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Another reason he was able to balance the budget, but as Shawn-O points out there is more to an athletic budget than break even points....

I guess Buning must not subscribe to the theory that it takes money (more marketing) to make money (more tickets sold). It seems like common sense to me, but what do I know? ;)

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My company's legal department disagrees with you.

I'm glad you are so confident that you can write there is "no legal grounds for anything aka a lawsuit". I just haven't seen enough documentation yet to be confident either way.

I am not sure if a public university is different, but

The state of North Dakota is a "Right-to-Work" state,

but moreover.....does not have an exemption for "Covenant-of-good-faith" of the "Employment-at-Will" doctorine.

I don't know where your company is located but in ND I can be fired for any reason, but that is why there is a judicial system and things can change.

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I am not sure if a public university is different, but

The state of North Dakota is a "Right-to-Work" state,

but moreover.....does not have an exemption for "Covenant-of-good-faith" of the "Employment-at-Will" doctorine.

I don't know where your company is located but in ND I can be fired for any reason, but that is why there is a judicial system and things can change.

I thought the discussion was more focused on lawsuit possibilities than whether or not Buning could be fired in the first place. I think we'd all agree he can be fired, the questions come in as to whether UND has reason not to pay him for the terms of his contract, or conversely, does Buning have cause to sue for damages above and beyond his contract terms.

However, this isn't entirely true...

in ND I can be fired for any reason

Ask George Ellis. You have to be able to convince a judge though.

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Does it really matter in the long run what's going on? I guess I don't understand why people care so much about what's going on behind the scenes......what's important is what happens on the field/ice/court/track/course IMHO.

It's all about the athletes.

Hockey Mom the Pinacle of reason and good thoughts.. ;)

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And to the others UND is fine, so administration hired a person that didn't work out, UND rep is still in hand and most of us could care less if the Bison fans respect UND. Really, honestly!!!

If Bunning is the problem he has to go... Its a fact of life that sometimes the wrong person is hired and must be let go.

I think in the publics eyes this may not be the only problem. It appears that Bunning did what he was asked to do, it pissed off some people and he's suffereing the repercussions of a few influential coaches who complained to Harmeson and he obviously has Kuppys blessings to get rid of Bunning. Call it what you want but by most objective standards its shady and borders on much more then that. I won't be surprised if this creates another lawsuit for UND to have to defend.

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I think in the publics eyes this may not be the only problem. It appears that Bunning did what he was asked to do, it pissed off some people and he's suffereing the repercussions of a few influential coaches who complained to Harmeson and he obviously has Kuppys blessings to get rid of Bunning. Call it what you want but by most objective standards its shady and borders on much more then that. I won't be surprised if this creates another lawsuit for UND to have to defend.

I'd be very surprised if you have the faintest clue about which you are talking.
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I'd be very surprised if you have the faintest clue about which you are talking.

Say what you will but that newspaper link und92 just posted seems to back my point up. Ignore the facts though and believe what you will. My comments were based on what I've read, seen on tv and from those who I've talked with. In general it those opinions do not sound good for the way it was handled. Carry on.

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I agree with dagies...Dr. Kupchella seems to be acknowledging the success of the entire UND athletic department of which Mr. Buning is part. I wouldn't characterize this letter as an indication of "strong support" for Mr. Buning as suggested by the Herald.

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I think that it's important to note that as of June 18 at the latest, there were apparently some concerns about Buning's performance on the part of Kupchella. Knowing what we now know, you don't have to read too far between the lines to interpret some of the quotes in a letter from Kupchella to Buning as being less than 100% supportive: link (scroll down to "Buning review").

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I think that it's important to note that as of June 18 at the latest, there were apparently some concerns about Buning's performance on the part of Kupchella. Knowing what we now know, you don't have to read too far between the lines to interpret some of the quotes in a letter from Kupchella to Buning as being less than 100% supportive: link (scroll down to "Buning review").

And how did Kupchella address those concerns? By shoving Harmeson in the middle effective July 1. That was the equivalent of pulling the plug if you ask me, at least that's how it typically plays out in the corporate world. The whole thing screamed "I don't want to deal with this".

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