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And the Gopher fans acted like they just lost their last game of the season. Pathetic, yet not funny. Its always that way when the Goofs lose in your building - its like you feel you have some type of entitlement to win and its fun to watch your fans when that is "taken" away. Also, the most important games in this series are the last one and the next one.

And Sioux fans think everything about UND is perfect which is why they deserve to be called the Fighting Halos.

See how stupid stereotypes sound? I just don't get why some people insist on believing their fans are better than someone else's. People are people and on average every fanbase has the same number of jerks as any other.

Nice win by the Sioux btw - well earned.

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And Sioux fans think everything about UND is perfect which is why they deserve to be called the Fighting Halos.

See how stupid stereotypes sound? I just don't get why some people insist on believing their fans are better than someone else's. People are people and on average every fanbase has the same number of jerks as any other.

Nice win by the Sioux btw - well earned.

I would indeed agree with this if you didn't use the "Fighting Halos" bit as much as or more than Sioux fans use the "UND is perfect" bit.

I don't recall any of us claiming Minnesota's fans as being classless compared to our fans. I know darn well that there are bad fans at the REA. The nice thing, if you are a visiting fan or in the general public, is that now the AD is convinced it's just the students. So all the idiots I've come across at the REA, none of which were in the student section, are immune to the behavior restrictions... but I digress.

So no, not everything about UND is perfect. In fact, in certain areas, I think UMN has it much better than we do. This is, however, a different discussion.

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Yeah, I know. Just the whole idea of big Wheeler hitting Prpich yet Wheeler comes out hurt Frank has to assume it was dirty.

I think the funniest part of this hit was that it was their 'HIT OF THE GAME'. I would think the hit of the game is equivalent to our 'COLLISION OF THE GAME' which shows one on our team squash a guy on the other team. They showed the hit and yes Mike went down first. That's all they showed for 'HOTG' but Mike jumped up and kept on playing. In the mean time Wheeler limped off, went down the tunnel, came back and when shown on the bench looked like he still wanted his mommy. ???

Yes, it's always a good time when we win.

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The Gophs got shown what happens if you don't finish your chances. I really had mixed thoughts on this game. I really wanted the four game sweep and the thought of the Gophs in a Grand Forks regional without UND is appealing, but I really didn't want the Gophs going into the regional final with UND thinking they owned those guys either.

Last nights game was much better but there are still a lot of questions on both benches if you ask me.

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Good to see everyone here has calmed down a bit after beating the Gophers 1 out of 4 tries this year. Come on guys, every Gopher Fan out there expected the Sioux to come out just like they did...if they hadn't upped it after Fridays debacle, then you would have had a right to be frightened. But they managed to turn it around.

As far as complaining about maricucci fans being classless- please. I have made many trips to the old Ralph and the new ralph and have been pelted with all kinds of crap numerous times, just because I was wearing Gopher colors. Your fans are every bit as classless as any other fans. The best part was that the Sioux fans in Mariucci acted like they'd just won the NC, but in reality, it was only the first time in 4 tries you managed to beat the Gophers- pathetic, yet funny.

The Sioux will be in the postseason.

So you are trolling but trying to be clever? Saying we suck but we're good? We're classless fans but Minny's isn't so much? Making fun of the fact that we ended the game feeling really good about ourselves because we managed to come back from three straight TERRIBLE games vs. Minnesota to at least salvage one?

Have you read ANY of the Sioux posters thoughts on Minnesota this series? Where is the slams? All I saw were "Gosh the Gophers are good." Or "Boy, we deserved that loss tonight." "My goodness the Gophers can pass." And so on. So, please, why so surprised when we are happy to have won the game? Why so upset that we call Minny fans on "Robbie Bina rides the short bus" signs and throwing stuff at our players? I don't recall our fans throwing anything at the Gopher players at the Ralph... at least this year. If there was any the previous years I certainly didn't hear about it.

Get over yourself and rewrite your post. Either be gracious in your loss or maybe compliment only posts or maybe just go back to GPL and go flame us. After all, they are saying things alot more up your alley like "Lammy shouldn't have just gotten trash thrown at him." And "Sue this." And "Sue That." I think you'd enjoy it.

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For as much as you want to remember Bina and his injury, your team has a large tendancy to hit from behind near the boards...see 2 majors for that this weekend alone and one hit near the boards on Irmen.

I"ve seen a large number of calls on the Gophers this year (on FSN) on similar hits. Even a few this weekend that weren't called. None, including the two called on the Sioux, have any resemblence to the Paukovich hit, which much more closely resembled multiple from behind hits thrown by Demarchi over the years.

Last night CC got one in the first period that resulted in four Wisco PP goals. If teams are going to be aggressive, they are going to take some of these penalties, when forwards turn their backs just as the hit is about to be made.

