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Um.....there is quite a bit posted on this board that isn't true.

I'll wait for the official press release from www.fightingsioux.com before I believe anything.

true, but there are also a good amount of people on this site that cant reveal sources or they wouldnt get the inside info anymore...good luck to sparky!!!!

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true, but there are also a good amount of people on this site that cant reveal sources or they wouldnt get the inside info anymore...good luck to sparky!!!!

Obviously there are times when a lot of "garbage" is posted on this message board on others, but there is also times when someone close to a situation gives us the heads up. Of course nothing is official until we hear it from the Athletic Dept., the player, the coaching staff,etc., but what I love about this site is there are times when I read stuff on here, days, weeks, and sometimes months before we hear anything "official". That is what makes this site so great.

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First we're told


He's a fast little guy but could he have been seen here Saturday afternoon and playing in Europe by Sunday?


Um, see, there are these things called airplanes ... a-i-r-p-l-a-n-e-s ... that can take one great distances in a short ... s-h-o-r-t ... period of time, mmkay? ;):)

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Um, see, there are these things called airplanes ... a-i-r-p-l-a-n-e-s ... that can take one great distances in a short ... s-h-o-r-t ... period of time, mmkay? :):)

Hmm, took me sixteen hours to get to France from Grand Forks; including lay overs. So, if Sparky left late Saturday (remember he was seen Saturday afternoon), he would have arrived at his Europe location by, oh, let's say around 4:30P Sunday (gotta take in the time difference). Sure, I guess he could be playing hockey in Europe Sunday night.


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Hmm, took me sixteen hours to get to France from Grand Forks; including lay overs. So, if Sparky left late Saturday (remember he was seen Saturday afternoon), he would have arrived at his Europe location by, oh, let's say around 4:30P Sunday (gotta take in the time difference). Sure, I guess he could be playing hockey in Europe Sunday night.


He's not Superman - he is Super Sparky who can burn gopher defenders in one graceful move!!! :)

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Well, he's not playing in Europe yet. No transfer news has been posted on the European Hockey websites, and those things are pretty accurate.

Man, we cannot afford to lose Sparky too. A team can only overcome so many defections. Losing Smaby, Zajac, Stafford and according to the rumor mill potentially Sparky is a LOT for a team to overcome and expect to have national championship aspirations.

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Man, we cannot afford to lose Sparky too. A team can only overcome so many defections. Losing Smaby, Zajac, Stafford and according to the rumor mill potentially Sparky is a LOT for a team to overcome and expect to have national championship aspirations.

We haven't lost Stafford or Sparky. :)

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brianvf, I am sorry for the run-on sentences(there will be more very soon),sorry for being a "newbie", and sorry for seeming kind of "fishy", I see on USCHO Wilbur's "reliable source" said that Spirko is leaving,and your response ("that hurts") seems as though you believe him, are you and Wilbur best friends? maybe someday some of us will be as credible as him,by the way are you an english teacher? if and when I post expect some speling and gramatical errors, sorry in advancefor the errors,but the information will be accurate

siouxtatoo42,nice intentional renaming of 8WBGR8, can I ask how old you are? and if you read the postings correctly you will see that he got his information from SPIRKO'S former roomate,not a "former roomate of" 8WBGR8 as you stated, not sure much better source one could get than that,not sure if you read it wrong or its not a good enough source for you? by the way mine wasnt the same source as his

southpaw, now that Wilbur is confirming the Spirko news, maybe you could call Brad Schlossman and let him know,were you the one who called him and told him about Zajac? when you talk to him, do me a favor and tell him when he does his picks next season to every once and while go out on limb and pick a sweep between closely matched opponents,it does happen sometimes and might even lend a bit of credability to the picks

nothing personal guys

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brianvf, I am sorry for the run-on sentences(there will be more very soon),sorry for being a "newbie", and sorry for seeming kind of "fishy", I see on USCHO Wilbur's "reliable source" said that Spirko is leaving,and your response ("that hurts") seems as though you believe him, are you and Wilbur best friends? maybe someday some of us will be as credible as him,by the way are you an english teacher? if and when I post expect some speling and gramatical errors, sorry in advancefor the errors,but the information will be accurate

Are you stalking me on USCHO? :):)

Run-on sentences are fine. So is being a newbie. Being fishy is fine as well, as long as you don't smell like fish. ;)

The reason why I would believe Wilbur's source is because he has been correct in the past. I haven't seen enough posts from you here to know whether or not your source is correct or not. I am not best friends with Wilbur, but I have met him and played hockey with him in the past, so I know that I can trust him.

