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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. They are selling hope. See: 24 team playoff.
  2. sky: You claim purposely. I say Freudian.
  3. The "silenced" folks lost in Federal court. There's not a lot to say after that.
  4. There's the conundrum: If there is a even just modicum of truth in what Goon was told, sure, "no nickname" may win, but your closing quip may have us losing in the end with the NCAA. (Your closing shows what the "no nickname" point of view is really thinking.) I personally don't want to see even the possibility of another bout with the NCAA. I'm pushing 30 years watching this quagmire (starting with a donation to refurbish parts of the old REA in the late 1980s) and it needs to reach a conclusion.
  5. I'd say funding for this phase, as built, wasn't a problem. Evidence? The State doesn't let you build unless you have the funding in hand for what you are proposing to build. Have some things been shifted from Phase One to Phase Two? Most assuredly. However, ... big honkin' building ... check100 yard football field ... check8 lane track ... checkspace in place for future contingencies (i.e. Phase Two) ... checkHonestly, for a "training facility" that's a pretty solid and important start.
  6. I still would like the NCAA officially on the record, actual document, as to their position on "no nickname" and potentialities that would flow from it. The closest we have is an email to Goon (using his media credentials) from a UND media guy recapping a phone call to an unnamed NCAA official saying how no nickname is OK ... but isn't OK if people start complaining about hearing the old name too much because there's no nickname. < insert Simone's statement about Ferris here >
  7. It's all about where you put the decimal point.
  8. In simplest context, yes. I suspect in practice the money flows through an "extra" T-account that spurs the generation and transfer of actual tickets. Before: Donation -> athletics revenues After: Donation -> tickets -> athletics revenues
  9. This man supports.
  10. Seems the similar planned plant for Grand Forks just got the inside track. I wondered how two could be constructed so near each other.
  11. It's the closest thing we have to college hockey news in August.
  12. I'll agree "in this instance". Do we know yet in the other instances?
  13. Are we sure Teague hasn't violated any laws? "Groping" is illegal in Minnesota.
  14. If the student body president said that would be done it best be done. At this point, I'm not willing to make any predictions about the sentiment of the student body.
  15. Didn't 3 of 4 students on the nickname committee vote to remove that option?
  16. But if you're using money that would go to the program already, you're just adding a step.
  17. What could a newspaper do ... let's see ... They could've gone to the U of Minnesota with their findings directly. They could've launched their own investigation. They still have investigative journalists on staff, don't they? They could've sat on their hands and let others become victims of this oaf.
  18. For UND to average 15000 this season: I saw $35 tickets for a couple games as the highest listed price. For simplicity I'll say 1/3 is $12 (round up). With five home games, a 15k average is 75k total tickets sold. 75000 * $12 is $900,000. <-- That's if some organization bought them all. That's the model Eastern Michigan has used to make the 15k average.
  19. You motivated me. I pulled down the 2015-16 NCAA DI manual (effective 8/1/15). Here are specifics: The rest of goes on to talk about "counting attendance". Specifically, in there's this:
  20. The Star-Tribune knew Teague was harassing an employee of theirs. They did nothing. And they gave the employee an impossible choice: we screw your career or you screw your career. How nice. The Star-Tribune knew of a problem and did nothing. In this case, doing nothing allowed (enabled) Teague to continue and expand his pattern. Ask yourself this: If the Star-Tribune knew Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders did this to one of their political reporters following the campaign, would they have sat on that?
  21. This Teague fellow is quite the oaf. http://www.startribune.com/star-tribune-s-rayno-adds-her-own-story-to-teague-scandal/321199871/ I'm not sure if I'm more disgusted by him or by his enablers. Based on the story, I include the Star-Tribune as one of his enablers as Teague was harassing a Star-Tribune reporter and they did nothing: The Star-Tribune, given that they offered their reporter "an action plan", knew Teague was a problem; yet, the Star-Tribune did nothing. That is the definition of an enabler.
  22. C'mon sky, the schoolyard stuff is beneath you. The "you think you're smarter than me" tactic doesn't work after elementary school. I know you have better game than that. Form a logical argument why you think darrell, Hayduke, or I are wrong and blow us up.
  23. I'm with Goon on that scenario: If UND selects a new name, even if the fans don't take to it, the NCAA won't do anything. Why do I think that? Because UND will have done what they can, controlled what is theirs to control.
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