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Everything posted by Speez

  1. Was almost rooting for MSU to win it, until I realized a tie would be better for the Sioux. I guess the Goofs don't have what it takes to bury anybody. They outplayed MSU both games but couldn't put them away. I liked the way MSU kept battling back. The 3rd. period & OT was pretty entertaining. The Goofs sure can't complain about the refs today. Anderson gave them a PP in OT. I wonder what their excuses will be today.
  2. The POI board has & still seems pretty lame to me. The only time it has any interest to me is when there's another Parise thread on there & they all complain about it. Should be a new one any day now, it's been over a week since a POI'er started one I agree with you 100% Jim. It was nice before people were posting a link to this board all over USCHO & POI. I liked it when all we had to be mean to was fellow Sioux fans. If I want to read a bunch of garbage I'll go to USCHO
  3. WAA-WAA-WAA Do we have to see the whining & crying on the Sioux board also?
  4. Kevin Spiewak was in the top 3 in the 1st. round of the voting. Right behind Brandon & Zach. If the ballot box was being stuffed, I don't know who was doing it. I posted on USCHO which I rarely do anymore. A top defensive forward should not be left out of the running because people feel the winner should be the top scorer in the country. If your a fan of Kevin, give him your vote.
  5. Being ranked #1 at the end of the season before play-offs doesn't guarantee an NC$$ championship. When was the last time the #1 team won it all? It hasn't been for a few years, but I haven't been around here that long. Who needs the #1 ranking or wants it ? I think the team will be happy to be in the top 5 at the end of the season. Let someone else wear the #1 target on their backs.
  6. Wooger has been saying it that way since he's been broadcasting. You would think he ran into a few of them in his many years in Minn, hockey. It's not like the Sioux are the only ones with Lundbohm's on their team. Must be something psychological. Other than that he's a pretty good color man.
  7. Just finished watching the tape of last nights 3:00 AM broadcast. What an outstanding team effort. The defense is stifling now that all the guys are back. This team reminds me of the 2000 & 2001 teams that never stopped coming at you. They put the clamps on the goofers. In the 3rd. they looked liked they were afraid to even go into the Sioux zone. Dump the puck & run(skate) away before they got demolished by another Sioux crunching hit. Brandt played a very good game last night. He made some outstanding saves when the goofs happened to break into the zone. Brandt needs to build his confidence back up after having a lay-off from playing regularly. Confidence is what is helping the team to keep knocking off their opponents. It was nice to hear the Wooger give Dean & the Sioux their props after the game. He was amazed the Sioux were able to turn it around so quickly after last year. He said a team should be able to win most games with 4 goals & the Sioux did just that. This season keeps getting better & better all the time. Can't wait for tonights game which is live on FSN. Also going to CC for the rematch, which will be one helluva a series. The Sioux are going to go very deep into the post season. A dynasty is growing & the fans will be able to watch a great team for many years to come.
  8. Pat, Glad you were able to cheer with the rest of us.
  9. Unf*****believable win for the Sioux. Great team effort. Can't wait to tape the 3:00 AM replay on the dish & watch it tomorrow. With the whole team together, they should be unstoppable. Can't wait to hear the excuses. Sioux are #1.
  10. Goon, Clue us in. What did Tim say to get the hook?
  11. I second that emotion, John
  12. Great comeback by the Sioux. I always wanted to quote myself.
  13. I have been of the opinion all year that the Sioux schedule has been conducive to a turnaround. After lasts years debacle & loss of confidence, a slower start with an easier schedule was the best thing to happen to the Sioux. If the schedule was under the control of Dean, then he showed his usual genius. If it was the scheduling people of the WCHA then it was pure luck. The Sioux needed to start this year off right & get their confidence back. Every series they won from the start did just that. After 5-6 weekends of sweeping the competition the players realized they had a team to compete against anybody. Confidence in your abilities to win gives the team the attitude of expecting to win no matter who the opponent is. I believe everybody realized that last night against CC. The team spent too much time in the 1st. trying to control CC. They really came back when they started playing their game. The Sioux did a great job shutting down Sejna as did CC against Bochenski. This series is another boost in confidence for the team. Being able to play with another top team in the WCHA & nation will keep their confidence high during the brutal road portion of the schedule. When they perform well on this road segment, it will help them in the play-off run which is all on the road. Can't wait for tonight's game & next weekend against the Goofs.
