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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. < bang > Both appear within ten minutes. Amazing.
  2. A new nickname and logo ... until then ... You can't use the chunk you did without the rest of the information.
  3. Maybe someone should try something like the ultimate cultural attraction of the Fargo-Moorhead area: Ace Beer & Liquors: the little round liquor store with a drive thru! https://www.google.com/#q=west+fargo+drive+through+liquor+store < insert comment here about 'gfhockey' or 'Fetch' >
  4. The corny part of Pat bothers me. I don't want that "corny, hick North Dakota" stereotype going out on Fox College Sports (television) broadcasts. However, on regional radio "corny" doesn't bother me quite as much.
  5. Let me parse those words above one more time: Pretty clear what the plan and the process has been since December 2011. Allowing for the Legislature's mandated "cooling off" period that covered 2012, 2013, and 2014 (which I'd say has had no, to maybe an opposite, effect), the plan and process is running. Announce plan in December 2011; blocked 2012, 2013, 2014; commence process January 2015.
  6. Cool. Thanks for the link, or should I say "discovery" of this from December 6, 2011 (broken out for ease of reading). What did we learn? The plan all along is "A new nickname and logo will be chosen ... " The process could not be implemented until January 2015. "UND" or "North Dakota" is the interim solution. How can I say that? See the words "Until then ... " above. Again, in my managing senior partner scenario, I'd cut UND a lot of slack until January 2015 because they have a publicly stated plan that was halted by forces beyond "junior associate" or "managing senior partner" control. After that January 2015 date UND would get the "stink eye": they'd better be moving on this process or it's the sanction hammer. But that's me. Oh, note: The nickname process was all cranked up ... according to plan ... in January 2015. Must be coincidence.
  7. They started the process and got halted by outside forces. I guess if I were the managing senior partner I'd cut some slack.
  8. Benny: I can see your IP address. (I have Moderator powers here.) I'd like to know your response to this scenario with you playing junior associate.
  9. I hope they're wearing pants. It was too early in the morning ... < facepalm >
  10. Ah, the word "legal". There are not "legal" consequences; but, breech of the settlement agreement contract has consequences and ramifications, namely sanctions. And if it were to happen, UND's recourse would be through the courts, the legal system, potentially. But a court would laugh and say ... (wait for it) ... you're in breech.
  11. I was one of those people in 2005 saying the NCAA overstepped their bounds. Why? I'd read the bylaws. I communicated with the then administration of UND (Kupchella and Harmeson) about it. They agreed. They pushed back at the NCAA. What happened? The NCAA changed their rules so they weren't breaking them any longer. But now, seeing that and experiencing that, I see that the NCAA plays fast and loose with the rules to their benefit. Worse? The general membership has given approval and power to the Board of Governors (formerly called the Executive Committee) to keep on doing it.
  12. You're in, but wrestle amongst yourselves?
  13. The broadcast rights are owned by Clear Channel Grand Forks. WDAY-AM in Fargo is an affiliate station to the UND Athletics broadcasting network. So, a local to GF station, group, has the rights; and, a station in NDSU's backyard (NDSU's former rights holder) broadcasts UND as a radio affiliate now. Clear Channel Grand Forks really had no one to do UND Football play-by-play so they looked outside. Jack Michaels had the gig as he's outside the primary Grand Forks market. He just gave it up. Pat Sweeney is now available to fill that role as he's no longer working for/at WDAZ, a competitor to CCGF. (Yes, in media realms WDAZ being part of Forum Comm is a competitor to CCGF.)
  14. The Legislature needs to approve new facilities of any sort because even if it is built with private funds it'll be owned and maintained by the University and as such, a new ongoing State expense.
  15. Three words: "Plunder the lox!"
  16. For the lawyer types out there: You have a client. The senior managing partner of your firm walks into your office and says, "Drop that client of yours immediately. We don't do business with that industry any longer. If you keep the client, the sanction you face is dismissal. If you choose to drop them, you have two weeks to find and to transition to a new client that complies with this new firm policy." In two weeks, oh junior associate, when asked, you tell the senior managing partner, "I dropped my client." When asked who your 'new' client is you reply, "I don't have one." So what will senior managing partner do; what happens next? They may ask, "Have you tried?" And if you say yes and can prove it you may get some additional leeway. But if your response is, "No, and I'm not going to; I'm happy without a client" will you be surprised if you don't face sanction (dismissal) for not following the "find and transition to a new client" agreement you made?
  17. If dropping the old name was enough, why is there language included specific to UND about transitioning to a new nickname and logo. Yes, that does mean UND is unique in the NCAA: We're the only ones with a settlement agreement that includes having a mandate to transition to a new nickname and logo.
  18. Don't say that. That says the NCAA would be a grudge-holding group of backstabbers. Surely Marco Hunt on the ice in Boston, the Marco Hunt UND got kicked out of NCHC officiating, the Marco Hunt that was angry about it and had a grudge against UND, surely that was a fluke, a mere coincidence. The NCAA forgot all about that history and by pure randomness put Marco Hunt on the ice. Nothing more. Move along.
  19. In light of that revelation ... it's cruel ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ePIZugahFc
  20. I suspect bin's take may be correct: Midwest Comm'n may need Jack to help out during Scott Miller's battle.
  21. When I think "Harvard" I think medicine or law. When I think Harvard Athletics I think Crimson. Same story for Princeton, Yale, OK, most of the Ivys, and Stanford. Throw Duke in there as well. When I think of the school name, what they are known for academically comes to mind; toss in the word "Athletics" and the nickname comes to mind. That's for the schools that I know something about their history and academics. You say "U of Tulsa" I'll say "Golden Hurricanes" and that's all I know. Recent good case in point: All I knew about U of Akron until recently is that they play in the MAC and they are the Zips. I'm a technology guy and I didn't know that Akron is effectively "Ohio Polytechnic University". All I knew about Akron was "Zips". So in light of that, I guess my point is -- nicknames do matter because sometimes it's all people know.
  22. I believe the standard ratio is one ugly strip mall for every ten ugly cookie-cutter three-story apartment buildings. That seems to hold statewide.
  23. C'mon man, keep the board G-rated!
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