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J-Par Likely Gone


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Dude, I'm not trying to be disrespectful, you claim to be a college student, but your posts are very hard to follow at times. Secondly, you seem to be a little naive as to how the world works. Please, don't take this the wrong way it's just constructive criticism. Thirdly, you almost seem a little jealous that someone might know something that you do not, therefore you get upset. I'm just trying to help you out here, so please, please don't get pissed at me. OK ?

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Bacardio I understand the $ aspect and the dream but is some cases they wouldn't have the chance if someone didn't give them a chance to shine in a high profile program. We all know money drives everything but when people interview ex-players they all almost say college was the best years of thier lives and they should have stayed and not rushed into the cut throat life of Pro hockey. Once again mho and I could be wrong :D

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people can give as much of an opinion as they want. people can say that the person them self told them so. but, hell, Staffy told me himself he wasnt leaving this year, and he did.
Think through this a bit. In your case you have a player telling you they're going to stay. Yet, in bargaining with their respective team, if they are smart that's exactly the public attitude they are going to take until the team coughs up the proper amount of $$. They have a motive to tell you that...

.....it just seems like its all a lost cause putting up here say until it is official. i appreciate people who have actual, credible inside sources. and no, they dont have to say what their source is, but there are also people who come in with heresay from nowhere (work, or around campus for instance) and dont know what they are tlaking about.
Rather than complain about them all, maybe you should take some time and find out which posters seem to be accurate with their posts and which ones don't, and then decide on whether you should discount them out of hand.

Again, I'm not saying you have to believe any of them. But some posters have a very strong record of being accurate where some don't have a record at all.

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Bacardio I understand the $ aspect and the dream but is some cases they wouldn't have the chance if someone didn't give them a chance to shine in a high profile program. We all know money drives everything but when people interview ex-players they all almost say college was the best years of thier lives and they should have stayed and not rushed into the cut throat life of Pro hockey. Once again mho and I could be wrong :D

Haven't we already had listed for us several examples of guys who stuck around an extra year after getting a big offer? Hale and Greene come to mind, I'll bet there are others.

It's not like it never happens. UND gets the services of these highly talented players while at the same time helping them develop the skills to make a living playing pro hockey. I think there's a pretty fair trade already taking place.

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How about the cow-bell guy with the crazy hair - has he been signed by anyone yet? :D

haha, Dom? Dom is a great guy, a good friend of mine. He actually cut his hair the other day though!! looks wierd. Don't worry, he wont be goin anywhere next year :0:0

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You can put Smaby in there as well,three years I can handle it's the one or two that bother me. Who wants to be fair we should get what we want and thats it :0:D Like I said it's just my opinion and its doesn't mean much except to me anyway ;):0 GO SIOUX

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haha, Dom? Dom is a great guy, a good friend of mine. He actually cut his hair the other day though!! looks wierd. Don't worry, he wont be goin anywhere next year :D:0

Yeah but, he's from South Dakota, and with SDSU going DI, he might decide that he'll get more exposure there. I think Dom belongs on the "flight risk" list. :0

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Yeah but, he's from South Dakota, and with SDSU going DI, he might decide that he'll get more exposure there. I think Dom belongs on the "flight risk" list. :0

hahahahahha oh thats a good point. i didnt think of that. well, yeah, you never know.....although....since the guy is here for music, and UND has the best music program in the Northern Midwest....im pretty sure he'll stay (at least we ll know this is just all sarcasm....of course he is stayin haha)

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This is just my opinion on the whole draft thing into the NHL. I wish there was some restrictions on them drafting....players should not be able to talk with the NHL until their junior/senior years. Also they can't draft anyone under the age of 22. Can you image how interesting this would make college hockey if they weren't drafted at such a young age. What do you think that our chances at winning the Frozen four would have been if Zach, Brandon, Greene wouldn't have left early, along with other players throughout the WHCA. I think the competition in the WCHA would be unbelievable if these guys would hve stayed until they were seniors.

As for posting things that you hear along the way....I agree that you should post them. I understand that you hear something from someone you know who knows someone, is just speculation. Some people have a lot closer connection to the players than we give them credit for. I believe that Jordy will be gone, & wish him the best!!!! Yea it would have been nice for him to stay, but you have to go with the money....don't tell me that anyone of you would give up a chance at making $300k a year more than you already make. You'd be a fool to give it up.

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This year is an exception, not the norm. It is a MAJOR compliment to the Sioux program to have all these players wanted by NHL organizations. These "early" departures help land the best recruits and make UND a favorite destination for the best players.

Buzzsaw teams are great, but they can be derailed just like any other team. The Sioux will be fine.

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Why can't you jacka$$es just sit on your speculation until there is a REAL source? :D Here we go again...

Because we could do that and then be a lot like Schlossman or many others and react to news after it has happened rather than break a news story before it is announced. How many times do you go to ESPN.com and read an article on there and then the next day Chris Mortenson is breaking the news about that previous article. A lot of time, I expect my reporters or others to break news, not to always react to it.

I don't think it's the new people who are tools but the real tools are the ones that blast someone for posting a story. How many of you who have apologized for blasting the person for saying that Stafford was going to sign when five days later he did? I'm sure not many....talk about jacka$$es.

