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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. That forensic investigation is happening.
  2. Lawyering up is fine. Standing up a Legislature, not so much. Dominion was rejected by the State of Texas, not once, not twice, but thrice, in the last decade. That alone should raise some questions.
  3. Because as you first read it your emotional brain said "Mmm-Hmmm, yeah baby" but then your rational-logical brain chimed in "Remember last time you were at PeopleOfWalmart.com? They'll be there ... in volume." <-- Coolness factor plummets.
  4. If nothing else, for the humor: @catturd2 (Twitter or Parler) Want hard core political conservative (with Catholic bent)? Mike Church --> @TheKingDude
  5. She's a bu grad.
  6. Same Dominion story link:
  7. Why'd Dominion Voting Systems back out of hearings with the PA legislature at the last minute. (And lawyer up to boot.) https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-dominion-backs-out-of-hearing-before-penn-legislature
  8. @Frozen4sioux Is CHI #19 in the one photo Troy Murray?
  9. John Fitzgerald Kennedy surely would not be.
  10. "The position is so important the game should be renamed Goalie." -- Dean Blais
  11. No, he meant that small, flesh-eating fish.
  12. Two years and a day. Per A25 that allows Harris to fill out (less than half of) an unfinished term plus two full terms of her own.
  13. Covid cases are on the rise. Days are getting shorter (and have since June 21). When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. Vitamin D is a key to supporting a healthy immune system. Hmmm ... must all be coincidence.
  14. The pod is a pea short?
  15. Top side one or bottom side one?
  16. I wonder if Goon will say who he's been talking C/D/zinc with ... My neighbor (a chiropractor) gave me the advice above, plus to buy a finger tip pulse Ox and to check twice a day. Like you said, you might feel fine and not realize what else is going on. Pulse and pulse Ox are tell-tale indicators even if you think you're asymptomatic.
  17. Would it be wrong to take my "free drinks" offer to Grand Forks but change "health care" to "school system employees"?
  18. Meanwhile, in Alberta, ... this guy says https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/top-pathologist-claims-covid-19-greatest-hoax-ever-perpetrated-unsuspecting-public
  19. So, can we hire the Canadians to run future elections for us? Paper ballots; hand counts; multiple sets of eyes on the count.
  20. It is. The problem is when the hosting service squelches one side of those voices or declares itself the supreme arbiter of truth.
  21. To prove his sincerity and gravitas, Governor Walz should voluntarily wear an ankle tracker (key held by MN Senate majority leader) and his real-time location should be available to every Minnesotan via a web browser for the duration of this lockdown. No, actually, as long as he maintains "Executive Powers". Minnesotans deserve to know where their sovereign is at all times in crisis.
  22. Bust out the stogies and the dimly lit back room ... but maintain social distance.
  23. Single variate thinking in a multivariate world is failure. Translated: If all you are concerned about is Covid, you're accepting lockdown delayed deaths due to mental health and undiagnosed medical problems that could've been dealt with before they became fatalities. Life is risk management.
  24. Those reusable grocery bags are full of crap ... literally. Want to be grossed out more? Follow the link. You can wash them but most don't get to a high enough temperature to do any good. https://www.bagtheban.com/learn-the-facts/health/#:~:text=Reusable bags can harbor bacteria,fecal matter and other pathogens.
  25. As much as "Saint JP the Deuce"* was correct in that we have created a culture of death, too many of us fear or deny our own mortality and that of our loved ones. Many do not accept it and believe it can be overcome. (Only One has done that.) I wish death upon no one. But death comes to all. A natural death (and viruses are nature**) is a natural outcome of life. *I had a good vibe with the man, he let me call him JP the Deuce. **Unless someone screwed with the nature of the virus. There are different words for that. Closing though: I've buried a mother and three aunts in 2020.
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