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Schmaltz needs to get it together. I don't fault Forbert as much, because he is stuck being paired with Schmaltz. Schamltz is a #1 draft pick...show me something kid.

Simpson and Mac were not bad.

We need to see Panzo tomorrow night.

Panzarella should be in for Schmaltz. Send a wakeup call.

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I would say the Goofers where much bigger hacks than the Sioux tonight! #6 for the goofs needs to be made Pattyn's bitch! If the color of the jersey's were reversed UND would have spent most of the game in the box. UMTC got a way with a lot of garbage. The Sioux didn't respond well and got run out of the building. The first penalty set the tone for the rest of the game, terrible call on a clean hit and UND was lost from there on out.

I hope you don't believe this. Your team gives up after 5 minutes?

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I disagree completely....we looked decent, we had a few bad turnovers, and a lot of bad luck.

You're entitled to your opinion.

1. You never let a team score with less than 10 seconds in a period. Tackle him if you have to.

2. You have to take the man when there are scrambles in the crease or in the slot.

3. Did you really think our d and our flow looked okay?

4. Did you really like completely changing up all the lines except for the first line?

I'll give you that we didn't get run out of the place, but we had a poor performance

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Pathetic performance, also waiting for Berrys vaunted defense we played better d last year. Why is pattyn centering the third line not much offense from him. Hakstol keeps peeing down his own leg, for crips sake don't just scowl make some adjustments. Saunders didn't look like a d1 goalie tonight very very weak

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Hate to be a voice of reason, but your squad could have easily been up 2-1 after 2 instead of down and who knows how it goes from there? You guys had great stretches of putting the Gophers on their heels, but the UM defense and Wilcox came up big. Those scenarios could have turned in your favor were the game played again. I love my squad and appreciate their talent, but UND has big-time talent and if the Gophers want to have any chance of 3 points or a sweep will have to play better tomorrow night because UND is going to bring it from the first puck drop tomorrow night if I know your team. I can't lie, the 3rd period was fun for me to watch but again that could have been your result.

btw - was weird to see both PPs struggle and iirc both came up empty? That probably doesn't happen 2 games in a row.

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You're entitled to your opinion.

1. You never let a team score with less than 10 seconds 1 minute in a period. Tackle him if you have to.

2. You have to take the man when there are scrambles in the crease or in the slot.

3. Did you really think our d and our flow looked okay?

4. Did you really like completely changing up all the lines except for the first line?

I'll give you that we didn't get run out of the place, but we had a poor performance

Fixed your post.

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I'm not here to pile on. I appreciate the talent of UND and respect them deeply. This year however, the Gophers are superior in many facets. Aside from top end talent on the first line where I agree it's a push, the Gophers have better 3rd and 4th line depth, better team defense, better special teams, and better goaltending. This year. Things change and I remember getting beat plenty of times by superiour Sioux teams of the past. Plus, who knows how a single elimination context goes in the NCAAs. Honestly though, UND will need to pick it up from tonight's effort to ensure they make the NCAAs.

Prior to the game I don't think many of you thought Wilcox was legit. He is, obviously. Saunders was average, and the U is throwing a lot of pucks in the back of the net in the last few weeks against average goaltending. Additionally, I think we can put to rest the refereeing bias conspiracy theories. There were several light calls in both directions early on that no one was happy with.

Overall, it was a clean game that got out of hand. I expect a better team effort from UND tomorrow but I'd honestly be surprised if the U didn't end of with 3 or 4 points on the weekend.

I've watched all of UND's games. This was not one of their better efforts. As far as the NCAA's...get a clue. We're a #2 seed right now, and have split against all top 10 teams we've played...lost a game tonight against a major rival, on their ice, Olympic ice, where we were 2-1 late, with one of our worst offensive and defensive efforts, without lines finalized.

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I hope you don't believe this. Your team gives up after 5 minutes?

I am not seeing where I said they gave up? If you take clean hits out of the game where does that leave a team that needed to play physical (not cheap) to win! UND played very cautious after that and the Goofers played physical and didn't get called. Plain and simple!

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I'm not sure about Zane in the net tomorrow. I know Clark didn't have his best game, but I still think they need to stay with Clark in trying to get the split.

I just don't know about giving Zane his second ever road start on the road at Mariucci against a team thats flying. Who knows, maybe its the wakeup call this group needs.

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The Gophs teed off on Kristo all night. They knew Mitch wasn't gong contribute much. Rocco would free up space for Kristo and Knight.

