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Yeah sorry, I just looked at that. Anyway, looking at the numbers if Stafford and Smaby leave, and with Marvin and Prpich graduating, that's four.Committed recruits are Zajac, Genoway, Lapoint, Marto, Forney, Vandy, and Trupp for 07. I'd say someone won't be here next year, depending on who jumps to the pro's. If no one jumps there are at least three guys that won't be coming next year from what I see. I forgot to factor in Bina.

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He is, but I'm not sure if it is because he's not eligible to come to college until then.

He's listed as 5'8 155 and a DOB of 10-22-87.

Let him do what Ryan Duncan did:

Mature (physically) at that stature a little longer in the BCHL.

That's why 2007 I'd guess.

Imagine a Sparky-Dunk-Trupp line: "Under the Crossbar!" :)

Of course you'd have to put a couple 6'7" D behind that. :)

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If Sparky & Duncan have not slienced the Bigger is better thinking, I don't know who ever will.

Karl Goehring did long ago, but still there are non-believing heathen out there.

The position description just says "Win." (No other requirements listed.)

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Just a hunch but if this is true and Lapoint has committed I would bet he comes next year instead of Marto. I don't think the coaches are too pleased with Marto's development. Who knows though maybe they both come next year or maybe Marto comes and Lapoint plays a year in the USHL. I guess time will tell.

Do you have an inside source regarding the coaches displeasure with Marto's progress? I recall many people wanted the Sioux to get Jon Ammerman or Kyle Hardwick rather than Marto. Marto has 1 goal, 21 assists and is +5, while Ammerman is 3 goals, 3 assists with -12, and Hardwick is 4 goals and 5 assists with a +2 rating. What does it mean -- nothing! Progress is judged on many levels. If Marto has bulked up and started to gain confidence, maybe that is what the coaches are looking for. He may go back to Omaha and he might not, but he has progressed, especially considering that the forementioned defensemen had a lot more hockey experience heading into this season than Marto. I have confidence that the coaches will bring him along whether it be in Omaha, or here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been following the Central Junior Hockey Championship Games since my hometown Hawkesbury Hawks are still in the mix. Everyone was raving about St Cloud's recruit from Pembroke, Latsch, but I can tell you that the Cornwall Colts Captain Ian Boots is just as dynamic a forward with more grit and I believe he is still uncommited. He is an overage junior so perhaps academics have come into play but if not and the Sioux do have numerous defections to the Pros it might be a big plus in battling the NCAA to have a Native American in the lineup with some age experience too.

Also someone else would could put the Boots to the Gophers.

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Do you have an inside source regarding the coaches displeasure with Marto's progress? I recall many people wanted the Sioux to get Jon Ammerman or Kyle Hardwick rather than Marto. Marto has 1 goal, 21 assists and is +5, while Ammerman is 3 goals, 3 assists with -12, and Hardwick is 4 goals and 5 assists with a +2 rating. What does it mean -- nothing! Progress is judged on many levels. If Marto has bulked up and started to gain confidence, maybe that is what the coaches are looking for. He may go back to Omaha and he might not, but he has progressed, especially considering that the forementioned defensemen had a lot more hockey experience heading into this season than Marto. I have confidence that the coaches will bring him along whether it be in Omaha, or here.

Numbers do mean nothing, but is anyone surprised that no one, apparently, has gone after Hardwick or, if they have, that Hardwick hasn't committed yet?

I mean, if numbers do say anything at all, he's done better at least than Ammerman...

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Do you have an inside source regarding the coaches displeasure with Marto's progress? I recall many people wanted the Sioux to get Jon Ammerman or Kyle Hardwick rather than Marto. Marto has 1 goal, 21 assists and is +5, while Ammerman is 3 goals, 3 assists with -12, and Hardwick is 4 goals and 5 assists with a +2 rating. What does it mean -- nothing! Progress is judged on many levels. If Marto has bulked up and started to gain confidence, maybe that is what the coaches are looking for. He may go back to Omaha and he might not, but he has progressed, especially considering that the forementioned defensemen had a lot more hockey experience heading into this season than Marto. I have confidence that the coaches will bring him along whether it be in Omaha, or here.

The only number that matters from my prospective is 160 pounds. I hope that he found the Gopher Juice and will show up at 175, and be 185 by 2007. The WCHA is not kind to 160 pound freshman D-men.

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The only number that matters from my prospective is 160 pounds. I hope that he found the Gopher Juice and will show up at 175, and be 185 by 2007. The WCHA is not kind to 160 pound freshman D-men.

If he came in at 160, he'd sweat of some of that weight during the season, and you'd be looking at a 150-155 lb d-man. Yikes.

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That would be getting into the Leinweber range....somebody who never came close to playing up to his talent because of his inability to get stronger and put on weight.

Some people have a very difficult time adding weight, muscle mass. I'm sure Hakstol would put him on a special program. I've heard some football players set their alarms for like 4 in the morning and eat a large meal. I'm not sure if this would be wise for Marto but its an option. It is possible that a coach or trainer has not properly given him the attention he needs in gaining weight. Five smaller meals a day beats 3 bigger meals, and eat past the point of comfort. Just my thoughts..

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I have been following the Central Junior Hockey Championship Games since my hometown Hawkesbury Hawks are still in the mix. Everyone was raving about St Cloud's recruit from Pembroke, Latsch, but I can tell you that the Cornwall Colts Captain Ian Boots is just as dynamic a forward with more grit and I believe he is still uncommited. He is an overage junior so perhaps academics have come into play but if not and the Sioux do have numerous defections to the Pros it might be a big plus in battling the NCAA to have a Native American in the lineup with some age experience too.

Also someone else would could put the Boots to the Gophers.

Boots committed to Ohio State.

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Didn't spot that listed anywhere but thanks. The Captain of my hometown Hawkesbury Hawks also committed to Ohio State so I guess the Buckeye scouts have been at the games and I just didn't notice. I watched Holy Cross's goaltender replacement (Ian Dams) play for the Nepean Raiders tonight and I think they got a real good one.

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I assume that this would be:




But, we have seen surprises in the past (Kozek, Watkins). Should be interesting...

I'd assume you'd be correct also as Chay Genoway, Jake Marto, Michael Forney, and Chris VandeVelde signed letters in the early period in November.


The only surprise that I'd expect (and is that really a surprise) would maybe be a goaltender.

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While at the Meet and Greet last night, my wife was talking with Oshie about Forney coming in next year. TJ said that Forney broke his leg a couple of days ago and things are in the air about him coming in next year. Didn't have time to try and get more information on it. Watkins, Oshie's table partner, was just as suprised as we were. Anyone have any more info on this?

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