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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Don't buy the distraction folks. And Delaware is just that, a useful distraction by the NDSU AD to give cover to Bresciani's issue with the ND SBoHE.
  2. Easy. The outcome of this will also impact UND. Like the man said ...
  3. Bresciani (in his email related to the situation) regarding an email from an alumnus said, "For even me to dip down to this level of discourse would in my experience be ill-advised." * So addressing the concerns of alumni of his university is a "dip down" for him? C'mon bison73, know your place before Bresciani. *See here, July 31, 5:24 pm
  4. And what bar they set will surely be noticed by the Carlson Cabal in the Legislature.
  5. You killed Kenny! (Mine weren't in my mailbox just now so that's why you got that.)
  6. Bresciani says his texts were "not apprpriate". You know what I don't see in Bresciani's words? An apology. Not to his AD that he threw under the bus, nor to the alumni he had no time for, nor to his university for creating this giant distraction.
  7. I'm holding out until the official rollout on August 13.
  8. http://www.inforum.com/news/4089942-education-board-reviewing-brescianis-texts-media-rules That bolded portion should give Bresciani great pause.
  9. You're misinterpreting priority points. I don't get a break on season ticket prices based on my Priority Points rank. The ticket price is the ticket price and it's the same for everyone. (Champions Club levels pay different amounts.) However, based on priority points I do get further up in line if I want to move my season ticket seats or if there are limited seats to an away game. For example, if you want to fly the UND charter to a Frozen Four, you say you'd like to get on their plane and then they fill it based on priority points rank.
  10. ... the best method there is to keep stewards of the public funds and trust accountable.
  11. Hey ... Mollberg as the holder for the PK ... that's not a bad idea at all ... I think we're well on the way to giving opposing special teams coordinators nightmares.
  12. In light of Bresciani's other issues (the non-renewal of contract for six months), in the eyes of the ND SBoHE is this new adventure in being questionably forthright: (a) a positive, (b) neutral, (c) a negative
  13. Punt formation, Mollberg as protector, and shifts under center. What happens next? I'd say the opponent burns a time out and that alone is worth it.
  14. Because they are angry at their guy for messing up but can't admit that to themselves so they refocus the ire somewhere else.
  15. I wonder if Joe Mollberg would work as the deep protector on punt formation ... either way, I'd like that on tape for other teams to fret about.
  16. Uh ... yup. http://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/23250-unds-new-radio-home-in-southern-rrv-kfgo-and-kfan/
  17. The difference: public versus private. Private CEOs are subject to their owners/shareholders. Public employees are subject to the taxpayers and the laws of that State, like FOIA. Bresciani knows that. He erred. And if you're interested in Port's driving records, ... public court records. Have at it.
  18. The cover-up is always worse than the original folly. This cover-up uncovered (verified?) the character of the players involved.
  19. When Port runs on innuendo I have a problem. In this case the proof was written by Bresciani himself and he had to know it was discoverable based on past FOIA requests from FCC and Port.
  20. He may, but it wouldn't be all that professional; let's hope if he does it he's smart enough to not do it in public or in a discoverable text or email.
  21. If facts can ruin a career, what kind of career is it?
  22. The cover-up is always worse than the original folly.
  23. Port's words aren't damning. The Forum editorial board's words aren't damning. Bresciani's own words are damning.
  24. Why hate on Port for reporting on open records. He's just reporting what happened in the participant's own words.
  25. Someone just mentioned to me that the NDUS presidents all meet with Chancellor Hageroth tomorrow. Should be a fun time.
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