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Everything posted by Speez

  1. The Blackhawks could always use more scoring help. Oh yeah, they already had him & blew it.
  2. Speez

    Gas Prices

    You think you're getting gouged, try Chicago area prices. $3.37/ gal was the cheapest I saw on way to work this morning. That's in the suburbs, Chicago is even more. At least they came down about .10 in the last week, but we're still getting robbed
  3. can't get video or audio.
  4. Speez

    Coach's Show

    The real question is, how many cool ones he expects to score. Tip one one for me dagies. Go Sioux
  5. and Father-in-law to former Fighting Sioux forward Ryan Hale. Former color commentator sidekick to Tim Hennessey on the radio broadcasts, who still occassionally fills in with his wit & knowledge of Sioux hockey. I'm surprised the petition ever saw the light of day if it was only sent to Tim.
  6. Dagies, Your current one is a spitting image of you. Speez
  7. Great for Bo & I'm sure he 'll get plenty of ice there. Unfortunately for him the Hawks will still suck until Wirtz & Pulford are gone & sell the team to somebody that wants to be a winner.
  8. I guess hostile & abusive to some may not mean the same thing to other people.
  9. Interesting article about a few American Indians that have a different take on things. http://www.sltrib.com/sports/ci_3317763
  10. Congrats to Jason. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He definetely deserves a shot. Now this guy, HKNTSMN, I'm not so sure about. j/k John
  11. How about the current jersey? It's seems to me you guys give up too easy.
  12. See ya. Enjoy the desert
  13. ESPN, I'm a born & raised south side Chicago boy, yes Sox fan. As long as I can remember the loop is downtown. If it's not, let me know where it is. Chicago is a great city & Mayor Daley does a great job of keeping it clean. It's tough with a few million people living here & quite a few tourists. Maybe it's the wrong side of the city your visiting with that old decrepit ballpark called "Wrigley". It was a dump the only time I was forced to go there a long time ago & still is. Mainly a tourist trap, but I guess you know that. Old Comiskey was a classic dump, great for games, but a dump just the same. They should have built the new one somewhere else, but that is another story. The "Hawk" may be getting a little old & with a few tired expressions, but he speaks his mind & tells it like it is. The announcers for the Cubs got bounced last year for not towing the "Tribune" line. Who do they have now?? I couldn't answer that, but I don't follow a decades long losers. Sure Chicago has it's bad areas, but it's changing & people are putting a lot of money into run down areas to build them back up. Short lived tourist like you may not notice that. Gilbert,Az. I bet there's more to do in Grand Forks than there. I hope you enjoy it there more than your brief stint in the Great City of Chicago.
  14. A Sioux player would have to be pretty down & out to sell their Jersey. It is probably one of their prized possesions, next to the FF Championship Ring.
  15. Thanks Big Grey & Big Chief. Checked my TV manual but didn't check the PC manual. The hookup info was there but I don't have the s-video connection that is shown in the manual. I'll have to try BC's method. Thanks again, Speez
  16. I just watched Kev on the B2 Network videocast of his ECHL game. The quality of the feed was much better than I expected, I remember reading that someone was able to feed the Sioux videocast to their Big Screen TV. Hockey wasn't meant to be watched on a 17" monitor. I searched previous threads but couldn't find the info I needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow night Kev is playing against Jason Notes & 4 of his former IL. teamates from when he was a youngster. Thanks for your help. Please PM me if you have any info. Great win by the Sioux tonight. Got to keep it going on track. Dan Spiewak
  17. I just added the Fox Sports package to my Directv again for the first Sioux game. I cancel after the college season is over every year. When I was adding it back, I asked if there were any deals going on for this. Since I was such a long time subscriber they gave it to me for $2.00 /month. The catch, I had to commit for 1 year of sattelite programming on Directv. If interested call their toll free #, don't order online.
  18. Our deepest condolences go out to Dean and his family. I had the priviledge of meeting Wendy a few times over the years and was always impressed by her knowledge of the game. She knew the players and cared about them almost as much as her own family. I would say she was one of the Sioux's biggest fans. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she advised Dean on the line combos for the upcoming series. A true Sioux booster who will be missed by the Sioux family. The Spiewak's
  19. I've read all these threads & have to put in my $.02. I'm a die hard Sioux fan, but from a different perspective. I can't claim alumni status as many vets do here, but will always follow The Fighting Sioux. I recently talked to a Sioux hockey player alum & asked his opinion on the recent happenings at UND. His comment was, " The best coaching staff I have ever played for." This past weekend was a gathering of former Sioux players & the topic of conversation was DB leaving & his successor. Consensus opinion was that Haskol was the best coach for the job & he had it locked up. Hask & Berry were brought in for a reason when Sandy left. Get the next guys ready & into the system before DB leaves. DB leaving was a big surprise to all. Everyone knew he wanted to move up, but it wasn't expected this year. The grooming of former Sioux players for hockey coaching positions at UND will be the norm for many years to come. Why not have the guys that were involved in making the program great, involved in passing that attitude onto the new recruits. Names have been mentioned & I'm all for that tradition to continue. If you brought in the right person to take over the team, why bother to waste the time involved in a "Search for the best candidate." If the Sioux hockey Alum pick Haskol as the next and best candidate for the job, I will tend to agree with them.
  20. Unfortunately, Chicago is not a big college hockey town since the UIC Flames team folded years ago. With competition from bouncy ball, you may have a tough time getting a downtown bar to put on the Sioux game. Local bars might be more receptive, but you might have to know the owner. Main reason I got the dish was to at least see the games that are on there.
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