Why, may I ask, to you feel the need to rip the Sioux and fans, on a Sioux board, after a Gopher loss? Character issues?

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Well all is right with the world and the WCHA. Two top teams duking it out, with a weekend split. Funny, I ain't getting the phone calls this morning from my Goophie brethren as I was yesterday morning.

Sioux looked damned strong in most phases. Right from the get go, when they came out in their black road jerseys, you could hear a number of sphincters in the building slamming shut. From the get go, one could sense that this was not going to be another Friday night fiasco.

The entire third period was played without a penalty called. As long as we can keep out of the box against top competition, we can skate with anyone. The young D-corps did a particularly solid job, backing Lammy and holding the Goofs to two goals.

It was doubly priceless to take that win in The John, especially with the trash talking we heard during and after the game last night, and before the game tonight. There was full cause for raucous celebration after the Zajac goal, and especially after the Spirko empty netter. We really enjoyed ourselves down that stretch.

While these teams may not see each other in St. Paul, I remain rather firmly convinced that there will be one more match this year, and it will be played in Grand Forks on March 25. Maybe it would be a good time for the Sioux to break from tradition and wear the blacks at home.

As they all are, next week will be a big and very important series to establish a winning, even dominating, attitude on the home ice.

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As much for me as for anyone else, here's some perspective.

CC got handled AT HOME by Bucky 9-1 last night. Yikes, that's worse than our Friday performance.

Denver got handled by SCSU 5-1 on Friday night. Another tough home performance. Denver gets the split last night.

I think CC is strong enough to keep the Sioux at bay over the rest of the season, but I wonder if Denver isn't vulnerable. If the Sioux can pick it up a notch consistently, maybe 4th place is not out of line, and that should be helpful come tourney time. Thanks to SCSU for taking a couple points from them.

The Sioux are fortunate to not have to play Bucky on the road this year. I think that's a stroke of luck. However, too bad we couldn't have played Mankato earlier in the season. They seem to have hit their stride and they are coming into the Ralph smelling a 5th place finish, being 3 points back right now. A few weeks ago Mankato really was Man-sucko. But that has changed. They beat UNO a couple weeks ago 5-2, and handled Alaska (albeit at home) this past weekend. This weekend now looks to be a tougher test than I expected a while back.

It all comes down to playing consistently strong hockey. Hopefully it started in the 3rd period on Saturday.

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What will be interesting is to see if Denver can turn it up like they have the past few years and whether Wisconsin can avoid a late season collapse like the past few years. Sioux must play next weekend with same sense of urgency as on Saturday. We need three to four wins over the next two weekends.

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My thoughts on Saturday night's game:

The Sioux played much better. I believe the final shot total was 43-27 in favor of the Gophs, but it seemed like a lot of the Gophers shots were low-percentage perimeter chances that Lammy saw well. Sioux also did a much better job taking care of business in front of their own net, as the Gophers did not score any rebound goals last night.

Oshie is a stud. Didn't see too much from him Friday, but last night he was all over the ice. I saw him be the first player in the offensive zone then the first forward to make a play on the back check several times last night. Wish he would have considered wearing the ol' Maroon and Gold... that guy is going to be giving us headaches for the next couple of years.

Lammy played well. Frazee played OK. Regardless of the quality of shots, 43 is a lot to face, and Lammy stepped up the the challenge.

Wasn't much of a fan of the third period. It seemed to me like both teams were playing for the tie. The Gophs had a few more chances, but the Sioux pounced on their best opportunity since the first minute or two of the third frame and put the Gophers away.

I actually noticed Toews a little last night!

Oh yeah, bummer about the d-bag fans who had to throw crap on the ice. Lammy did act pretty classless at the end of the game again (both nights were a little questionable, but Saturday he did play a great game and all he did was hit his stick on the glass a few times... no big deal!), but at no point does messing with the fans a little warrant people to litter the ice. It didn't look like security did much about it, which sucks. They should have been confiscating season tickets from all those clowns. Too bad a great hockey game had to end like that.

As I was perusing the board yesterday, I noticed a lot of criticisim of Kessel's point total and all the phantom assists he allegedly gets.... although he played a very average game last night, he did rack up two more points (one was an absolutely amazing pass to Harrington on the doorstep!). Not trying to piss anyone off, I just wanted to point out that the kid is a pretty good playmaker and DOES make his teammates better.

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I didn't see what Lammy did but don't have a real problem with it, just as I didn't rip Irmen for his. The guy listened to the MN student section chanting the "you suck" thing at least 8 times this weekend. He faced about a billion shots (close to 90) over the weekend, and on saturday his play allowed his team the opportunity to win. He gave back a bit of what he got, just as Irmen did. Big deal.

