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Everything posted by choyt3

  1. How did the mighty bysin even get into this conversation? ND Board of Higher education e-mails regarding Kupchella. Another one: It would seem that Clayburgh wants Kupchella to just go away now.
  2. Just read the letter as well. That alone should garner some comments from folks in GF and Bismarck. Here's a snippet:
  3. Sorry if this was mentioned already. Here's a link from the Fargo Forum. Kupchella finalist for Marshall position. Press release from Marshall University.
  4. choyt3


    Probably see Marvin tonight in what will likely be a more physical game.
  5. Anyone have the "Thread Police" pic?
  6. choyt3


    Who could have honestly seen that two months ago? What a game by all three of them tonight! Canady had a lapse there in the 3rd, but came back out on the ice after that and played as good as he has his career as a Sioux. Kudos to the coaches for challenging him. It could have EASILY been his last shift as a Sioux. Massen was possessed as well. Beating guys to the puck in the corners. Where has that been for the last 4 seasons? Who cares! It's great to see it now. And Fabian... what can you say? Here's a kid that could have easily hung up the skates. He wasn't getting a lot of PT and sought the help of Coach Berry to work with him on his skating and doing the little things that could keep him in the lineup. He goes from that to scoring TWO goals (and both were BEAUTIES!!!) in the biggest game of his life thus far. Hakstol and his assistants have done a hell of a job with this team, no matter the outcome on Saturday. Two months ago, I was among those that wondered if he was in over his head. Not anymore. Go SIOUX!!!!!!!!!
  7. Thanks. It's pretty easy to get fired up just reading that!
  8. choyt3


    From the UND Alumni web page: $699 per person PLUS $144 for the ticket package? I guess you do get meals in-flight, though. Looks like Hotwire.com is still the way to go. Hopefully I can get things to fall into place.
  9. choyt3


    Could someone please post any charter information, if anything is announced in the morning? Thanks. BTW, found airline tix on www.hotwire.com for $250 from MSP with a Sunday night stay.
  10. Not disputing that Adam sucks, but that has been SOP for the WCHA play-offs the past few years. One of the better things the league came up with in my opinion. Seems that the players and officials get "friendly" enough in a two game series, let alone one that goes three.
  11. choyt3

    St. Cloud

    Thanks, dagies. Not too late. Only a little over two hours from here. Babysitter is scheduled to arrive at 3. Go Sioux!
  12. More applicants announced. Former Sioux Dave Osborn among them.Link. So Purpur has been saying that he's "going to apply" for some time. What is he waiting for?
  13. choyt3


    Lots of sticky keyboards in Gooferville today. I think the Sioux will do just fine.
  14. Central in 95 and RR in 90 would make it 10... anyway, when examining the last 20 years, the first ten of that could be considered somewhat a dry spell for the GF schools, since only five of those 10 years a GF team won the state title. In the last ten years, a GF team has won it 8 times. If that pace keeps up, (and who knows if it will) that would be 24 of 30, which is damn near your 26 of 30 above, which you say was the pace the GF schools were winning at in the 60's, 70's & 80's. The trend for the GF schools to have success based solely on whether one of them wins the state title or not is going opposite of the way you're saying it is going. Based on your "lack of state titles proves it" logic, you're not making any sense. It may be true that, competitively, the other schools in ND are catching up to the GF two. You certainly wouldn't get much of an argument on that fact. But you're not making your opinion based on that. You're comparing state titles, where the GF schools have clearly still been quite dominant. That's my $.02.
  15. From the lists posted, it looks like a GF school has won 4 of the last 5, 8 of the last 10, 10 of last 15, and 13 of last 20. Domination by the GF schools has been "over for a very long time?" If state titles is your criterion, think maybe you should re-examine the evidence...
  16. I have to reply to this... The guy was out ice fishing with his dad and wiped out a snowmobile and happened to get hurt. Sounds sort of flukey to me. Jake may have "pulled" some things in his past, but this isn't something at all to condemn him for. It was a FREAK ACCIDENT. S*it happens. I don't understand how it can be considered a "stupid decision". Jake hasn't received a break at all this year for whatever reason. It's too bad, because I've heard that he's a great kid. Maybe jnv has more to say on this? Besides, being from Roseau, he's probably been riding a snowmobile since he could walk. Probably almost as long as they've been skating.
  17. Jesse Bull was also a member of the UND golf team.
  18. Any of these guys heard of a word that's spelled P-R-I-D-E? Maybe they're confused and think if they bag the rest of the season they'll get the #1 pick in the draft.
  19. So what's your solution? If you're going to come on here and spout off, give us some substance. It is quite simple to condemn MG for what he has done, especially for people that happen to 'not' root for the Sioux. The majority of the posts on the two threads discussing the situation called for some sort of suspension. Some even hypothesized that MG would have the captain's 'C' removed from his jersey. Both of these decisions were made by UND Athletics administration, and the UND hockey coaches, not by "fans". I would like to believe that the suspension would have been identical, regardless of the next opponent. Whether two games is a "hefty" suspension or not, it was certainly not an easy conclusion to arrive at without knowing ALL of the facts of this situation (meaning WE, the "fans", don't necessarily know all the facts. I'm sure the coaches and the UND admin already do), and it will be subject to a plethra of reasonable second-guessing. What has your post added to the discussion? Let's see some of your incredible intellect at work.
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