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  DaveK said:

If you think about it objectively, all knees are pretty vulnerable when you're on the ice and wearing skates. If you're trying to imply that Ulf Samuelsson just hurt people and never made plays, your credibility just went right out the window. He isn't a Pittsburgh legend for not making plays. :angry:

He's a Pittsburgh legend for being a dirty player.

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  DaveK said:

I was almost ready to let it go until Ulf Samuelsson's name got dragged into the mud. That got my blood boiling big-time. How anybody can badmouth a great physical player like Ulf while at the same time applauding the goon tactics of thugs like Derek Boogard makes my head spin.

I stand firmly behind my opinion that Ulf's style of play served a purpose within the context of the game. Just ask any of his former coaches and/or teammates. I won't back down from that opinion, but I will drop the subject as long as those who feel otherwise are willing to do the same.

Ulf was an @ss. He and his brother shel were the dregs of the league. It is because of player's of that kind that the NHL is the also ran of the big 4.

I'm glad that you enjoyed Ulf's play and his career. At least someone did.

I would've been much happier without him in the league. When he played I was of the opinion that he was a dirty player. I have the same opinion of Claude Lemioux and Marchmont.

Ulf wasn't just an agitator, he literally attempted to injure other players on more than one occasion.

Mathew Barnaby is an agitator. However, he at least has the decency not to run from a fight.

  DaveK said:

I could say the same about you, Goon, and the others who disagree with me... but I won't. I'm not so full of myself as to suggest that my opinion is absolutely right and people whose opinions are the opposite of mine are absolutely wrong. I'm man enough to chalk it up as merely a difference in philosophy.

I understand that my philosophy is in the minority, and I'm okay with that. Being in the minority doesn't automatically make you wrong. After all, Christopher Columbus was in the minority when he insisted that the earth is round.

You are correct, being a minority does NOT automatically make you wrong. Thinking Ulf Sammuelson was some how not one of the dirtiest players to play in the NHL makes you wrong.

Don't just take my opinion for it, take everyone else's opinion.

  DaveK said:
I think the Forbes/Boucha incident was disgusting, as was Marty McSorely using his stick as a weapon. There's no place in the game for that kind of garbage. However, if you're using your own body and not a stick to dish out the punishment... That is where I differentiate between the two. Ulf put his own body on the line to make plays, and Penguin fans loved him for it. I think the guy who claimed a couple of pages back that Ulf couldn't have hurt himself is out of touch with logic and common sense to make such a statement. If two knees collide there is a chance that either one or the other (or both) could be injured. It's a physical game, people need to realize that. There are going to be collisions between bodies when players attempt to make a play, and sometimes guys are going to get hurt. In a perfect world nobody would ever get hurt, but that's a fairy tale.

I tried to stay out of the crap fest...but, you are clueless. If you have ever played hockey (yeah, I know you are a super knowledgeable fan), you would know that knee to knee hits are one of the worst things that can happen to a player. I couldn't count the number of time I have been jabbed in the ribs with a stick or slashed in the back of the legs with a stick, none of them compare to knee to knee hits. I don't care if it is done by another person's body.

And to call somebody "out of touch with logic and common sense" to say that Ulf sticking his knee out to hit someone else's knee is just as dangerous for both involved...(insert something here about a pot calling a kettle black).

P.S. My OPINION is that 80's music sucked then and sucks now. :angry:;)

  The Whistler said:

Check the record. He charged Bina with his back turned to him for the entire time. He knew that there was a delayed penalty (Adam was in his line of vision which would mean no hit was necessary as the play would stop as soon as Bina touched the puck). Bina was not moving and was standing that dangerous distance from the boards during the entire time that Paukovich was building up his charge. (30 feet?)

Paukovich not only hit him with a ton of speed but he crouched before and extended (during) the hit in order to create the most possible force into him.

Now I can't look into his head but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that any hockey player knew that that hit with the opposing player in that position would very likely go head first into the boards with a large degree of force.

Any informed look at the video will confirm those facts.

Convincing arguments!

Sounds like a criminal act where with the right jury Paukovich could have gone to jail for assault and or in a civil case could have been sued and made to pay damages for the injuries suffered. If I were Paukovich I would rather take the beating like a man than go to court as a defendant.

  DaveK said:

I believe that players should be penalized, fined, and suspeded (but not beat up) when they ram somebody head first into the boards. As for knee to knee contact... They're both on skates for crying out loud, which puts both knees in a weak position. Please find me a physics expert who will vouch for this ridiculous theory about how one knee is in a stronger position than the other. The fact of the matter is that Ulf put his own knee on the line when he made that play. He was lucky not to hurt himself, but great players put their bodies on the line for the greater good of the team.

Physics expert...put on a pair of skates and we can go try it.

Oh wait, would that make me a physical player or a dirty player?


  The Whistler said:
He's a Pittsburgh legend for being a dirty player.

He is a infamous for ending the career of Cam Neely.

Ulf Samuelsson (Born March 26, 1964, in Fagersta, V
  Goon said:

Announcer knew Ulfie's reputation, "You live by the sword, you die by the sword and this guy has done this to many guys in the league."

During the Neely fight, all I could think was, "Kick his a$$, SeaBass!!! :angry:

  The Whistler said:

First of all the injury was not unintentional. Any player hitting another player like that knows that it's likely to cause an injury. The fact that DaveK makes excuses for Paukovich really shows his mentality.

But let's talk about the lack of fighting in college hockey and some of the consequences. In other leagues you don't have players running the goalies but it's rampant in college hockey. In an earlier comment you stated that the officials will take care of it. That if the player continues to commit the infractions the coach will take care of the matter.

I say that the two minutes that officials usually call for running the goalie doesn't deter them at all. If Don Lucia didn't want Ben Gordon to run the goalie every chance he got then yes Lucia would do something about.

I would say that Lucia feels that two minutes is a small price to pay for taking the goalie out of his game (if not the game itself). The only deterrent for Gordon last year was when a Mankato (if memory serves) player punched him enough times that the official through both players out for fighting.

An example closer to home was when we were playing Mankato at home. Phil took a knee to the head without even a call. Mankato was able to score once (or was it twice) in short order while he undoubtedly had cobwebs. That running the goalie cost us a game.

Now in a perfect world the officials would take care of it. But they don't in the real world. The lack of fighting gives a green light to run the goalies which hurts the game and leads to more injuries than would otherwise occur.

are you talking about last December when Tormey got hurt? cause if memory serves me correctly that was Blake Wheeler and not Ben Gordon. Just saying. either way, punky deserved what he got and he knew it was coming, so nope not feeling sorry for him.

  siouxforeverbaby said:

are you talking about last December when Tormey got hurt? cause if memory serves me correctly that was Blake Wheeler and not Ben Gordon. Just saying. either way, punky deserved what he got and he knew it was coming, so nope not feeling sorry for him.

I think that was the one where the goalie got his wrist cut real bad. In the video it looked to me that the defense knocked the gopher off his feet so you couldn't really blame the gopher (damn).

I'm sorry this was the game against Denver that Gorden ran the goalie and then got 5 minutes for fighting even though he didn't throw a punch.

He had to sit out the first game against the Sioux which Frank the Rug thought was terrible. I think I still got those two games on the computer.

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