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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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A bit off topic, but here's another example for those who think the PC zealots will be satisfied at some point. Like many others, our school has various levels to group contributors into for the purposes of getting better tickets, etc. Before, we had names for these levels like Chief, Brave and Tomahawk. But this year, we now have new PC names. Olympian, Champion and All-American. So not only do they own the words on the field, they own words like "Chief" and "Brave" anywhere else too. :)

As noted, its a brave new world out there..... ;)

No, it's a champion/olympian/all-american world out there. :silly:

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A bit off topic, but here's another example for those who think the PC zealots will be satisfied at some point. Like many others, our school has various levels to group contributors into for the purposes of getting better tickets, etc. Before, we had names for these levels like Chief, Brave and Tomahawk. But this year, we now have new PC names. Olympian, Champion and All-American. So not only do they own the words on the field, they own words like "Chief" and "Brave" anywhere else too. :D

As noted, its a brave new world out there..... :D

You bring up good point, at what point are the PC ZEALOTS satisfied, whey do they stop with their demands,? Who far to they go?

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You bring up good point, at what point are the PC ZEALOTS satisfied...

Quite simply: never.
I really believe that they're a classic example of the "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" type of people. They see compromise and appeasement as weakness.

I think all you need to do is go to the other burning question on this board to see this in action. You have a dorm incident which could have a thousand and one explanations, yet some are drawing a definite cause-and-effect relationship to your nickname.

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Kelly, Brooks agree to terms
At the college level, some American Indian tribes including the Illini and Ute have approved their name for use, but the Sioux tribe has refused to allow the University of North Dakota to use the name "Fighting Sioux." The NCAA has banned the school from serving as host of any championships until the name is dropped.
Do newspaper writers check facts anymore?
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The Washington Times printed this? That's the most conservative-leaning, anti-pc paper this side of the Wall Street Journal. What gives? I guess it's not just the bleeding-heart liberal rags that can't get their facts straight.

I found out something today: the Washington Times was founded (and may still be owned) by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

It's certainly not your typical newspaper-regardless of your political leaning.

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I found out something today: the Washington Times was founded (and may still be owned) by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

It's certainly not your typical newspaper-regardless of your political leaning.

My sister and brother-in-law live in DC. Even though they are pretty conservative, they don't read the Times in favor of the Post primarily for its content, even if they disagree with the editorial slant.

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The Washington Times printed this? That's the most conservative-leaning, anti-pc paper this side of the Wall Street Journal. What gives? I guess it's not just the bleeding-heart liberal rags that can't get their facts straight.

Hence, the MSM... :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

As I read that my mind was thinking "how can we tie this statue to the Nazis. Unbelievably, that's EXACTLY where the writer was going!

Hitler was a frustrated artist. I'm guessing this is one of Hitler's works.

Thanks, Ralph!

I can't believe the stuff this guy keeps coming up with. No information cited, he just threw it out there with the hopes that someone will run with it. Unforunately the Herald loves this two bit clown.

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I strongly suspect the statue has origins in Nazi Germany.

Come on Johnny. Put down that bong. Everybody knows the statue was constructed in India a few years ago, with child slave labor and that color is the natural discoloration of Nazi gold mixing with blood, sweat and tears.

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Hmmm, I heard it was made by a diamond mine owner, a former WCHA referee. The statue is filled with diamonds. The diamonds are to fund a civil war between the WCHA and those eastern college hockey leagues. The planning will take several more years which is beneficial to the WCHA as the statue's value increases daily. :huh:

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To me it takes balls the size of Alpha-Centari(spelling)to print this garbage. What content editors are there at the Herald. To allow someone to submit this as a legitmate news story and then give the OK to print it, is at the very least pathetic and at most horrible journalism

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To me it takes balls the size of Alpha-Centari(spelling)to print this garbage. What content editors are there at the Herald. To allow someone to submit this as a legitmate news story and then give the OK to print it, is at the very least pathetic and at most horrible journalism

I totally agree. However, it's neither a "news story" nor is it "journalism." The letter in question is one man's twisted opinion on an extremely controversial issue. Letters-to-the editor, editorials and other content on the Op/Ed pages are not to be considered "news stories," the same as advertisements are not. The Herald may censor things from its news pages or Op/Ed pages, but I think most on this message board would agree, that we should not be advocating for censorship of any kind. Not even if it's trash and drivel that we whole-heartedly agree with. For as much as I read on here the mantras denouncing PC ideology and calls to support the 2nd Amendment, the NRA and the like, I would assume that most on this board would also stand by everyone's right to an opinion (unless it is libelous, of course.) I say let John Hoff and the other anti-name crowd spew their twisted logic as much as they want. It only helps to expose them for the nuts they are. And, while we're at it, I say let's give the Herald a back-handed pat on the back for printing this garbage and for helping the cause of those who want to support the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo.

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I totally agree. However, it's neither a "news story" nor is it "journalism." The letter in question is one man's twisted opinion on an extremely controversial issue. Letters-to-the editor, editorials and other content on the Op/Ed pages are not to be considered "news stories," the same as advertisements are not. The Herald may censor things from its news pages or Op/Ed pages, but I think most on this message board would agree, that we should not be advocating for censorship of any kind. Not even if it's trash and drivel that we whole-heartedly agree with. For as much as I read on here the mantras denouncing PC ideology and calls to support the 2nd Amendment, the NRA and the like, I would assume that most on this board would also stand by everyone's right to an opinion (unless it is libelous, of course.) I say let John Hoff and the other anti-name crowd spew their twisted logic as much as they want. It only helps to expose them for the nuts they are. And, while we're at it, I say let's give the Herald a back-handed pat on the back for printing this garbage and for helping the cause of those who want to support the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo.

I agree.

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