I am not an English teacher. :)

It does indeed look like your information might be accurate, and that will be a huge blow to the Sioux for next season if it ends up being true. I wonder if Forney will come in for sure now....

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dude, you're a tool. she got from a players mom that they are discouraged to take in your stupidity on a forum like this. You got it from a FORMER roommate of GWMSTRB8 that he left the country. His rumor is herald worthy. Hers is not. You should come with a link for someone leaving the team for good. You don't need a link to know that athlete's everywhere are discouraged from partaking in a message board since no-minds like us sit and bash anyone and everyone.

one more thing, I'm a tool and my "stupidity"? again how old are you? and can I ask if you have ever posted anything of importance on here? our just blessed us with your opinions? as far as I am concerened, feel free to keep them to yourself

I may be a newbie ,but I was just trying to post IMPORTANT information

again nothing personal

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brianvf, I am sorry for the run-on sentences(there will be more very soon),sorry for being a "newbie", and sorry for seeming kind of "fishy", I see on USCHO Wilbur's "reliable source" said that Spirko is leaving,and your response ("that hurts") seems as though you believe him, are you and Wilbur best friends? maybe someday some of us will be as credible as him,by the way are you an english teacher? if and when I post expect some speling and gramatical errors, sorry in advancefor the errors,but the information will be accurate

siouxtatoo42,nice intentional renaming of 8WBGR8, can I ask how old you are? and if you read the postings correctly you will see that he got his information from SPIRKO'S former roomate,not a "former roomate of" 8WBGR8 as you stated, not sure much better source one could get than that,not sure if you read it wrong or its not a good enough source for you? by the way mine wasnt the same source as his

southpaw, now that Wilbur is confirming the Spirko news, maybe you could call Brad Schlossman and let him know,were you the one who called him and told him about Zajac? when you talk to him, do me a favor and tell him when he does his picks next season to every once and while go out on limb and pick a sweep between closely matched opponents,it does happen sometimes and might even lend a bit of credability to the picks

nothing personal guys

I am 27, i thought it was funny, and it doesn't matter whose "former roomate" it was, unless it's family/coach or a press release, I don't have to believe it and i have every right to question the validity of the information being presented. It wasn't anything personal to 8 would be gr8, but you defended his honor as though he is your girlfriend and everyone said she had a fat ass. Maybe i don't want to believe that sparky is gone until i see that he is gone, maybe i like what he brings to the team with work ethic and hands and don't want him to leave for the reasons he may have to leave, maybe i have the right and the ability to argue with something that he can't back up. maybe i'm just an idiot.

and as far as sources go, i can now claim that i heard from fs1 and 8wbgr8 that spirko's FORMER roommate said that he was going to europe to play in the pros so he can feed his family and sleep next to his fiance`. All with nothing to back up my claims!! thank you.

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:):);) this is friken halarious. neither stafford or spirko will be in a sioux uniform next year. and we will be fine................................

oh yeah, heres my source for all of you who HAVE TO HAVE A SOURCE.............

ME..................thats my source..................MY OWN DAMN personal opinion............ :);)

I LOVE THIS BOARD..............................................

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one more thing, I'm a tool and my "stupidity"? again how old are you? and can I ask if you have ever posted anything of importance on here? our just blessed us with your opinions? as far as I am concerened, feel free to keep them to yourself

I may be a newbie ,but I was just trying to post IMPORTANT information

again nothing personal

you aren't the first one to tell me that today. You are a tool for jumping all over sioux-cia for what she posted, and again, for sticking up so valiantly for 8wbgr8. Add to the above bolded, i lumped myself in with everyone else here that bashes whoever for whatever reason (like THETRIOUXPER and his undying angst for kessel) I stuck up for sioux-cia because she is an avid poster and more often than not, pretty entertaining. so, i guess to be the bigger man, i apologize for hurting your feelings and doubting your sources.

(and no i don't post a whole lot of "useful" information here, but that's not what this forum is entirely dedicated too. some of us just give our opinions and impressions of the game and it's players, which is ok by most people since that's what they are here to do too.)

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It's really funny how "clicky" (sp) most of you people are on here. When someone comes on and posts information that is important to the hockey program, they are blasted if that person posting doesn't have like a thousand posts or are part of your inner circle of "hug-buddies". You'll only believe something if it comes from someone you know if it is bad news. If it were good news, you'd be drinking up the news. Take off the green-colored glasses every once in a while.....it helps your own credibility.

