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Hakstol Officially Named Head Coach


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Guessing at the 3-4 week upcoming process was in response to a question about who the new asst coach would be?

Yes, I believe that was the response to a question about hiring a new assistant coach.

I was was at the news conference. I just had time to e-mail a photo to USCHO before getting back to work.

In talking to Hakstol afterward, he said that if any Sioux players are going to turn pro, it'll probably happen within the next month. If it doesn't happen by then, it probably isn't going to happen.

Keep your fingers crossed.

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Any word if the UND coaches radio show (from some restaurant?) will continue?

I think it's a safe bet that the radio show will continue. But will there now be a Fighting Sioux hockey TV show? Blais was opposed to the idea. Perhaps Hakstol will be more open to it.

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I think a TV show is a decent possibility, as it would also mean a little extra cash for coach Hak.

Of the assistant candidates in the Herald, I think Kallay is the most exciting choice. Being at Tech, he is familiar with WCHA recruiting grounds, at might be able to help us retap the once fertile grounds of Thunder Bay. He is also the most likely to actually want the position. Marks is too well established in the pro game and I doubt he'd want to be an assistant. Steve Johnson and Cary Eads haven't jumped at the other assistant opening here, so I'm not sure why they would now. And I think Davidson would be a top candidate for the Duluth job if Sandelin leaves to the NHL should Dean Blais get the Wild job a couple years down the road.

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Steve Johnson and Cary Eades haven't jumped at the other assistant opening here, so I'm not sure why they would now.

They're both making about $60-80 grand in their current jobs (Marvin Windows has AMAZING fringe benefits for a winning hockey coach in Warroad - which Cary has certaintly been) ...both not too bad..why trade that in a $40,000 a year job as a UND assistant...

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You did a real good job there covering tihis story from the begining Pat. Keep up the good work. I also wish Coach Hakstol the best of luck this upcomming season. Trust me the kid needs it. I can get away calling Coach Hakstol a kid after all i'm over 50.


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The Herald today published this story with the names of potential assistant coaches.

Personally, I think that looking at this list, the true candidates for this position would be found in the bottom four listed.

Steve Johnson would be a fine addition, but he's got it too good in the USHL to consider anything less than associate head coach. Just my opinion.

This would be the same with Marks. He's a pro head coach. No one wants to take a demotion, even if it is for his alma mater. Again, I think he'd probably consider it if it were associate head coach or head coach, but not assistant.

Which leaves the final four. I really don't know what to think of any because I don't know them very well. However, I'd probably go for Lee Davidson simply because he was one of the three that turned a program like UMD completely around.

Or, I would go off the board. What is the status on Tony Hrkac? Does he plan to retire this year because of the CBA? If so, wouldn't he make a great assistant head coach? True, he probably won't do it, but it would be a neat idea. Or how about Jon Casey? We've been screaming for a goaltender coach for a long time, maybe he would be a good addition?

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Or, I would go off the board. What is the status on Tony Hrkac? Does he plan to retire this year because of the CBA? If so, wouldn't he make a great assistant head coach? True, he probably won't do it, but it would be a neat idea.

Although he was a great college hockey player, I cannot envision Hrkac being a candidate, but the fact that he was just resigned by Nashville the other day seems to make him a nonfactor.

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They're both making about $60-80 grand in their current jobs (Marvin Windows has AMAZING fringe benefits for a winning hockey coach in Warroad - which Cary has certaintly been) ...both not too bad..why trade that in a $40,000 a year job as a UND assistant...

Wasn't Cary at the press conference announcing Blais was leaving. I also thought he was on record saying he wouldn't mind an assistant coaching position at UND?

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Since when did it become a prerequisite that you have to have been a UND alum to be a head, associate head, assistant coach, or towel boy for the Sioux hockey team? Has anyone forgotten that Cary Eades USED to be on the Sioux bench (or up in the booth, depending on how you look at it)? Or maybe you didn't know he was there. And now you think he'd come back to be second fiddle again? As if.

On another note, for all you naysayers out there about David Hakstol. Now considered one of the best coaches in all of college football, he hadn't even held a head coaching job until he was in his 50's. Nobody started the 2001 college football season with more pressure than he did. After all, he was a nobody. All he did that year was go undefeated and win the national championship. His record in the past three seasons is 35-3. I'm talking about Larry Coker. Give Dave Hakstol a chance, but let's put an end to the b.s. that he'd better win an NCAA championship right now or else he's a dud. In 50+ years of Sioux hockey, they've won 7. The Gophers have won 5, but went 23 years between #3 and #4. It's a bit unreasonable to expect a team to win it every year.

That being said, go Dave go! Good luck with your newest challenge!

