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Let's Talk Defense


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So we lose a ton of production from Ratelle, that's obvious. Other than that we don't lose much of anything. William James had his issues in pass coverage but was a solid tackler and forced some timely fumbles.  After that the biggest loss is Javen Butler who was a solid special teamer.  So we're in pretty damn good shape for this year.

The DE group look pretty stacked.

  1. Dranka
  2. Greeley
  3. Cieslak
  4. Schmidtz
  5. Johnson
  6. Carrothers

We're 6 deep on DEs with a lot of experience.  I don't know if I've ever seen this at UND. Then we get to throw in Mason Bennet, Carl Engwal, Carter Wilson, and Logan Alm. As a 3-4 defense we can keep guys fresh all game and not have a huge drop off in quality. Two years ago this group was paper thin. Good job Bubba. So who gets to play? It sounds like Bennet basically has to play because of his potential.  All of the guys listed above have proven their worth so I am very curious to see how our coaches use them. 

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2 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

So we lose a ton of production from Ratelle, that's obvious. Other than that we don't lose much of anything. William James had his issues in pass coverage but was a solid tackler and forced some timely fumbles.  After that the biggest loss is Javen Butler who was a solid special teamer.  So we're in pretty damn good shape for this year.

The DL looks pretty stacked.

  1. Dranka
  2. Greeley
  3. Cieslak
  4. Schmidtz
  5. Johnson
  6. Carrothers

We're 6 deep on DEs with a lot of experience.  I don't know if I've ever seen this at UND. Then we get to throw in Mason Bennet, Carl Engwal, Carter Wilson, and Logan Alm. As a 3-4 defense we can keep guys fresh all game and not have a huge drop off in quality. Two years ago this group was paper thin. Good job Bubba. So who gets to play? It sounds like Bennet basically has to play because of his potential.  All of the guys listed above have proven their worth so I am very curious to see how our coaches use them. 

Tank should be in that top group, too, I would think.  Nice list!

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1 minute ago, geaux_sioux said:

Fixed it. Anyway, best depth we've had in how long?


Now LBs    What are we thinking Disterhaupt, Taj, O'brien and a battle between Labat and Jawon at the other OLB?  with Bakker waiting to spell.

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3 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

I thought you wanted to talk about Tank?

LOL!  I do tend to pull for Tank a bit. I just want to see him succeed as he works hard and plugs away in the classroom. He's a good story out of Chicago.


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15 minutes ago, UNDColorado said:

Anyone know how Taj Rich's knee is coming along? 

Ligament tears are a long process, I am rehabbing from surgery in late April and still have a long ways to go.

I am pulling for Taj also.  Got to know his family through tailgating and they are good people.  

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13 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

So we lose a ton of production from Ratelle, that's obvious. Other than that we don't lose much of anything. William James had his issues in pass coverage but was a solid tackler and forced some timely fumbles.  After that the biggest loss is Javen Butler who was a solid special teamer.  So we're in pretty damn good shape for this year.

The DE group look pretty stacked.

  1. Dranka
  2. Greeley
  3. Cieslak
  4. Schmidtz
  5. Johnson
  6. Carrothers

We're 6 deep on DEs with a lot of experience.  I don't know if I've ever seen this at UND. Then we get to throw in Mason Bennet, Carl Engwal, Carter Wilson, and Logan Alm. As a 3-4 defense we can keep guys fresh all game and not have a huge drop off in quality. Two years ago this group was paper thin. Good job Bubba. So who gets to play? It sounds like Bennet basically has to play because of his potential.  All of the guys listed above have proven their worth so I am very curious to see how our coaches use them. 

Incredibly deep group is the entire defensive line with both returning starters (Drew Greely, Tank Harris, Brandon Dranka, Alec Carrothers) and contributors (Noah Johnson, Steve Greer, Nick Schmitz, Austin Cieslak, DaQuan Baker) . Also, as you mentioned, the young players (Mason Bennett, Carl Engwall, Carter Wilson, Logan Alm) are incredibly talented and have a bunch of potential. Although the offensive line is still a work in progress, the defensive line is looking good right now on paper. Games are won in the trenches, and it appears UND has at least 50% of that equation figured out for 2016. 

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11 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

how's arnell's rehab going?  adding taj and arnell back healthy will be huge...and jawon will be huge this coming year.

Have to think both Rich and Arnell are "wait and see situations" with fall camp. Good news is the inside linebacker spot has some quality guys that can pick up the slack (Connor O'Brien, Dylan Bakker, Dijon Murray, and Donnell Rodgers) if Rich still needs some time to rehab. Safety is a little bit more iffy, as we saw last season against Idaho State, Weber State, and Montana with Reyes out. If Arnell can't go, you'd be looking at Palmborg, Flowers, and Tucker along with the three true freshmen coming in. Lastly, you are right on Jawon Johnson. It sounds like he is going to be a terror rushing the passer from that outside backer spot, which is great with Disterhaupt and Labat also returning on the outside. 