People say you can't put all your eggs in one basket but think about Duluth 2 years ago, their loaded first line won a lot of games for them.

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I am not seeing where I said they gave up? If you take clean hits out of the game where does that leave a team that needed to play physical (not cheap) to win! UND played very cautious after that and the Goofers played physical and didn't get called. Plain and simple!

No doubt that marginal call changed the game for UND from a physicality standpoint. Problem is their hockey skills stunk tonight as well.

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Think you see Panz at D. Colton at forward. Zane in net. Mid January and this team doesn't have one set forward line.

Panzarella should play tomorrow, I wouldn't mind him playing the rest of the year. Put Grimaldi, Caggiula, and St. Clair back together. Chyzyk or O'Donnell in place of Senkbeil.

The defence need to stop shooting into the opposing players, it's like they get the puck and shoot it right at the guy covering the point.

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I've watched all of UND's games. This was not one of their better efforts. As far as the NCAA's...get a clue. We're a #2 seed right now, and have split against all top 10 teams we've played...lost a game tonight against a major rival, on their ice, Olympic ice, where we were 2-1 late, with one of our worst offensive and defensive efforts, without lines finalized.

If you play the 2nd half like you did tonight I'll bet you a paycheck you aren't a #2 seed. You have a great #1 line. Beyond that, I'd say you're slightly above average at best. That said, they are young kids and things change quickly. Maybe we'll see a team possessed tomorrow night.

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I am not seeing where I said they gave up? If you take clean hits out of the game where does that leave a team that needed to play physical (not cheap) to win! UND played very cautious after that and the Goofers played physical and didn't get called. Plain and simple!

I hadn't thought of it that way. You have a point. I don't think it swings the balance of this particular game, however. There were too many other facets UND was outplayed.

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If you play the 2nd half like you did tonight I'll bet you a paycheck you aren't a #2 seed. You have a great #1 line. Beyond that, I'd say you're slightly above average at best. That said, they are young kids and things change quickly. Maybe we'll see a team possessed tomorrow night.

We go thru this paycheck thing with the SU inbreeds. Enough...

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It is January, not March or April...If I recall, even the Hrkac Circus team lost a game at Mariucci.

The UND coaching staff is known for making late season pushes and getting better as the season wears on. We do not even have our lines set for crying out loud.

Minnesota is a very quality team this year. To get beat on their ice is a great motivator and wake-up call.

I am optimistic that we have not played our best hockey, and I believe that Minnesota is peaking early. I might be wrong, and they might just get better, but I believe that we will definitely get better.

I do agree that we had no puck luck, but we didn't work hard enough to get it. Minnesota did a great job limiting our chances. Rarely did we have flow and good looks with numbers attacking.

Tomorrow is another day

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If you play the 2nd half like you did tonight I'll bet you a paycheck you aren't a #2 seed. You have a great #1 line. Beyond that, I'd say you're slightly above average at best. That said, they are young kids and things change quickly. Maybe we'll see a team possessed tomorrow night.

Its great to have such a great hockey mind like your self on the board tonight! Thanks for all the great insight on a team you have watched once this year! I am glad UMTC has won the NC in Jan. This weekend is a great weekend but means very little over the next two months. By the way the Golden Chokers still have another game tommorow so I wouldn't be handing them hardware quite yet!
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If you play the 2nd half like you did tonight I'll bet you a paycheck you aren't a #2 seed. You have a great #1 line. Beyond that, I'd say you're slightly above average at best. That said, they are young kids and things change quickly. Maybe we'll see a team possessed tomorrow night.

You have lost all respect after your comments tonight after ONE game.

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We go thru this paycheck thing with the SU inbreeds. Enough...

Should have said I bet you $100 bucks. Nothing personal about incomes. Also, thanks for having a board that actually works when traffic spikes. GPL melts down. See you all tomorrow night. (5pm start remember)

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If you play the 2nd half like you did tonight I'll bet you a paycheck you aren't a #2 seed. You have a great #1 line. Beyond that, I'd say you're slightly above average at best. That said, they are young kids and things change quickly. Maybe we'll see a team possessed tomorrow night.

How many UND games have you watched this year? Do you know that the lines tonight were as follows:

1st- played together for the first time last weekend (Kristo and Knight have played together all year)

2nd- haven't played together since last season

3rd- never played together before

4th- never played together before

We split with BU and Notre Dame, took 3 pts from Denver...split with SCSU...

Don't talk paychecks...I'll keep it classy and not go down the road that makes me want to go...

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