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Eades will be glad to make the move at this time, and should be on board by next week. Ten years in Warroad is likely about three too many. While he has the administration behind him, certain powers are anxious for him to move on; and honestly what more can he accomplish in Warroad, short of pushing them to play AA hockey. :D

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On another note, for all you naysayers out there about David Hakstol. Now considered one of the best coaches in all of college football, he hadn't even held a head coaching job until he was in his 50's. Nobody started the 2001 college football season with more pressure than he did. After all, he was a nobody. All he did that year was go undefeated and win the national championship. His record in the past three seasons is 35-3. I'm talking about Larry Coker. Give Dave Hakstol a chance, but let's put an end to the b.s. that he'd better win an NCAA championship right now or else he's a dud. In 50+ years of Sioux hockey, they've won 7. The Gophers have won 5, but went 23 years between #3 and #4. It's a bit unreasonable to expect a team to win it every year.

That being said, go Dave go! Good luck with your newest challenge!

I think that you are misinterpreting the comments of so-called "naysayers." If you are referring to persons who are upset with the way the hiring was handled, count me among the many.

It may well be that Dave Hakstol is the best man for the job. However, it would have been nice to know that by at least accepting applications from more than one person, and God forbid, interviewing a few capable candidates. This is the "usual" process, and should be for one of the two most prestigious college hockey jobs in the country (the other being Minnesota). Consider these examples:

1. That is the process that U of M did when it hired Lucia. UM could have hired a very capable assistant, Mike Guentzel, who has been mentioned as a top head coaching candidate throughout the country. Instead, UM opened up the search and sought Dean Blais. When they did not land him, they went after Lucia.

2. At a smaller level, with the same AD, the UND football team (which is Division II) COULD have hired from within and hired Randy Hedberg, a longstanding and capable assistant with the Sioux (who turned around St. Cloud State). Instead, UND opened up its job search and hired Dale Lennon, who was coaching in Bismarck.

3. The Bison (again, on a smaller level--Div 1AA) could have hired the enormously popular Casey Bradley, a long-time assistant. Instead, they chose to do a national search and Craig Bohl got the job over Bradley.

The point is not that Hakstol is not capable, but that he will always be subject to 2nd guessing. UND's program is not comparable to D2 or D1AA football, it is much bigger and more prestigious. As a long-time UND fan and booster, I expected more. That is not to say that I will not support Dave Hakstol--I hope that he does very well and that the issue becomes moot. I know him and he's a good guy. I also think he will do well. However, he will now have a very short leash that could have been avoided. If UND and Roger Thomas had at least taken the time to interview Steve Johnson, Scott Sandelin and others, and had chosen Dave Hakstol, it would have been fine to all but the most cynical UND fans. However, as it stands, it leaves a bitter taste in many UND supporters mouths. If you think that my opinions are in the minority, you should talk with some of the avid UND hockey supporters and boosters in Grand Forks and Fargo.

I also resent the fact that some apparently feel that persons upset with the way the hiring was handled should be quiet and tow the company line. I respectfully disagree. It is one thing to support our new coach, which we will do. It is quite another to criticize UND and Roger Thomas for the way this was handled. UND and RT should know that many fans, boosters and alumni are not happy with the way this was handled so that it does not happen again, and, if the coach is not successful, they will be held accountable.

By the way, Larry Coker may have been successful, but how about Ron Zook at Florida? I can refer you to a local Florida alum who wishes they would have hired from outside. Besides, Coker and Zook were hired after a national search, so you are talking about apples and oranges.

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Give Dave Hakstol a chance, but let's put an end to the b.s. that he'd better win an NCAA championship right now or else he's a dud. In 50+ years of Sioux hockey, they've won 7. The Gophers have won 5, but went 23 years between #3 and #4. It's a bit unreasonable to expect a team to win it every year.

For him to be a "long term" Sioux coach, I really think the Sioux do need to win it next year. Or at least winning a title in the next couple of years. This years Sioux will have a very nice mix of experienced defensemen, goaltending and a very good group of forwards.

If the Sioux don't win the NCAA's and suffer some early departures the following couple of seasons, Hakstol will receive a large portion of the blame rightly or wrongly.

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For what it's worth the last two indivuals who made post brought up some very excellet points. If the SIOUX do win a national championship in the next couple of years. Then Roger Thomas is a genious (please excuse my spelling.) If not then, it was a smart move. That said, we tend to have that perception of "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?" If you ask me I think coach is going to be alright & hel's going to do ok. Now as for Ron Zook at the University of Florida. Speaking as a GATOR alum the take down here & it's about a two hour drive to Gainesville from my house. Everybody wants him GONE plain & simple. Then again that's the down side of having a National Search & like & please forgive me skateshattrick it's like comparing apples to oranges & he's right it's like comparing apples to oranges.


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I agree entirely with skateshattrick.

I think those who presume that if we dissenters do not blindly support the process, we also do not support the Sioux hockey program, are engaging in political gamesmanship, much like questioning one's "patriotism" if they criticize the President. I think the selection process was flawed in view of the fact that a "national search" is now underway to replace the women's soccer coach, and I really doubt RT looked outside of the 58201 area to fill Blais' slot. However, I wish Hakstol the best of luck, and hope he maintains and expands on Blais' legacy.

That said, anybody who doesn't think Hakstol has a very short time frame to prove himself is delusional. RT has a vested interest in giving Hakstol a longer leash, as he's the one who pulled the trigger. The rest of the fans, alums and boosters probably won't be so forgiving given the state of the program Blais left behind.

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