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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Fox is bleeding viewer to NewsMax since the night of Nov 3 (and an AZ call).
  2. My CHN app says there'll be a couple college hockey games this weekend. Friday: ASU@Michigan; Wisconsin@NotreDame Saturday: LIU@Army; ASU@Michigan; Wisconsin@NotreDame Now ... television? Please?
  3. Worst I've direct knowledge of (neighbor): Winded. Tired. Tested. Positive. Was initially sent home to quarantine (and get worse). Five days in-patient. Out now. Still gets winded. Thought he should feel better. Has family history of heart issues. Went in to cardiologist. Fifty percent blockage. Crazy as this sounds, he claims Covid saved his life (because he'd been ignoring chest symptoms pre-Covid.) My statement to him: You have family history and ignored chest symptoms before Covid?
  4. So, you've got it. Now what? Here is where the ND Health site links you: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html Read that course of care. It reads like treating a flu (without a mention of chicken soup). What they fail to cover is adequately under "When to seek emergency medical attention" is a key. They mention confusion or falling asleep or turning blue. All of those are signs of low pulse Ox. Frankly, they should be giving every positive a finger tip pulse Ox tester and tell folks to test with it twice daily and if goes below X call you doctor and get in. Don't wait for the physical respiratory manifestations; get ahead of it.
  5. Unfortunately too many voters fall into the "my guy won" category and are content with thinking no further. Me? Win or lose I want to make sure the process is followed and carried out to make sure, win or lose, it was all square.
  6. As I look up at the flag that draped his casket, ... "Thanks, Dad."
  7. All I'll say about Covid-19 is this: It's rather coincidental that it started in China and Trump was taking China to task on trade and currency valuation, and that it appeared just in time to be a confounding factor in a US election cycle.
  8. You mean the lockdowns that worked so well the first time that right now Europe has the highest per capita case rates (higher than the US).
  9. That'll get you called all sort of ugly epithets by some. Others might even put you on a list.
  10. I wanted the recounts in 2016 to quiet the concerns.
  11. Pure anecdote, but heard yesterday on radio: Caller told host that everyone eligible in their house got a mail-in ballot (3 total: mom, dad, college age kid). Mom and dad don't normally vote so college kid fills out and has them sign. College kid just got 3 Biden votes; dad works for a fracking company, mom works in restaurant business. (Let's politely say mom was a tad displeased at her child.) Blame? On mom and dad for signing and not knowing what they signed. If it was in-person, mom and dad probably wouldn't have voted in this scenario.
  12. The statistic is something like 70% of R voters believe 'irregularities' took place. That kind of number (50 million voters or so) questioning the system is not good for the country. The processes needs to follow through. Recounts. Claims investigated. Do I believe it'll turn the called election? No, I don't.(More on called in a minute.) But following the process and investigating the claims is a step to restoring trust and faith in the system. And without that faith in the system we have nothing. And if you believe you are the legitimate winner you should be out front calling for the recounts and investigations to confirm the legitimacy. Now, about called. I don't like media calling the election. There is a process. We don't have a winner until December 14 and the Electoral College vote. And that happens after States certify votes and electors. There's a lot of process that still must be followed. That someone has not conceded or congratulated is not an issue to me ... until we have a winner on December 14. After that, not congratulating, it's poor form. Finally, we have a system that is ripe for fraud (whether it's there or not). One false or illegal ballot is wrong because it negates a legal one. I believe in-person voting should be required (including either a photo of who voted for facial recognition, or election ink) save for the rarest of cases (infirmity, military service) and you should have to prove in some manner you are of age to vote and live in that polling district. If my plan requires the polls to be open 24 hours a day from a Saturday to a Tuesday to accommodate everyone, so be it.
  13. Deborah Birx?
  14. Would you take it?
  16. In your 50-50 scenario, if Manchin were to declare as he's declared (we keep filibuster, and no Court packing) and Senator Schumer* tried to squeeze Manchin hard, Manchin does have the ultimate leverage on Schumer. It'd go like ... "Really Chuck, Really? You're gonna do me like that. You really think you have me jammed up. I have Mitch on the other line and he's fitting me for an "R" right now. He really likes 51-49 and "majority leader" back by his name, and you should see the committee chair I'm getting now. See ya later, Chuck. Say "bye" to Ilhan and AOC for me." *Schumer would be majority lead if Biden was in WH as Harris would break Senate ties
  17. Virus gonna virus.
  18. Hint about masks -- Look into cases of pneumonia without Covid lately. Folks aren't washing their re-use masks.
  19. I like what Manchin is saying, but can he follow through?
  20. I'd say it's a coin flip.
  21. Must .... not ... type ... HAMMER ... and ... SCORECARD!
  22. The common cold? Influenza? Chicken pox? MMR vaccine ... but it's still out there. Hepatitis vaccine? Out there. Rabies vaccine? Out there. Best claim might be polio, or small pox.
  23. I'm pretty sure there is a segregated area for just Covid patients. If they can set up that, or a floor, and designate a stairwell or elevator for just that usage they could create an isolation ward (effectively for both patients and staff).
  24. Virus gonna virus ... even into arguments at today's SCOTUS ACA hearings. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/thomas-poses-mask-mandate-question-during-supreme-court-aca-hearing-n1247265
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