If I recall correctly, everyone has to register to become a member here. And when that happens, everyone starts off a "newbie" or a "tool" because they haven't posted in the past. But people register to add insight or information in a lot of cases but the majority of you in your little "message board click (sp)" chastise them and deride them for being a tool and unworthy of posting on this board. So think to yourselves, why would anyone who is new want to register to add new information about the program when the majority of you give them crap in return. It's sad really.

Some of you need to take a chill-pill and come out of the house every once in a while and open your eyes. Go out, have fun, there's more to life than the Sioux message board or any other message board for that matter. Maybe if we had nothing better to do then we could sit here and post all day to get our number of posts up so we will become "credible" in your eyes. Boy, what a warm fuzzy feeling that would give me.......the others on the message board like me and have accepted me into their clique. There are others in this world who have Sioux hockey sources and know just as much as the regulars on here. They just don't have the need to make themselves feel important and give them an ego boost by posting on here every time they have something to say.

Some of you ask for sources but having a higher up source and a source at the paper are two different things. If people name their sources every time like many of you want it to be, then that source may no longer give any information to whoever the person is. Ever thought of that? No, that would require common sense. So maybe, just maybe someone has a source in this world who knows a hell of a lot more than you or me ever will. Think about it, it's possible. Does Wilbur name his source every time? I'm not sure....I don't know who Wilbur is....the only Wilbur I know is from Green Acres. So I'm guessing this isn't the same Wilbur. If it is, let me be the first to congratulate you on moving up in the world from barn-yard pig to someone who is believed by others when you post news because they played hockey with you. I don't skate that well so I guess I'll never have the acclaim or be accepted by the select few on this board. Oh whoa is me.........

Sorry for the rant but a lot of you are just ridiculous. Act with some class and show some respect to others.

Thanks for going out on a limb here 8WBGR8 and fs1. Not many appreciate the news but it takes a bigger person than the rest to come on here and post bad news when you know you'll be made fun of for posting bad news.

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1st off to all you posters using the word TOOL..........................i am totally offended. i would appreciate it if you would pm or email me to use the word TOOL...............I am the only one on this board who is allowed to use that word....................just fkn with you all............. :)

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It's really funny how "clicky" (sp) most of you people are on here. When someone comes on and posts information that is important to the hockey program, they are blasted if that person posting doesn't have like a thousand posts or are part of your inner circle of "hug-buddies". You'll only believe something if it comes from someone you know if it is bad news. If it were good news, you'd be drinking up the news. Take off the green-colored glasses every once in a while.....it helps your own credibility.

If I recall correctly, everyone has to register to become a member here. And when that happens, everyone starts off a "newbie" or a "tool" because they haven't posted in the past. But people register to add insight or information in a lot of cases but the majority of you in your little "message board click (sp)" chastise them and deride them for being a tool and unworthy of posting on this board. So think to yourselves, why would anyone who is new want to register to add new information about the program when the majority of you give them crap in return. It's sad really.

Some of you need to take a chill-pill and come out of the house every once in a while and open your eyes. Go out, have fun, there's more to life than the Sioux message board or any other message board for that matter. Maybe if we had nothing better to do then we could sit here and post all day to get our number of posts up so we will become "credible" in your eyes. Boy, what a warm fuzzy feeling that would give me.......the others on the message board like me and have accepted me into their clique. There are others in this world who have Sioux hockey sources and know just as much as the regulars on here. They just don't have the need to make themselves feel important and give them an ego boost by posting on here every time they have something to say.

Sorry for the rant but a lot of you are just ridiculous. Act with some class and show some respect to others.

Thanks for going out on a limb here 8WBGR8 and fs1. Not many appreciate the news but it takes a bigger person than the rest to come on here and post bad news when you know you'll be made fun of for posting bad news.

and some need to be a little less "thin-skinned" when someone challenges their information. Plus it is easier to bask in the glory of good news and write off the bad news. human nature is to throw up a wall to protect ourselves from the bad.

it's not the amount of posts, it's the amount of credibility a poster has when throwing something like that into the fire. Everyone that's posted here has been jumped on one time or another. Most of them still post here.

