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NCAA Name Issue


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"Another stance: Wisconsin will not schedule teams with Native American nicknames but will play such schools in the postseason.

And why do the political elitests continue to use the label of "Native Americans" when they consider themselves and wish to be refered as "American Indians"?

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MafiaMan... I am having a difficult time understanding your avatar. You don't actually think the current logos and uniforms are better than the old ones, do you? Especially in the case of the Denver Broncos, those current uniforms they wear are just hideous. The old ones were among the best in all of pro sports.


The Houston Astros old uni is terrible, along with that Brewers logo.

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MafiaMan... I am having a difficult time understanding your avatar. You don't actually think the current logos and uniforms are better than the old ones, do you? Especially in the case of the Denver Broncos, those current uniforms they wear are just hideous. The old ones were among the best in all of pro sports.


I concur on the Broncos, especially considering the new Broncos uniform has led to the downfall of uniforms as we knew them (I'm talking new Falcons, AZ Cardinals, Bengals, and Bills here). However, would you seriously pine for the days of sky blue baseball uniforms as worn by the Phillies or the toilet colored Padres of the 1980's? How about the 1979 Pirates? 1983 White Sox? UGH...

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I agree with you 100% on those newer style NFL uniforms, especially the ones with dark pants on dark jerseys... PUKE!!! The '83 White Sox uniforms were ugly as were the rainbow colored Houston Astros of the '80s, but I have to admit I liked the powder blue road uniforms that so many teams wore back in those days. I don't have a strong opinion for or against the old Pirates or Padres uniforms except that I didn't like the flat-topped hats the Pirates used to wear.


I'll say one thing about the 80's uniforms, DaveK: At least every team had an identity in every sport. Nowadays, can the use of black as a third jersey or alternate jersey get any more over-used? The new black Lions jersey makes them look like the Carolina Panthers. The Philadelphia Eagles wear dark green for crying out loud, yet still saw the need for a black alternate, which they wore in the Super Bowl. The Florida Marlins ditched their teal scheme for an almost invisible teal pattern w/primarily black jerseys. The Colorado Rockies barely use purple anymore...they also have new black jerseys. And while I realize that the NBA decided to go retro-crazy this year to court the teen punk a*** market who apparently has money to burn and will buy a $250 1985 Dominique Wilkins or 1988 Wayman Tisdale jersey without batting an eye, at least those jerseys did have their own identity. There was no mistaking those 1985 Atlanta Hawks for the 1988 Sacramento Kings, that's for sure.

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You know, the funny thing is, of all those jerseys listed on that avatar, I actually prefer the old Broncos, old Capitals, old Canucks, old Sabres, and old Padres (yes, 1984 Padres) to the jerseys/logos they wear today. In the interest of being PC, the Padres changed one of the coolest logos around (the monk w/the baseball bat) to the surf wave logo they currently have. And is that a whale on the Canucks logo? One of the best comments I have ever heard was when the Buffalo Sabres unveiled their new logo and new color scheme (again, a team ditching history in favor of black and red). Someone who asked that his name not be released said prior to the unveiling that the logo looked like "Elsie the cow dressed in drag."

On the plus side, perhaps there is some change in the direction of the wind these days. BYU has scrapped their updated color scheme and gone back to the traditional "Y" football helmets they wore during the days of Steve Young and Jim McMahon. The blue is a bit darker than in the past, but it's a start. Now if they can just work on the Miami Hurricanes and Virginia Tech Hokies, all will be fine in NCAA football.

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Mafia, I'm guessing you're a fan of Joe Pa and his stance on Penn State's unis huh?

Personally, I see the reason they make these changes as being purely profitable. I don't mind the changes at all. I don't mind a team wearing a different uni every time they play. We always wanted as many different styles as we could get when I was playing. Just makes it more fun to switch it up once in a while. No harm no foul.

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All of those changes have to cost someone some money.

The question is then:

- If it's the school, is the research and laboratory equipment being "updated" and "refreshed" as often?

- If it's the vendors (Nike, Reebok, etc.), do you the consumer like paying extra for your shoes just so Team X can have a fourth, fifth, or sixth jersey/helmet/pants combination?

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All of those changes have to cost someone some money.

The question is then:

- If it's the school, is the research and laboratory equipment being "updated" and "refreshed" as often?

- If it's the vendors (Nike, Reebok, etc.), do you the consumer like paying extra for your shoes just so Team X can have a fourth, fifth, or sixth jersey/helmet/pants combination?


Yeah, but the cost to outfit a college team with new uniforms is nothing for Nike, Reebok etc. I don't usually buy shoes that often that it would bother me much. I like the changes and think that whoever pays for it is making more back on the purchases of new merchandise probably. Think about the cost of a MLB team changing to a new hat. Then think of how many hundreds of thousands of those hats they will sell. Seems like a pretty good investment to me.