I still want to know more about why the MN players were all jawing at Oshie. It was very evident in person on Friday, especially Irmen. And I think TJ was trying a bit too hard to do something on the ice at times to show them up, but he couldn't get it done. Friday it still seemed that he was a bit of a target of some beaking, for whatever reason. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to pop off with his mouth.

If the Sioux can find a way to sweep the next 2 series at home, they are in an excellent position to take a 3rd place finish in the league. All things considered I think that would be a very, very acceptable finish. I know that's a lot to ask, considering both Mankato and SCSU do not appear to be fading. In fact, it's just the opposite. Couple that with the Sioux's trouble at home, and it's probably not even realistic. But I will hope.

Last night the team gave me hope.

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I"ve seen a large number of calls on the Gophers this year (on FSN) on similar hits. Even a few this weekend that weren't called. None, including the two called on the Sioux, have any resemblence to the Paukovich hit, which much more closely resembled multiple from behind hits thrown by Demarchi over the years.

Last night CC got one in the first period that resulted in four Wisco PP goals. If teams are going to be aggressive, they are going to take some of these penalties, when forwards turn their backs just as the hit is about to be made.

Why, may I ask, to you feel the need to rip the Sioux and fans, on a Sioux board, after a Gopher loss? Character issues?

Because sprig, I'm calling a spade a spade, I saw MANY UND fans bi-oching about the major calls, your fans are no different than others, I have no desire to see ANY player hurt, or actually cause issues here, but like I said a spade is a spade....I'm NOT saying you are condoning the actions, I look towards the coaches (on all teams) to get on players that do that crap.

Did you not also notice the praise I gave your squad? I guess I can only do wrong in your eyes....which about all I EVER get from you....my character is fine, just ask NDH, I actually have met him and (SHOCK) talked to him.....but you like to only get on my case....that is YOUR character.

I'm fine with the loss, as I said earlier, UND wanted it more and your tender played better, what do you want me to do?


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One thing the gopher fans better do is to reign in Doug Woog. He is the one saying that most of Kessel's assists come from missed shots. That was a nice pass to Harrington though. I would much rather play the gophers on a small ice sheet with few powerplays. The Sioux powerplay needs to get cranking down the stretch, as that will be the difference down the stretch whether they stay where they are, drop, or make a push for top three. Sioux need to take care of business at home the next few weekends, and if they do that, I wouldn't be surprised to see them tied with the gophers at that point as splits with CC and Wisconsin would do that trick. If not, CC might be taking a bit of a fall.

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I did see WPoS, and he was around well after the band had packed and left. I can, and will, vouch for his character. He is as big as a Gopher fan as I have met, as big as I am a Sioux fan. Our common ground is the respect for the game and the league. Of course, I suspect that he would rather see anyone win the NC but the Sioux, as I would rather see anyone win the NC but the Gophers.

WPoS is a knowledgeable and a solid fan. He may not drive an American SUV, but that is about it for the extent of his flawed character. He is proof why there are life jackets and rafts on every sinking ship full of boneheads and idiots. I would throw WPoS a life jacket, or let him get in my raft, any day. This I would not say for many of the Gopher fans who were barking at us in The John over the weekend.

We will likely see WPoS in person at The Ralph come March 24. Look for the beat up foreign car in the parking lot. Or the guy wearing the home electronic monitoring device on his ankle.

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One thing the gopher fans better do is to reign in Doug Woog. He is the one saying that most of Kessel's assists come from missed shots. That was a nice pass to Harrington though. I would much rather play the gophers on a small ice sheet with few powerplays. The Sioux powerplay needs to get cranking down the stretch, as that will be the difference down the stretch whether they stay where they are, drop, or make a push for top three. Sioux need to take care of business at home the next few weekends, and if they do that, I wouldn't be surprised to see them tied with the gophers at that point as splits with CC and Wisconsin would do that trick. If not, CC might be taking a bit of a fall.

wooger, c'mon, not even many Gopher fans listen to EVERYTHING he says....

Your PK got a workout this weekend and id a good job, sadly for my team yesterday, and sadly for the rest of the WCHA, you got clicking on it and will continue down the stretch I am sure.

I did see WPoS, and he was around well after the band had packed and left. I can, and will, vouch for his character. He is as big as a Gopher fan as I have met, as big as I am a Sioux fan. Our common ground is the respect for the game and the league. Of course, I suspect that he would rather see anyone win the NC but the Sioux, as I would rather see anyone win the NC but the Gophers.

WPoS is a knowledgeable and a solid fan. He may not drive an American SUV, but that is about it for the extent of his flawed character. He is proof why there are life jackets and rafts on every sinking ship full of boneheads and idiots. I would throw WPoS a life jacket, or let him get in my raft, any day. This I would not say for many of the Gopher fans who were barking at us in The John over the weekend.

We will likely see WPoS in person at The Ralph come March 24. Look for the beat up foreign car in the parking lot. Or the guy wearing the home electronic monitoring device on his ankle.

