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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Follow the Constitutionally defined process.
  2. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/the_founders_outsmarted_the_presidential_election_fraudsters.html
  3. Most Americans: - abhor fraud - don’t know or understand Article I Section 4 or Amendment 12 (and who has final authority on selecting Electors)
  4. Who picked those state legislators? I can name my three I voted for. Closing thought: We are a republic, not a true democracy. Pick your representatives well. They vote for you the vast majority of the time, like say every legislative session.
  5. Georgia 2020 making a run at claiming the title of worst run election ever from Florida 2000? https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/calls-for-floyd-county-elections-director-to-resign-after-2600-not-counted I have faith Pennsylvania 2020 will make a run at the title.
  6. Tweets versus filings — their intended audience is not the same. You are one hundred percent correct.
  7. The complaint is unequal treatment under A14. Philadelphia County voters got calls to come in and repair their mail in ballots. Other counties did not. And, the calls were before election day and none of those "come fix" ballots should've been reviewed until election day. So, how do you know who to call (before election day) when you're not supposed to do anything with the ballots until election day.
  8. Withdrew? I read they amended the claims to be tighter and more focused.
  9. And somewhere @MafiaMan smiles ...
  10. Budabing. Budaboom. Honestly, I'd bring (Skinny Joey) Merlino in for a chat. I'd let him make his claims, but he'd better have the proof, as in rock solid irrefutable. And if that meant letting him walk on a lifetime of crime, versus what he'd be uncovering, it's an ugly trade, but one I'd make. But who knows how to deal with east coast mob guys, or much less how they operate to know if you should even give them the time of day. If only Trump had access to a prosecutor that cleaned up the mob, in say, New York City.
  11. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/trump-lawyer-tweets-article-alleging-philly-mob-boss-may-reveal-stole-election-exchange-full-expungement-criminal-record/ Uze wanz sumpin done in Philly? Yaz gotz ta callz Skinny Joey.
  12. (Credit @Oxbow6 for cluing me in to the site.) Why the precipitous hammer-drop in new infections starting ... basically today (no matter the assumptions used). http://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/north-dakota?view=infections-testing&tab=trend&test=infections
  13. It's much easier to control a few monopolistic mega-corps than thousands and thousands of small businesses.
  14. Brad approves, ... but what was his opinion of Sturgis again?
  15. 病毒变成病毒
  16. My fear is that far too many politicians answer the question Where does electricity come from? by pointing at the wall outlet and their knowledge ends there.
  17. Yes, old dead batteries are an issue. I'm glad you brought that up. I'd hope the answer would be recycle. The question you're not asking is: How are wind towers retired? The answer is ... not well. And it's not just us; the Germans have the same problem.
  18. I'm so glad you brought up "January". We were closer than many want to admit to rolling blackouts in January 2019. It was overcast, and it was colder than -22F so the auto-disable on the wind towers was active (to prevent damage from cold). https://news.minnkota.com/post/polar-vortex-reflections Many don't like when I say we need battery technology to advance before we can go renewables (solar, wind). Here's the proof. The only way the lights stayed on was fossil (coal, nat gas) and nuclear, and managing down baseline load (off-peak loads being shut off). ... and we know Mister Biden and Missus Harris' views on fossil.
  19. Wash your hands. Cover your cough. Stay home if you're not feeling well. I heard all that last winter, and the winter before, and the winter before ... it's how you fight a ... flu virus.
  20. Thought question of the day: The entire US electrical grid goes down for 100 hours. Where would you rather be: - Times Square in Manhattan, NY - Downtown Fargo, ND - A working farmyard in some ND county that doesn't border the Red The lack of electricity will not destroy the city; its effects will. Imagine when there's no fresh water ... and no sewage lifts ... in NYC.
  21. For those of you who ignored or forgot high school civics. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/the_founders_outsmarted_the_presidential_election_fraudsters.html
  22. Mister Biden got more votes than Hillary Clinton or Mister Obama. And yet the R pick up 12 House seats? Something in those two data points does not align.
  23. It would be tempting to walk in and loudly offer a free drink to any health care worker with ID and see how many are out. And then ask why they are out if it’s so terrible.
  24. I’d comment on Notre Dame’s offense but I guess we all have to wait to tonight to see it.
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