As for Oregon think of all the free pub they get over those uniforms. That is all free advertising. And I don't think anyone's going to say, oh I don't want to play for them, look at those ugly unis. Specially if they go check out the facilities that Nike has built the U o fO. It's pretty unbelievable, the facilities that Nike has paid for for them. And the innovation just continues with the underarmour and DryFit clothing, why wouldn't you want to go to Oregon, who gets to try a lot of this new stuff out before other schools. Now I'm getting into selling Oregon, but I just think that the uniform change was done to show innovation and get free publicity.

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See I like the Miami unis, but maybe it's just an age thing :D

Do I dare ask what you think of Oregon's unis?? :D


Where is the guy puking face when I need him? Nevermind. I just found him. Oregon uniforms? See to the top of my post for my opinion on the Ducks jerseys.

I do agree with you, though, ESPNInsider, on their uniforms. Sports Illustrated talked about them at length in an issue a few years ago and the players of today rave about them. I honestly don't mind them, but I don't understand why two different shades of green were used in addition to the yellow. The one green almost looks black. I think it was revised last season to be only one shade of green, but don't quote me on that. For some reason, the yellow uniforms are almost...interesting? It's like a train wreck or a cop car having pulled someone over. You're almost compelled to slow down and take a look. After a quarter of watching them, I am almost hypnotized by their yellow-ness. OK, I like 'em. But I don't know why. The green home and away white, though? Hideous.

I'd like to think a high school senior picking a college to attend wouldn't base his decision on the nameplate-less jersey he'd be wearing at Penn State vs the gaudy uniform that Oregon State wears, but given the state of education in this country, I'd have to say it's swayed more than one recruit.

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Nike's CEO (Knight?) is an Oregon alumnus.

The Ducks are his "franchise" and "models", it's just that these models walk on a turf catwalk. :D


Yeah, I've visited their facilities and they are unreal. Indoor football facility is as cool as I've seen. Outdoor facility next door is great too. The track and field facilities are also nice. The one thing they need is a new b-ball arena. They curently use an old gymnasium which doesn't seat many. The rims have been known to shake during free throws as the crowd jumps.

There was a debate a couple of years ago when the Ducks were going to play Alabama maybe? LSU? can't remember, but it was the first game of the year and was going to be very hot. The other team was also sponsored by Nike but the ducks were given new Nike vests, which I believe were the prototype for the Nike DryFit. The other school was very mad and threatened to drop their contract with Nike until they gave them the same vests.

Pretty interesting how much money and innovation goes into college athletics.

...now I have to get back to designing that flying shoe...

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I seem to remember a delay in wearing the yellow jerseys a second time as they turned colors when washed and some improvements had to be made. The Ducks wore green for most of the rest of the season, I believe 2002 or 2003.

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  • 1 month later...
FSU prepares for NCAA ruling.



Honestly, The NCAA can not (Did you hear me name change trolls) make these schools change their names, the article in the Heraldo earlier this year said so. All this is, in my opinion is window dressing for the leftist eliets. You know the ones that fit the mold, the misfit sociology/humanities professors, or insert professor from the arts and science department that have nothing better to do with their time than biotch about atheletic team names. Its almost like they are actually listening to morons like Doren Yellow Bird, by the way that woman is a kook, a nut job. A bunch of hand wringing liberals who want to change the name of sports teams.

Come on really, its like there is nothing more important in the world than these people opinion's. All I can say is good For FSU, but their name isn't going anywhere.

Edited by Goon
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Honestly, The NCAA can not (Did you hear me name change trolls) make these schools change their names, the article in the Herald earlier this year said so.


Yeah, but they can say you (UND) can't play in our house (the NCAA) anymore.

Meaning no more Sioux hockey championships.

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Yeah, but they can say you (UND) can't play in our house (the NCAA) anymore.

Meaning no more Sioux hockey championships.


It will never happen, the NCAA isn't going to slit its throat for a nick name. I'd bet anyone that thinks this.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If i'm reading this article on ESPN right...it means UND can't use the Sioux name in the postseason and unless they change it, this will be one of the last year's they host any post-season event.

UND got screwed

Nicknames or mascots deemed "hostile or abusive" would not be allowed by teams on their uniforms or other clothing beginning with any NCAA tournament after Feb. 1
We'll see exactly what they call hostile or abusive.

"What each institution decides to do is really its own business"

That is the funniest quote ever. He says it's none of the NCAA's business, yet this comes right after they make a new rule putting these schools in a bad situation.

The NCAA plans to ban schools using Indian nicknames from hosting postseason events. Harrison said schools with such mascots that have already been selected as tournament sites would be asked to cover any offensive logos.

What are they gonna do at the Ralph next spring?

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