Hey now, the winter car is a good old AMERICAN '93 Pontiac Sunbird....altho it may not last the winter...I got a bump for you anytime you stop over NDH....


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Great night for Kozek, Jones, and Lammy. Enjoy the victory tonight boys, and start getting ready for Mankata, as they always come to play! Need the points! Go Sioux!

I know the reason UND won last night, I changed things up in my routine a bit and watched the game with my Dog Dakota. The winning percentage continues. I think its good mojo.

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Hey now, the winter car is a good old AMERICAN '93 Pontiac Sunbird....altho it may not last the winter...I got a bump for you anytime you stop over NDH....


Oh my god! Dude, you just went from alright to White trash in my book!


1993 Sunbird? Oh my god! I think half the scrap aluminum in Fargo-Moorhead used to be on a Sunbird! :lol:

Next thing you know is that, if that Sunturd doesn't last, you'll replace it with a 1985 Chevrolet Citation or perhaps a 1979 Chevrolet Chevette! ???

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Who are you and how did you know that was me? ??? I didn't even use "MeanEgirl... I used my real name...

And yes, for the record, my mom CAN beat up Bruce Ciskie.

The announcers were saying the back of your jersey said "Mean Girl" and I extrapolated from there. They also said you were 4'2" and Bruce said he is keeping the sign.

The best part was that the Sioux fans in Mariucci acted like they'd just won the NC, but in reality, it was only the first time in 4 tries you managed to beat the Gophers- pathetic, yet funny.

I don't understand why celebrating after a win is pathetic.

What will be interesting is to see if Denver can turn it up like they have the past few years and whether Wisconsin can avoid a late season collapse like the past few years. Sioux must play next weekend with same sense of urgency as on Saturday. We need three to four wins over the next two weekends.

I'm tired of hearing about Wisconsin and their late-season collapses of the past. Wisconsin is the real deal, they swept CC in their own barn (and won 9-1 last night) and still people are questioning them. They are going to smoke Denver, beat the Gophers, and humiliate the Bulldogs. Then they have Tech, Mankato, and St. Cloud. I know they lost to Tech ONCE but then blanked them 7-0, and that was their ONLY CONFERENCE LOSS. God, I hate the thought of it, but they are so good this year it's scary.

Keep on working at widening the gap between 5th and 6th place (the 'Dogs are really giving you a hand)... in fact, GET OUT OF FIFTH PLACE and into 4th. I do not want to see you guys in the first round!

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Listened to the Gopher feed after the game. Sonmer's three stars were:

3: Guyer (for taking shots)

2: Harrington

1: Kessel (for the pass to Harrington)

All I can say is that is that he needs to take off the maroon and gold glasses.

For the Gopher fans:

I appreciated the offers to fight after the game. I'm sure Stafford also appreciated getting hit by an orange after the game. Like I said last night after they sieved the kid that got hit with the puck. CLASSY!

My daughter and I were in the cities last night and were forced to catch a portion of the 1st period on 950AM...we both agreed that Sonmer needed a box of Kleenix with all his ohhh'ing, etc. everytime the Goofs touched the puck. I've never been so happy to listen to Woog on FSN. We couldn't wait to get to our destination.

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Listened to the Gopher feed after the game. Sonmer's three stars were:

3: Guyer (for taking shots)

2: Harrington

1: Kessel (for the pass to Harrington)

If it makes you feel better I don't thing UW got a mention when they beat us 4-0. ??? It's a running joke for them.

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Anyone else notice how on most of the black jersey's the numbers had yellowed. On a couple of the freshman they had bright white names with yellowed numbers.

I don't like the Black Jerseys. I think they should stick to the green away jerseys and the home white.

Yuck. I am not sure whey UND keeps putting out jerseys that are black. I do like the Black pants with Green Jerseys and Black helments though.

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Oh my god! Dude, you just went from alright to White trash in my book!


1993 Sunbird? Oh my god! I think half the scrap aluminum in Fargo-Moorhead used to be on a Sunbird! :D

Next thing you know is that, if that Sunturd doesn't last, you'll replace it with a 1985 Chevrolet Citation or perhaps a 1979 Chevrolet Chevette! :silly:

1. it's paid for

2. it still runs well, even tho it is more rust brown than blue anymore

3. I bought it brand new off the lot w/ all my own money after I graduated and I still actually like the car

4. it's winter, why drive a BMW in the salt when you have the old beater?


replacement, hmmm a truck so I can haul stuff more readily than getting my trailer out and hook up...but NO SH!Tation for me!


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I don't like the Black Jerseys. I think they should stick to the green away jerseys and the home white.

Yuck. I am not sure whey UND keeps putting out jerseys that are black. I do like the Black pants with Green Jerseys and Black helments though.

I like them. They just look mean. It's just too bad the #'s yellowed.

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