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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I believe if the worker is Covid positive they work with Covid positive patients. If the worker is asymptomatic and already has it, I don't see the issue as long as they have that restricted (positives only) case load.
  2. I've said the same. It's like they slide the scripts across the table back and forth, change a couple proper nouns, a few adjectives, and a verb or two.
  3. "Zeke" Emanuel (yes, the Rahm "never let a crisis go to waste" Emanuel's brother) says at age 75 you're kaput. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/ He is also a member of Mister Biden's Covid study group. I wonder if Joe knows Zeke's view of 75+ and Zeke knows Joe's age (78).
  4. What they forgot to mention about the Pfizer vaccine: Minus 94. How many facilities in ND can store something at that temperature? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/09/covid-vaccine-pfizer-drug-is-more-than-90percent-effective-in-preventing-infection.html
  5. Here's what grinds me: Frankly, BOTH candidates have falsely claimed victory. Nobody has won (or can claim victory) until the Electoral College meets, and that can't happen until Electors are certified by their States (by the process each State uses). We had a vote on November 3. The real vote is December 14.
  6. Mister Trump tweeting like a confident man that his team has found enough to go to court. I guess we'll see if drew to an inside(r) straight, or gets the flush. Either way, Misses Pelosi got less than the ... full House ... she hoped for.
  7. 2020 came at us all sideways. The simple reply? We can do sideways.
  8. " ... irrational exuberance ... " -- Alan Greenspan
  9. https://bismarcktribune.com/business/kirkwood-mall-operator-files-for-bankruptcy/article_e623d65c-b4d6-559a-ade2-7019b42620ae.html
  10. I'd agree. Today's market moves are all about short-term, short-view market (irrational*) exuberance --> aka HOPE for a vaccine. *Credit Alan Greenspan
  11. In due fairness, the markets don't like ambiguity. They like clear resolution.
  12. Deaths in ND by age group (644 total): 80+: 406 (63%) 70-79: 125 (19.4%) 60-69: 64 (9.9%) 50-59: 29 40-49: 11 30-39: 7 20-29: 1 10-19: 1 0-9: 0
  13. A (by Pfizer's own release) 90% effective at best vaccine will inoculate a portion of the herd.
  14. Minnesota - mask mandate North Dakota - no mask mandate South Dakota - no mask mandate All three - cases* exploding *Cases.
  15. Mister Biden is calling for unity ... with folks that were called deplorable, Nazis, ugly, and chumps.
  16. How is this? I’d say that’s a call.
  17. 271 Check mark
  18. 2000: Some called it for Gore.
  19. By that standard shouldn’t all games be canceled?
  20. Teeder11 can claim to have won the President race and be as valid as a claim by either Trump or Biden. (Congrats Teeds!) Why? None have certified results by states nor do they have a vote by the electors (the electoral college).
  21. The media does not declare a winner. There is a process that must be executed. State legislatures certify results and electors to the electoral college. I find it fascinating that right after “media declared a winner” the coalition of state legislatures tested a link to this. https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/after-the-voting-ends-the-steps-to-complete-an-election.aspx
  22. Even when the word appears everywhere in just one overnight news cycle. Good demographics must spread fast in the overnight news rooms.
  23. Esquire, if I may, do you telegraph, or as you say, forecast, the nature and proof of you suit (claim, allegations, evidence) before you make your filings? At most, I’d expect, you’d announce that you’ll be brining suit.
  24. But the same word ends up on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, et al? Hint: The NYT more than likely first used the word and the rest glommed on — orchestras follow conductors.
  25. @dynato — A singular corporate vision/mission statement from all branches and divisions of a single media outlet (Sinclair) is ... well ... expected. You walk into an Ace Hardware and you seem the same red vests, signage, and product lines in every one wherever, don’t you? Now when all the various outlets, not under a single ownership umbrella, sound alike (gravitas, grifter) please explain that.
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