  14. I don't think you can compare this team to last year. The game would have been over after the 1st. period last year. This years team has the nads to keep working for the comeback. A tie isn't the greatest thing but 1 point is better than nothing. The Sioux belong at the top of the rankings & should stay close to the top the rest of the year. A great game by the top 2 teams in the WCHA & probably the country. Can't wait to see the goofer excuses for their loss to SCSU. Should be a wild week leading up to the Goof series, but the Sioux have to get 2 tomorrow.
  15. Never mind. Picked up the BSU feed. 3-3 Tie
  16. Anybody in GF listening to the 1st. game? Any Score? Constant updates not necessary. Have the radio station on, music only. Maybe 1st game isn't broadcast but at least we should get the Sioux game. Unless someone turns the switch off by mistake.
  17. farce, I can respond to your #'s 1-3. I was in GF for the UAA series a few weeks ago & was able to watch a team practice on Thursday before the series. I was expecting a stetching, get the knots out of the muscles type of practice the day before a game. I have seen more practices than I would care to recount, but the Sioux practice was unbelievable. I couldn't believe the pace that all the players were working at. I'm mean everybody. The practice pace was faster than most teams play games at. To watch the guys go thru the drills was awesome. The only time I saw anybody standing was when Dean called for a water break. They started at a slow pace, worked in stretching exercises & just kept picking up the pace faster with every drill. After watching that practice I can see why the Sioux can wear teams down for the 3rd. period & the 2nd. night of the series by the 2nd. period. I was amazed at the pace of the last 30-45 minutes. I thought that was one helluva workout. But it wasn't over. A lot of guys practiced shooting with the goalies & the rest went to the weight room. And probably the best part of the practice was that it looked like they were all having fun.
  18. I remember Spiewak's post game interview with Tim H a couple of weeks ago. Jake just got his 2nd. shutout in a row. Tim asked Spiewak if there was or has been any concerns about the goaltenders. He said that the team was confident in the goaltending they have & it seemed to be the fans that were worried about what was happening at the position. I think the team chemistry is pretty good right now. Bringing in another goalie at the break may cause more harm than good. It may just take figuring who the hot goalie is, a good rotation, or signs during practice who the right guy to play that weekend is. Letting them keep getting their confidence like the rest of the team is may be all it takes.
  19. PCM, Great pics as usual. Can't be Spiewak, he's a lefty shooter.
  20. A sad day for the Englestad family and the many benefactors of Ralph's great generosity. He will be missed by many and our family's condolences go out to the Englestad's. I fondly remember hearing the story about Ralph & the Fighting Sioux's last 2 runs to the National's in 2000 & 2001. During the Regionals & Nationals of 2000 a very tense Sioux team was sitting in the locker room waiting for gametime. All the coaches pep talks etc. were over & the players were left to think about the upcoming game. Frazelled nerves kept players thoughts to themselves & noise to a minimum. In walks Ralph, doing a comedy routine with a friend, telling jokes and generally relieving the tension that was mounting. He cracked the guys up took their minds off what they were worrying about. Hockey players, being a very non-superstitious group, new that Ralph was expected to do the same in the 2001 run. Ralph being the player & fan that he was did not disappoint them. Just before gametime as in the previous year, Ralph was there to take the edge off. Although Ralph won't be here for this years run to the FF, I'm sure he will be fondly remembered by this years team at just the right time to get them ready.
  21. Speez

    Sioux/UAA series

    HKNTSMN, That's like asking if the Sioux have 7 NC$$ titles & working on #8 for this year. See you in GF. Don't know about any of the other trips yet.
  22. Speez

    Sioux/UAA series

    Can't wait to get to GF to see some real a## whooping this weekend. One of our few trips every year that we really look forward to. Unfortunately it will be almost our last. The team's confidence is growing every series & a lot of payback has to be dished out. Can't wait for Friday night & a sweep. Maybe I'll run into some of you at the Ralph.
  23. Speez

    Yale Fight

    Just heard the suspensions were not overturned, but both players along with Ryan are going to St. Cloud. At least the local paper finally got the story right. You would think they would check the facts before copying the east coast story that was printed on Sunday.
  24. That's because they played the bears, who suck.
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