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19 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

So we lose a ton of production from Ratelle, that's obvious. Other than that we don't lose much of anything. William James had his issues in pass coverage but was a solid tackler and forced some timely fumbles.  After that the biggest loss is Javen Butler who was a solid special teamer.  So we're in pretty damn good shape for this year.

The DE group look pretty stacked.

  1. Dranka
  2. Greeley
  3. Cieslak
  4. Schmidtz
  5. Johnson
  6. Carrothers

We're 6 deep on DEs with a lot of experience.  I don't know if I've ever seen this at UND. Then we get to throw in Mason Bennet, Carl Engwal, Carter Wilson, and Logan Alm. As a 3-4 defense we can keep guys fresh all game and not have a huge drop off in quality. Two years ago this group was paper thin. Good job Bubba. So who gets to play? It sounds like Bennet basically has to play because of his potential.  All of the guys listed above have proven their worth so I am very curious to see how our coaches use them. 

DE is loaded!  Noah improved every week last year.  Actually thought he was the best DE at the end of the year.  Leading the way are two juniors , Greeley and Dranka, that have started since they were true freshman.   Cieslak has huge potential going into his Sophmore year.  I could see carrothers moving to nose and making room for bennett.   Bennett is going to be special.  Had it not been for the injury he would of had his shirt pulled last year. Engwall plays with an attitude and has looked impressive the little I've seen of him.  A lot of experience yet very young as only 2 seniors here.

Tank anchors the line and now a sophomore he has some experience. Big boy that stuffs the middle.  Difficult to block.   Sophmore Greer played as a true freshman but never really noticed him.  Both sophomores

Love the OLB, they are extremely athletic and FAST!!  Jawon, disterhuapt and labat.   Labat will be in his 3rd year in the starting role.  I'm thinking jawon will be most improved player on the team, the guy is a flat out baller!!  A converted safety, he uses his speed terrifically adding that aggressive full tilt attitude and nature.   I'm just as impressed with disterhuapt. Will love watching those two on the field at the same time. 

ILB scares me a bit.   Not sure how tajs knee will be. If healthy he is a stud.  O brien has experience and looked good last year as does Bakker, but not quite sold on them yet.  Hearing good things on Rodgers.  Just to many unknowns to feel comfortable here. 

Cb will still be very young but slowly gaining experience. There is definitely talent but they can not afford injuries. Deion will be in his 3rd year as starting cb and had 12 BU last year.   Tyus is back as the other starter. I'm hearing he might not be full health yet?  Lost JIS.   Carter seems capable enough.  The two true freshman, Torrey and Evan have serous talent and need to showcase immediately !  No seniors 

Cole needs to remain healthy.....stud stud stud!  Palmborg played last year as a true fresh, gaining playing experience and looked fantastic in spring ball.  Arnell started last year but I have a hunch palmborg slides into his starting role.  Arnell is good, just hope he can come back from his injury.  Vashon has some talent but unproven.  No seniors 


DE: A+




CB: C  

S: B 



Bubba ball starts with the d and this year should be no exception.  

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It will be interesting to see how any FBS dropdowns at corner do.  There was one on the line after Walker that ended up elsewhere (would have likely been slotted as a starter) and my understanding is there is another potential out there.  That will go a long way into determining how I feel about the CB position.

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44 minutes ago, Hambone said:

It will be interesting to see how any FBS dropdowns at corner do.  There was one on the line after Walker that ended up elsewhere (would have likely been slotted as a starter) and my understanding is there is another potential out there.  That will go a long way into determining how I feel about the CB position.

Sounds like the staff is working on bringing in another FBS corner after the Walker situation. Will have to wait and see. 

Would help quite a bit, obviously depending directly on the player's experience and ability. 

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8 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

Have to think both Rich and Arnell are "wait and see situations" with fall camp. Good news is the inside linebacker spot has some quality guys that can pick up the slack (Connor O'Brien, Dylan Bakker, Dijon Murray, and Donnell Rodgers) if Rich still needs some time to rehab. Safety is a little bit more iffy, as we saw last season against Idaho State, Weber State, and Montana with Reyes out. If Arnell can't go, you'd be looking at Palmborg, Flowers, and Tucker along with the three true freshmen coming in. Lastly, you are right on Jawon Johnson. It sounds like he is going to be a terror rushing the passer from that outside backer spot, which is great with Disterhaupt and Labat also returning on the outside. 

Palmborg certainly wasn't perfect, but I though he stepped in nicely for a young guy. Definitely some upside to this kid over the next few years. Was a walk on, correct?

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3 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

Palmborg certainly wasn't perfect, but I though he stepped in nicely for a young guy. Definitely some upside to this kid over the next few years. Was a walk on, correct?

Yes, he was a walk-on. I personally think Palmborg is the favorite to start alongside Reyes in the opener; however, plenty of time for Arnell or one of the younger players to prove me wrong. 

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