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Don't forget the occasional wicked hard, everybody get out of the way slapshot (it's a bonus if it's on goal) :D

I was thinking of the one that hit one of our players a couple of series ago, I think it was Finley and he smoked one of the forwards.

That was a hard shot.

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I look for a defenseman to be able to do 3 things fairly well.

1. Not give up scoring chances. This means no odd-mans, play the puck when appropriate, play the body when appropriate, tie up forwards crashing the net and don not let them shoot.

2. Transition the puck up the ice. Have to be able to make good breakout passes and be able to skate the puck up out of your defensive zone yourself if need be.

3. Be a calming presence in the offensive zone. I want all forwards to be confident that if they get in trouble with the puck, the points are there to bail them out and restart everything.

To be truly elite, you also should also be able to QB the powerplay, anticipate well, and really be able to lay the body.

If you don't give up ANY odd man rushes you aren't aggressive enough. Giving up too many is worse.

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A good defenseman doesn't give up odd man rushes. He pinches when he knows he will have a winger's support or when he is sure he can score.

Sidenote, a temporary 3 on 2 rush is not a dman's fault in anyone's estimation. Even if the d-man pinched, so long as there are two back, the d-man did his job. The third player should get picked upby the backchecker.

3 on 2 appears to happen to us a lot. I believe it is the result of the cycle, and the close puck support approach. Growing up, I was always taught (as a winger) to never be the third player below the goal-line. If you are the weakside winger, you can not let yourself get caught up. You should always be moving your feet, with your stick on the ice ready to receive a pass and go to the net. If the puck gets coughed up, you need to do a stop and start and get backchecking.

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you have to admit the possiblity is intriguing... ;)

yea ok it is intriguing but who are you hrkac to think the best coach in the country wouldn't have thought of this line combo before you did :D;) "7-16-10" ................. and just for the record Genoway rocks on offence

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Didn't Miller have a hat trick at Mankato last year?? Maybe he gets another shot on the top line because of that, but I would like to see what Kozek could on that line as well (since Hak shot down the Genoway combo).

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The Mavs are in dire need of points and will have steam coming from the nostrils on this cold WCHA weekend. Jutting, as much of an arse as he is, will have his boys stoked to go. Something always strange, and oftentimes fun, happens in Mankato. A few seasons back, as I recall, Fabian notched a hatty in a 10-0 Sioux win.

The Sioux will need to be focused, smart, and hard hitting from the opening drop to the final whistle to come out of the weekend with four points. Let's avoid the injury bug, take a game DQ for fighting by someone only if necessary, and roar out of that dump of a river town with another sweep.

Say, BTW, seeing how this is Minnesota, will they let folks outside of the arena between periods to stoke up a heater? Maybe a cigarette to boot?

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Didn't Miller have a hat trick at Mankato last year?? Maybe he gets another shot on the top line because of that, but I would like to see what Kozek could on that line as well (since Hak shot down the Genoway combo).

Miller didn't make the trip because he is really sick. Tim Hennessey said that Evan Trupp will be on the top line.

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and thats what jones does. he rarely makes defensive mistakes and doesnt need to put up big points or many points at all. he will never be all wcha as they look at points mostly with a good defensive game but jones is rock solid and the article was nice to read on him and what hak said.

I agree. If he's solid in his own end, limits or eliminates opponent scoring chances, and can move the puck (either carry or pass) it out of his own zone then that's all you need from your D.

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DOT Part DEUX! Let's hope Trupp is the missing link 7 and 16 have been looking for.

Sioux Sweep 4-2, 6-1.

Love Trupp's tenacity and he'll click with Osh and Dunc. I say Trupp gets at least 2 goals this weekend playing with those 2. Sioux Sweep 5-0, 5-0 :D

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Kozek then steps in with Zajac and Frattin?? That sets up for a solid 3rd line as well. Will be interseting to see if Davidson stays on the 4th line tonight. Hope he does as I like what he brought last Sat.

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Miller didn't make the trip because he is really sick. Tim Hennessey said that Evan Trupp will be on the top line.

Wow. The top line that we have been waiting all year to see!

Trupp has acclimated to the WCHA, and is now looking really good out there. Something tells me that he will click well with Oshie and Duncan and that we will see this line for the rest of the season.

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Last year's fight

One of the funniest moments I have ever seen in a hockey game was when Kaip took a few punches to the head, knew he couldn't get DQ'd again, but looked at Hak asking permission to fight against Bruess. Priceless.

That was hilarious. I was sitting down at that end and Kaip had the guy at arms length and kept skating towards the bench asking if he could go. The guys on the bench were all shouting for him to let loose and Hak just kept shaking his head no. Kaip was really bummed. :ohmy:

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