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Where in the world is PCM?


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Here is the thing folks players do read the board when they are being attacked by posters with no names.

Here is the other thing: So do athletic directors and other administrators.

I'd say if it's happened out there for all to see or in the public record it's out there for discussion. If it's a rumor (or "I know a secret" info) how do we know if it's true or if it's someone waging a smear campaign.

Shouldn't the standard be to "discuss what has happened in public (or as public record)" instead of "discuss what has rumoredly happened privately or behind closed doors" to folks in visible positions in UND athletics?

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Here is the other thing: So do athletic directors and other administrators.

I'd say if it's happened out there for all to see or in the public record it's out there for discussion. If it's a rumor (or "I know a secret" info) how do we know if it's true or if it's someone waging a smear campaign.

Shouldn't the standard be to "discuss what has happened in public (or as public record)" instead of "discuss what has rumoredly happened privately or behind closed doors" to folks in visible positions in UND athletics?

you are correct wow --I am amazed at your overall knowledge of sports. You must have lettered!

What sport was it that you played? Did you have a C on your chest. :D

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Here is the other thing: So do athletic directors and other administrators.

I'd say if it's happened out there for all to see or in the public record it's out there for discussion. If it's a rumor (or "I know a secret" info) how do we know if it's true or if it's someone waging a smear campaign.

Shouldn't the standard be to "discuss what has happened in public (or as public record)" instead of "discuss what has rumoredly happened privately or behind closed doors" to folks in visible positions in UND athletics?

Then you might want to stick to traditional media outlets. This isn't what forums like this were founded upon, and quite frankly would make for a very boring discussion board that would attract very few new participants. Phone calls regarding hockey recruits accepting verbal offers from coaches happen behind closed doors, for example. But that's positive so it's okay to discuss it? That's why I come here...to get the inside scoop that isn't available by traditional means. If that means taking the good with the bad, so be it.

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This isn't what forums like this were founded upon, and quite frankly would make for a very boring discussion board that would attract very few new participants.

Ya know, I won't disagree with that.

But I will say the following:

Before you post it here ask yourself, "Would I say this to the person's face?"

When you post it here, you just may have.

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Why would you post it if you wouldnt say it. the worse thing ive done on here was my shananigans last week and called out the "Dirty Diggler" for having a goofy name. :D Only athletic attack i think ive made on this board that was personnal, was me bashing Pat Arnason(rrhs) for having a bad game. must say his performance was exceptional tonight (against roseau).

just speaking for myself.

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I am all in for The Triouxper being reinstated, preferably asap. I did not follow the rumbe on this board that apparently led to his, and presumably others, suspension but frankly, I suspect that his conduct was not that egregious. After all, this is hockey and this is a hockey board. We are not discussing fine wine and crumpets for crying out loud. Some healthy disagreements and, dare I say, a little bit of name-calling has always been a part of the game, like it or not. To expect anything more civilized of its fans is probably a bit unreasonable and a shade well too PC for me. I have four basis rules of conduct at a hockey game. No profanity. No racism. No sexism. No pushing, shoving, or punching. These rules are, of course, for the fans, not the players. If I were the Administrator here, and sometimes I wish that I was given the income stream that it likely generates regardless of its so-called hassles and headaches, I would probably let things play out a bit more without pulling a Wally Karbo on boys and girls so quickly. Of course, I am not the Administrator so I respect the way in which they decide to mete out fines and suspensions. After all, this is a private board.

This said, for those who know him, The Triouxper is as passionate about Sioux hockey as any fan I have met. He knows far more about the game that I do, and while that is not saying much, he knows far more about the intricacies of the game than some of those whom I consider to be solid hockey scientists. Like many, including me, he has a firm policy of never badmouthing members of the squad. My reasons, and his, for doing so are many and varied. Despite it being big time D-I hockey, these players, many of whom are still boys, are still amatuers, playing the game for passion, fun, and, most importantly, for the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back of the jersey.

While I agree that it is fair to note that someone may not have played a particularly solid game, remember that hockey, perhaps more than any other sport, is a team game, and that every skater on the ice is relying on others to be where they should be and to be doing what they should be doing. Singling out a single player for inept play to me makes little sense, and makes those doing so sound a bit inadequate, foolish, and lacking knowledge and passion for those things most important. I respect the right of folks to whine about individual players, because I can simply view them as disconnected, misaligned, and without heart. More importantly, I can choose not to read the thread, pass over any number of comments, or use the 'ignore" button that I have never looked for and would probably never use.

I will trade a Triouxper reinstatement for a basket of fines and suspensions against The Source anyday, regardless of the fact that The Source, is, of course, a horse of passion and pride for Fighting Sioux hockey.

Glad to see that some of the early season naysayers are again climbing aboard The Sioux Train.

ps. As for PCM, he brings much to this board and I always enjoy his posts. This said, this board is much bigger than PCM and will survive the absence of most any member. I think that it is great that PCM has, for whatever reasons, decided to focus his life, time, and writings in directions other than wasting time here. Frankly, it is frightening to see how much time is wasted on this board with banal inanities. I hope that many of us are not at work while reading and posting because, if we are, we are probably stealing from our employers more than we should be.

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ps. As for PCM, he brings much to this board and I always enjoy his posts. This said, this board is much bigger than PCM and will survive the absence of most any member. I think that it is great that PCM has, for whatever reasons, decided to focus his life, time, and writings in directions other than wasting time here. Frankly, it is frightening to see how much time is wasted on this board with banal inanities. I hope that many of us are not at work while reading and posting because, if we are, we are probably stealing from our employers more than we should be.

Stealing is such an ugly word. Can't we just say it's a

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I'll make a few comments about some of the moderation and appropriateness topics.

I agree that people should be able to criticize players' and other public figures' public performance (not personal lives, except aspects that are otherwise in the news), though I would only do so myself with extreme care. Everyone should definitely follow Sicatoka's advice (which I think he stole from me) that before posting something negative about someone, you should think about if you would say it to their face.

The call for less moderation is interesting, in that comments are usually in the opposite direction, that we let too much go. That's a helpful reminder that plenty of reasonable people disagree and that no matter where we set the bar, there will be people who think it's wrong in both directions. The feedback from discussions like these is helpful, and I always read it carefully.

One thing that's started to concern us in moderating that you might not think about is reputational impact on UND. Most of the people talked about here do read the board or at least occasionally find out what is being said about them. When people search for information about UND or these people, this site is near the top of the search results. In those ways, the discussions here are a reflection on UND. Since SiouxSports.com is a reflection on me, I'm interested in that reflection on UND being positive. I'm happy to devote 1000s of my personal hours and dollars to bring information about UND to Sioux fans everywhere, but draw the line where I think the impact and reflection on UND becomes negative.

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What did I miss? PCM has left the SiouxSports.com board for what reason? And what did THETRIOUXPER do that was he warranted a suspension?

1) Just a hunch, but PCM probably got sick of constant personal attacks that were being tossed all over the place.

2) Whenever Triouxper didn't feel your point of view was on par with his, he politely expressed that you were an idiot and you needed to "pull your head out of your a**" and then he really went to work...

Apparently some got tired of it as did the moderators. Again just a hunch.

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