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Something Smells Fishy ...


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This does not come as a surprize to me:


I don't think that I could ever put into words what the Engelstads have done for UND.

The Forum went fishing this morning:

Forum Editorial: Secrecy taints UND logo case

Without coming down on one side or the other regarding the appropriateness of the University of North Dakota
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Why is it so important to know who the donors are. Is the Forum concerned that the state is providing the funding? Otherwise, why does it really matter where the money is coming from? Do they think it's the Ku Klux Klan? What are they thinking they will find.

Now that we know about the Engelstad Foundation, what's going to chap their (the Forum) hide next?

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I heard Ed Schultz say on the radio this week the donors don't want their names public, "because they know they are wrong."

How about a case of I want to do something for the University that I care so much about without having to yell, "I'm giving more money to my school.......everybody look at me, look at me, I'm putting another $50 in the collection plate! woohhooo $50 over here look at all my money!!"

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I heard Ed Schultz say on the radio this week the donors don't want their names public, "because they know they are wrong."

Donors probably don't want their names public because they'll only get trashed by "fine" media organizations like the Fargo Forum. :glare:

Don't believe me? You just wait: They'll dig Mr. Engelstad up just to bury him again. (Sorry Ralph. RIP.)

Still don't believe me? Today's Fool'em headline: Engelstad behind NCAA battle

Not breech of contract. Not lack of good faith dealing. Nope. A man who has (attention Fargo Forum) been dead for five years!

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Oh God, I love it when the Fargo Fraud strives to be relevant, instead of lining for a bird cage. Of course, anytime UND is involved their hacks, like Ms. Dalrymple again, man the ramparts and shake their little fists to the north. Perhaps the good UND fans in/around Fargo should cancel their subscriptions, and donate that money to the new litigation fund. :glare::love:

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Oh God, I love it when the Fargo Fraud strives to be relevant, instead of lining for a bird cage. Of course, anytime UND is involved their hacks, like Ms. Dalrymple again, man the ramparts and shake their little fists to the north. Perhaps the good UND fans in/around Fargo should cancel their subscriptions, and donate that money to the new litigation fund. :glare::D

The trouble with Sioux fans is their so use to the "everything is great at UND reporting" from the Herald that anything that's not in that category is deemed trash. :love:

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The trouble with Sioux fans is their so use to the "everything is great at UND reporting" from the Herald that anything that's not in that category is deemed trash. :glare:

Show me the last negative to NDSU story the Forum has written.

I'll show you at least three slaps at UND that have been in the Herald this week.

Although that shouldn't surprise anyone given they are both ForumComm. I'd say "conspiracy" but it's so overt that "agenda" fits better.

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Show me the last negative to NDSU story the Forum has written.

I'll show you at least three slaps at UND that have been in the Herald this week.

Although that shouldn't surprise anyone given they are both ForumComm. I'd say "conspiracy" but it's so overt that "agenda" fits better.

Just go back over the last 3 years with McFooly articles and you'll have a ton. Like I said you consider slaps anything not in the "UND is great category" No one has trashed NDSU more than the Herald over the years.

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Just go back over the last 3 years with McFooly articles and you'll have a ton. Like I said you consider slaps anything not in the "UND is great category" No one has trashed NDSU more than the Herald over the years.

McFeely is a columnist out to sell papers (see: Ed Schultz in ink). He's equal opportunity: He'll trash or suck up to any one at any time as long as it sells papers.

Show me a staff editorial (Op/Ed page) from the Forum leadership questioning NDSU's actions in anything. I can show you many Herald editorials questioning UND.

Recent case:

The High Plains Reader broke the recent open meeting story.

Not The Forum.

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Would you give money to something that you know is wrong? Does that make any sense? Consider the source. :glare:

Ed Schultz is nothing more than a blow hard big mouth and I take nothing he says as being credible. The man was a coservative then switched his political affliation to be a die hard democratic voice, just like he was the voice of the Bison, then he was all of a sudden the Voice of the Sioux now we are supposed to believe that he is anti-Sioux again. Make up your mind blow hard. What an idiot.

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Like it's a HUGE SCOOP the Engelstad family was the primary financial backer....SHOCKER! :devil: Who did they think it was? PCM? :D

No they thought it was Proudsioux. With all the money he saves by drinking crappy beer, its only logical he would be the top dog on the list. :lol:

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Like it's a HUGE SCOOP the Engelstad family was the primary financial backer....SHOCKER! :devil: Who did they think it was? PCM? :lol:

I heard a rumor about 2 years ago that REA would do all it could to defend the logo, I guess that rumor was in essence true.

I don't know what so damn inportant to make sure everything is out there. Jacobs is a second rate editor anyways so I don't expect too much from him.

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