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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. In honor of Bugs Bunny's 75th birthday (today), a montage of his finest moments: http://www.cnn.com/videos/entertainment/2015/07/24/orig-lisas-desk-bugs-bunny.cnn Oh my goodness! Pure and wholesome Bugs Bunny said and did those things. So yes, times change. Like the lady at the end of the video says, " ... just like you would forgive your grandpa for saying something embarrassing, Bugs Bunny we forgive you." And TR would be your grandpa's grandpa.
  2. I never know with you. A smiley for tone would help.
  3. It's always fun to compare the pre-season lists to the post-season lists.
  4. They could've used you ... as long as you were properly "tuned" (with a couple-thir-teen-four-teen Bud Light Limes in ya ).
  5. It was an after standard work hours rally (5 pm), wasn't it. I guess I'm not going to buy that take.
  6. For the audience playing along at home: If you had to guess at the break down of the "no nickname" camp .... __% really sincerely mean no nickname and won't use the old name __% want no nickname so they can de facto the old one into the void __% want no nickname because they believe they can get the old nickname back some day
  7. Ahh ... but it was supposed to be a "no nickname" rally, aimed at just those folks (like you as you say), but somehow it got overwhelmed by the "old nickname forever" point of view. What does that say about what is reality.
  8. Using absolute characterizations of the other POV is setting yourself up to be shown wrong, as has been shown here time and again. Having said that, the "we don't need a nickname" rally last Friday lost some credibility when many of its speakers brought up the old moniker. If we don't need a moniker why bring up the old one at all. It just served to better make a case for the "no nickname is just de facto old nickname" argument. Now I'm sure there were some there sincere in wanting no nickname; but they became harder to find because of the others.
  9. Food for thought: When did the NCAA jump into the nickname fray? Dare I say after they knew their preferred outcome wasn't going to happen. What do you believe the NCAA's desired outcome of this is. And if that doesn't happen?
  10. OK, so I broke down and read the Addendum. I see two key portions: On page 1, it only stipulates that "UND has retired the 'Fighting Sioux' nickname and logo" On page 2, item 3: "It is further agreed that on the date of signing this agreement, the University of North Dakota will be removed from any list of institutions not in compliance with the Policy, if it has not already been removed from such list, provided the University remains in compliance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement and this Amendment." (emphasis added) That says the Settlement Agreement still rules and as such the NCAA can define the word "new" from the Settlement Agreement how and when it chooses. It seems the ND AG got us off the list for a while with this addendum; but, what stops the NCAA from highlighting the word "new" and saying what's your new nickname? Or just define a new policy ("Thoust shalt have a nickname.") whenever it chooses.
  11. Isn't an addendum an addendum to a document and the original document stands as original and governing? Otherwise, wouldn't you create a new settlement agreement that voided the old and defined the new settlement terms? I'm no lawyer and I don't carry a legal dictionary with me, but this is what I can find: Addendum. " ... an addition to a completed written document. Most commonly this is a proposed change or explanation (such as a list of goods to be included) in a contract, or some point that has been subject of negotiation after the contract was originally proposed by one party." This addendum seems like a list of definitions after the original document was written that were subject of negotiation (what can stay, what must go).
  12. I'd guess ... both. Neither wants really wants it in the hands of a third party where neither would be able to control it. The only remotely palatable third party to either side would be a tribe, and honestly, a tribe would probably mess up doing what they have to (periodically use it in commercial trade) to maintain it. A little harsh on the tribes? Meh, probably. But if you pay attention to tribal politics you can see where I'm coming from.
  13. ... today. Remember, they have a history of "Don Adam"-ing a new policy (see: August 5, 2005). And now it's even within their bylaws as the power has been given to the NCAA Executive Committee to wield as they see fit.
  14. I feel obliged to point this out: This conversation has turned "binary" meaning "nickname/no nickname". The conversation at this point is officially "hexary" meaning there are six options (until Kelley waffles in the wind again).
  15. You bet it should; but not the factor in the decision. There's only one scenario where it would be the factor: If the NCAA were to say "We see 'no nickname' as breech and you're back on the sanctions list if you go that way."
  16. I try to not run with a rumor unless I can get two independent, unconnected sources. Something like this I'd probably bump that up to three or four sources. Right now it's all "31 Flavors".
  17. Dude, you asked. And Allegiant flies direct (GFK to Mesa)! Mesa (AZA) is the town on the other side of Tempe. Here's their website. Need help booking?
  18. Phoenix (specifically the suburb of Tempe).
  19. Well, ... that's kind of safe: one's on the final five (six?) list and one isn't.
  20. It's never bad to go out on top, especially if you're going to live in that town the rest of your life.
  21. Good point. With the "leadership" recently exhibited out of 300 Twamley the front-runner probably changes as often as the wind direction.
  22. If TR is so "toxic", why are the Washington Nationals still including him in their "President's race"?
  23. In the epic and immortal words of a former poster at this site: "Anybody can say anything."
  24. Recruiters don't have to always deal in fact. They can run with innuendo. "So you're thinking about North Dakota? Well, they haven't put that whole nickname fiasco behind them; they don't have a name. Who knows what'll happen to them and their playoff chances between now and them figuring all that out."
  25. From NHL.com: The New Jersey franchise has completed its move to the new Lucifer Arena at the corner of Dante's and Eighth Circle. The franchise will continue to play under the "Devils" name and recommends fans use the new pavement on Good Intentions Road to get to the facility. New Devils owner, B. Elze Bub, had no new comments on his purchase of the team or them playing in their new venue, but he did comment that he was surprised that earlier in the day the NCAA had reversed their prior policy and is again allowing Native related nicknames. Yup, that's the press release that'll have to happen.
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