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Because we could do that and then be a lot like Schlossman or many others and react to news after it has happened rather than break a news story before it is announced. How many times do you go to ESPN.com and read an article on there and then the next day Chris Mortenson is breaking the news about that previous article. A lot of time, I expect my reporters or others to break news, not to always react to it.

I don't think it's the new people who are tools but the real tools are the ones that blast someone for posting a story. How many of you who have apologized for blasting the person for saying that Stafford was going to sign when five days later he did? I'm sure not many....talk about jacka$$es.

Well said!!!

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This is just my opinion on the whole draft thing into the NHL. I wish there was some restrictions on them drafting....players should not be able to talk with the NHL until their junior/senior years. Also they can't draft anyone under the age of 22. Can you image how interesting this would make college hockey if they weren't drafted at such a young age. What do you think that our chances at winning the Frozen four would have been if Zach, Brandon, Greene wouldn't have left early, along with other players throughout the WHCA. I think the competition in the WCHA would be unbelievable if these guys would hve stayed until they were seniors.

Maybe if the restrictions were put in place there would be more talent to go around because the powerhouses would not have so much turnover and the smaller teams would have more of a chance at good players. Sure the powerhouses will most likely still be better but at least Tech, for example, could probably get some decent players.

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How about the cow-bell guy with the crazy hair - has he been signed by anyone yet? :0

As cowbell guys unofficial (and unknow to him) agent, I did contact SNL and while there was some interest initially, they have eleceted to sit back and see what happens with the name and logo issue first. If the issue results in things getting wild and out of hand, they will consider going to the table with any contract offers.

But, please, this is all hush, hush, don't go telling anyone..... :D

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Just for the record, I have to agree with bucky once again. Now, having to admit to that for the second time in a week, I'm going to clean myself off. I'm starting to get that icky feeling once again.

*fires up the Zamboni*

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Maybe I could throw myself under the zamboni for a re-surfacing, that might take away the un-clean feeling I am experiencing by agreeing with bucky.

Just jump in that big trough where they dump the snow, that outta do the trick.


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The Cowbell guy, (Dom) cut his hair! Please tell me that it will be long again for hockey season and football season. Back on topic, if Jordie leaves then good for him and good luck. I am still numb from everyone else so it won't affect me too bad for awhile. :D

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let me throw this into the fire:

as far as all four of these players own threads....Zajac close to signing, jpar likely gone, staffor makes the jump, and smaby is gone......Sparky in europe..

has the original poster been wrong yet??

let it play out, stop being pansy's about losing players.

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I can't believe some of you who are freaking out that he posted this information. FYI I also have a good source who says he will probably be gone. But in any case, IT'S A MESSAGE BOARD. People are here to post news and other rumors and observations. You people freaking out like this is getting sickening.

Also, to anyone who questions their so called "Loyalty" to the Sioux need to just think a little. Imagine this. You are a big time recruit who has been drafted into the NHL. You have a great season. Unfortunately, you are very broke at the time because, well, you are a college student. Your dream your whole life has been to make the NHL(that is every kid hockey players dream). Who here could honestly look into the mirror and say "I wouldn't take the 900K because I love college too much". Sure there are a couple exceptions, like Jack Johnson from Michigan, but, so be it. These kids are here as a stepping stone to the NHL, that's where every hockey player wants to be!

And to whoever said "the money will still be there next year and they seem to be jumping at the first chance", well, in this case, the money won't be there next year. This is the last year of the old CBA. Next year, rookies won't be able to earn anywhere near what they can now. So no, the money won't still be there.

People, the coaches know that the only reason these kids are here is to play hockey. The coaches want to help them prepare for the next level. Hakstol and the rest of the coaches take pride in the fact that they can get kids NHL ready here faster then most programs can. I hate when people freak out just because somebody might be leaving, and then, to top it off, question their LOYALTY! The NHL is a business. Their main objective is to attract audiences by bringing in the best talent possible, and coaches want to win by having the most talent they can.

Chill out guys, because, in all reality, the NHL is what every kid dreams of.

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let me throw this into the fire:

as far as all four of these players own threads....Zajac close to signing, jpar likely gone, staffor makes the jump, and smaby is gone......Sparky in europe..

has the original poster been wrong yet??

let it play out, stop being pansy's about losing players.

So far all of the "predictions" have been right on the money...........but really, of all the players who HAVE left, I would consider Zajac the only one to be even a minor surprise.

The Spirko rumuor has been around for a long time. I caught wind of that well before the season ended.

From what I can gather, Parise will not be going anywhere unless it would be somewhere in Europe to play.......NHL is pretty much luke-warm on him.

You know......having all of these players jumping to the pro's is actually a COMPLIMENT to the hockey programs at UND & UM. It means that they are constantly bringing in top drawer talent, and making the players even better. This also helps in recruiting, which what both programs have seen in the last couple years.

Both have had a couple of the best recruiting classes ever seen in the last few years.........but the price you pay for bringing in and nurturing the type of talent, is that you will probably only have them for a year or 2, 3 tops.

But the upside is that every week-end during the winter, WE get to watch the best college hockey has to offer......not everyone can say that :D

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Very well said Crosby 87...now sit down, take a deep breath and a heart pill, I can see your veins popping! :0

Too late. Between "Siouxinminny" on USCHO, to all the posters here that I was referring to in my last post, I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! :D

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