OT was pretty entertaining. The Goofs sure can't complain about the refs today. Anderson gave them a PP in OT. I wonder what their excuses will be today.
  18. The POI board has & still seems pretty lame to me. The only time it has any interest to me is when there's another Parise thread on there & they all complain about it. Should be a new one any day now, it's been over a week since a POI'er started one I agree with you 100% Jim. It was nice before people were posting a link to this board all over USCHO & POI. I liked it when all we had to be mean to was fellow Sioux fans. If I want to read a bunch of garbage I'll go to USCHO
  19. WAA-WAA-WAA Do we have to see the whining & crying on the Sioux board also?
  20. Kevin Spiewak was in the top 3 in the 1st. round of the voting. Right behind Brandon & Zach. If the ballot box was being stuffed, I don't know who was doing it. I posted on USCHO which I rarely do anymore. A top defensive forward should not be left out of the running because people feel the winner should be the top scorer in the country. If your a fan of Kevin, give him your vote.
  21. Being ranked #1 at the end of the season before play-offs doesn't guarantee an NC$$ championship. When was the last time the #1 team won it all? It hasn't been for a few years, but I haven't been around here that long. Who needs the #1 ranking or wants it ? I think the team will be happy to be in the top 5 at the end of the season. Let someone else wear the #1 target on their backs.
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