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The Pens are way too good in the regular season to be so underachieving in the postseason for so many years in a row.

I feel your pain. I've only in the last decade come to appreciate how playoff hockey is different from regular season, especially at the NHL level. Be happy they won one -- plenty of highly successful regular season teams don't :(

I think that it would be unrealistic to expect the Pens to win 4 out of 5

Yeah, those are numbers that can only be achieved with a player as dominant as Gretzky ;)

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Ummmm...uhhhh...hi, is Zdeno home?

Speaking. Sidney, is that you?

Yea it is. How did you know, Z?

Your voice doesn't crack as much as it did last year. What's up?

Um...uh...I was wondering if you wanted to come over and play tomorrow. You know...since hockey's over for you guys.

Sure, I'll be over at 10. And don't say "play," it's "hang out," ok? You're over 21 now.

Ok, see ya tomorrow.

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Very disappointed that the Bruins lost. I thought they were the better team in at least 4 games (1, 3, 4 and 5) but obviously came up short. After Iginla hit the post with about 15 mins to go Doc Emerick said that was their 13th post of the series. On NHL Tonight Kevin Weekes said they hit 18-20. I tend to think Doc's stats are closer, but either way they were snakebite this series. You know the saying - I guess that's why they play the games.

You can all now take comfort in the fact that you won't have to hear the contingent of Bruins fans on this site talk about them until next season.

There's another saying that now applies for the remainder of this year's playoffs - He who comes out of the West wins the Stanley Cup.

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Atta boy Milan Lucic...if you don't want to go thru the handshake line and offer congratulations to the winners, then just go to the locker room. Big baby.

From his crotch shot to this and in between I can't stand the guy.
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He didn't stop with just one guy, either...I counted three that he lipped off too. Class act, all the way.

He had a word with Weise and Emelin... I am not a fan of Emelin at all, but Weise, no real problem with him. Handshake line is a bit over the top to do this. Should have gotten him on the ice during the game. Maybe someone from the Bruins could have checked him before he scored.

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Very disappointed that the Bruins lost. I thought they were the better team in at least 4 games (1, 3, 4 and 5) but obviously came up short. After Iginla hit the post with about 15 mins to go Doc Emerick said that was their 13th post of the series. On NHL Tonight Kevin Weekes said they hit 18-20. I tend to think Doc's stats are closer, but either way they were snakebite this series. You know the saying - I guess that's why they play the games.

You can all now take comfort in the fact that you won't have to hear the contingent of Bruins fans on this site talk about them until next season.

There's another saying that now applies for the remainder of this year's playoffs - He who comes out of the West wins the Stanley Cup.

Imagine if just 3 of those go in?

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