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you aren't the first one to tell me that today. You are a tool for jumping all over sioux-cia for what she posted, and again, for sticking up so valiantly for 8wbgr8. Add to the above bolded, i lumped myself in with everyone else here that bashes whoever for whatever reason (like THETRIOUXPER and his undying angst for kessel) I stuck up for sioux-cia because she is an avid poster and more often than not, pretty entertaining. so, i guess to be the bigger man, i apologize for hurting your feelings and doubting your sources.

(and no i don't post a whole lot of "useful" information here, but that's not what this forum is entirely dedicated too. some of us just give our opinions and impressions of the game and it's players, which is ok by most people since that's what they are here to do too.)

#1, why drag me into this ? #2 most of what I say about phil is for my own entertainment, however, just look at what's happened to him, those in the know in the hockey community are starting to see the real phil.

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and some need to be a little less "thin-skinned" when someone challenges their information. Plus it is easier to bask in the glory of good news and write off the bad news. human nature is to throw up a wall to protect ourselves from the bad.

it's not the amount of posts, it's the amount of credibility a poster has when throwing something like that into the fire. Everyone that's posted here has been jumped on one time or another. Most of them still post here.

Correct. Otherwise, I could just post my favorite rumor:

If Kessel isn't signed by the team who drafts him right away, he's leaving Minnesota for Major Juniors.

Anyone believe that one?

I'm POSITIVE that I could get someone to believe it. I don't care who 8whatever8 is. If he doesn't attach a news link, or a verifiable media source that is reporting the news he states, IT JUST ISN'T TRUE.


By the way, before all you Gopher fans jump all over me, that rumor I found inside a cracker jack box. If it comes true, I'll probably die from a heart attack. In other words: I made it up.

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#1, why drag me into this ? #2 most of what I say about phil is for my own entertainment, however, just look at what's happened to him, those in the know in the hockey community are starting to see the real phil.

#1 because it's entertaining as all hell to read some of the things you have to say regarding kessel, and i enjoy it. not because i agree or disagree with you, but because it's impressive to see 5 pages of you and bucky going back and forth with such a fervor. It's nice to see that kind of passion in college hockey fans.

#2 those not in the know could see he was going to be a headcase before he got to this level. He's still a good player, but not worth all the hype.

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It's really funny how "clicky" (sp) most of you people are on here. When someone comes on and posts information that is important to the hockey program, they are blasted if that person posting doesn't have like a thousand posts or are part of your inner circle of "hug-buddies". You'll only believe something if it comes from someone you know if it is bad news. If it were good news, you'd be drinking up the news. Take off the green-colored glasses every once in a while.....it helps your own credibility.

If I recall correctly, everyone has to register to become a member here. And when that happens, everyone starts off a "newbie" or a "tool" because they haven't posted in the past. But people register to add insight or information in a lot of cases but the majority of you in your little "message board click (sp)" chastise them and deride them for being a tool and unworthy of posting on this board. So think to yourselves, why would anyone who is new want to register to add new information about the program when the majority of you give them crap in return. It's sad really.

Some of you need to take a chill-pill and come out of the house every once in a while and open your eyes. Go out, have fun, there's more to life than the Sioux message board or any other message board for that matter. Maybe if we had nothing better to do then we could sit here and post all day to get our number of posts up so we will become "credible" in your eyes. Boy, what a warm fuzzy feeling that would give me.......the others on the message board like me and have accepted me into their clique. There are others in this world who have Sioux hockey sources and know just as much as the regulars on here. They just don't have the need to make themselves feel important and give them an ego boost by posting on here every time they have something to say.

Some of you ask for sources but having a higher up source and a source at the paper are two different things. If people name their sources every time like many of you want it to be, then that source may no longer give any information to whoever the person is. Ever thought of that? No, that would require common sense. So maybe, just maybe someone has a source in this world who knows a hell of a lot more than you or me ever will. Think about it, it's possible. Does Wilbur name his source every time? I'm not sure....I don't know who Wilbur is....the only Wilbur I know is from Green Acres. So I'm guessing this isn't the same Wilbur. If it is, let me be the first to congratulate you on moving up in the world from barn-yard pig to someone who is believed by others when you post news because they played hockey with you. I don't skate that well so I guess I'll never have the acclaim or be accepted by the select few on this board. Oh whoa is me.........

Sorry for the rant but a lot of you are just ridiculous. Act with some class and show some respect to others.

Thanks for going out on a limb here 8WBGR8 and fs1. Not many appreciate the news but it takes a bigger person than the rest to come on here and post bad news when you know you'll be made fun of for posting bad news.

Great post!!

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