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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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Execllent response PCM! Many points and examples summarized in a well stated letter. How can they argue that? (Of course they will, it's hard to reason with them anyway)

You're earning your keep as our "psuedo-reporter" that's for sure!

Great work!

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It continues to baffle me that newpapers don't get the concept of freedom of speech AND don't know that there is not a right to not be offended in the Bill of Rights.

Not to mention the invented-out-of-thin-air right of respect and right of self-portrayal.

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From the University of Arizona Wildcat Online:

Point Counterpoint

Mascot ban about abuse, not political correctness

This isn't a debate about political correctness. The NCAA was right to decide that schools with hostile American Indian symbols must abandon their mascots to be eligible for lucrative post-season games. They were right because the inconvenience of changing a college sports team's mascot is negligible, compared to the injustices of colonization forced on hundreds of indigenous groups in the U.S.

Opposition to Indian mascots exaggerated

Eighty-one percent of those Native Americans surveyed in a 2002 poll revealed that they supported the use of Indian nicknames in amateur sports. Perhaps that's because they are aware that fans and students at schools like Illinois and Florida State University tend to revere their mascots: At Florida State, home of Chief Osceola, university officials refer to the "unconquered" spirit of the Seminole tribe as an ideal to be emulated by all students at the school.

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Offending Catholics

However, the University of Minnesota will not compete against the University of North Dakota because of their Sioux nickname, fearing some Native Americans would be offended.

The University of Minnesota is willing to deeply offend Catholics, but not other groups. The conclusion is that the school administration holds an anti-Catholic bias.

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Good job. It continues to baffle me that newpapers don't get the concept of freedom of speech AND don't know that there is not a right to not be offended in the Bill of Rights.

Number one majority newspapers nation wide are left wing and thus the left wing agenda is more important than freedom of speech. I can only imagine the scorn PCM will get for the left wing elietist snobs.

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Okay, this isn't really about the Sioux name, but Fighting Sioux name is mentioned.

Hunchback comment just latest slur from sport knuckleheads

So I was saying to golfer Billy Mayfair last summer, a couple of weeks after his surgery for testicular cancer ...

"Billy," I said, "is that a two-stroke penalty for a lost ball, or what?"

There is far too much sensitivity out there, these days, and people just don't have a sense of humour any more.

Like the native Americans who have been protesting for decades against college and professional sports teams with nicknames like Redskins, Braves, Indians, Redmen, and Fighting Sioux.

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Article today from the AP on a possible settlement:

A judge has encouraged a settlement in a

legal battle over the University of North Dakota's Fighting Sioux

nickname -- and the lawyers are talking.

Kupchella and Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem (STEN'-jum) say

there have been discussions with N-C-A-A attorneys about a

settlement -- and more talks are likely. But neither Kupchella nor

Stenehjem will speculate on how close the two sides are to an


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The Lakota Sioux need more help to fix a significant problem with their youth than they need help changing a name and logo.


This is so incredibly sad. I was overwhelmed when I read the article and the comments. If changing the name and logo would help them, I will be the first in line to advocate the change. But I know it won't.

The pride I feel when I wear the logo, when I see our athletes succeed, when I hear the cheers and respect from non-Sioux fans for our athletes, when our athletes are honored not just for their accomplishments in sports but for their success in academics, I wish I could share this with those children on the Rosebud Reservation. I wish I could tell them, "I respect where and who you come from. That's one reason why it is important that the name and logo continue to exist. I want you to respect where and who you come from as well." But the reality is that I am an outsider. The only person who can help them is another Lakota Sioux.

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Another letter to the editor...

Letter: 'Diversity' being applied to select situations

Remember George Armstrong Custer? He was the one who wanted to eliminate American Indians. ...

The president of "St. Cloud State Diversity" didn't go quite that far, but he did insist the NCAA instigate a program for universities to ban all mascots and logos depicting anything to do with Indians.

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We're planning on sending the Scandenavians after you next. :angry:

I'd love to see this discussion start, as would most North Dakota fans. The sooner we start talking about treating ALL people equally, the sooner this PC vendetta can be stopped.

Ironically, the champions of equality in higher ed see no reason to apply this logic to athletics.

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Article today from the AP on a possible settlement:

I'm curious, what does this board think a "compromise" would entail?

The only thing I can think of that would satisfy both sides would be for some of the namesake tribes to bless the name. And in that case, I'd lock up a long-term ironclad agreement; because in a few years someone else in that tribe will claim "Grandpa never meant to sell that suit of clothes; oh wait, I meant he never meant to grant rights......" and all the PCers will be up in arms over this "outrage" that you perpetrated upon the poor "victims".


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