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Eight Bison football players charged


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I am getting really sick and tired of hearing some people say that Beck should have "made a different choice". What was he supposed to do, lay down and get beaten to a pulp? Would that have made him a good boy? If somebody was stupid enough to mess with me, they would get it right back. I am thinking if Beck had just "walked away", these idiots would have followed him and jumped him from behind. Beck has the same right to defend himself as anyone else, football player or not. This case is closed as far as I am concerned. And it should be to everyone else too.

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I am getting really sick and tired of hearing some people say that Beck should have "made a different choice". What was he supposed to do, lay down and get beaten to a pulp? Would that have made him a good boy? If somebody punched me in the face, they would get it right back. Beck has the same right to defend himself as anyone else, football player or not. This case is closed as far as I am concerned. And it should be to everyone else too.

Who threw the first punch, that person should get the assault charge. The retaliation is the self defense.

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Completely unimportant side point: What was Beck doing at the Drunken Noodle at 2:45am by himself? Kind of strange to be running by himself after a night of drinking. Probably would have helped to have some buddies with to stick up for him or talk it down.

he was trying to talk to a girl that he admitted was out of his league.

It's probably actually good that Beck was alone and was hauled in to the iron gate hotel. If this aanenson character had two or three buddies already involved (alledgedly) and if Travis had gotten away and rallied up his friends, this really could have escalated out of control. That's the kind of incidents you do read about from big time football programs.

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he was trying to talk to a girl that he admitted was out of his league.

Just curious, was the girl in the restaurant footage described as one of the other guys' girlfriend (the one standing between the guys as they are jawing back and forth)? Was that the girl he was trying to talk to that "was out of his league"?

I am getting really sick and tired of hearing some people say that Beck should have "made a different choice". What was he supposed to do, lay down and get beaten to a pulp? Would that have made him a good boy? If somebody was stupid enough to mess with me, they would get it right back. I am thinking if Beck had just "walked away", these idiots would have followed him and jumped him from behind. Beck has the same right to defend himself as anyone else, football player or not. This case is closed as far as I am concerned. And it should be to everyone else too.

Gee, maybe not agree that they should take the fight outside (Beck's own admission) and then proceed to do so? Not exactly what I would call defending yourself.

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Just curious, was the girl in the restaurant footage described as one of the other guys' girlfriend (the one standing between the guys as they are jawing back and forth)? Was that the girl he was trying to talk to that "was out of his league"?

Gee, maybe not agree that they should take the fight outside (Beck's own admission) and then proceed to do so? Not exactly what I would call defending yourself.

video shows him apparently having second thoughts or something, he appears to try to leave the area when these guys "herd" him back in as someone stated earlier.

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video shows him apparently having second thoughts or something, he appears to try to leave the area when these guys "herd" him back in as someone stated earlier.

That's what you say the video shows. Another view is that they are still jawing back and forth and the girl is in the middle trying to break it up. I don't think anyone is herded back anywhere. Without seeing what happened in the alley or having any audio, its speculation either way. Regardless, he admitted he agreed with the guy to go out and fight. He is not a victim nor blameless, though I will reiterate he does not appear to be guilty of the aggravated assault that was rightly dropped.

I also hadn't see the part where he comes from the alley in handcuffs, turns the corner and takes off halfway down the block (right around the 4 minute mark). A few minutes later he doesn't look very cooperative as the cop is bringing him out of the alley (just before the 6 minute mark). I can see why he was charged with resisting/fleeing at that point in time.

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This poor guy has been vilified hasn't he?

This is his second resisting arrest charge and he's lucky to get off with only that. He admitted to punching the guy until he went down unconscious. What would have happened if the guy he was punching was killed?

It's been mentioned a few times in this thread there's a real culture problem for the footballs players down at the at college. Seriously wouldn't surprise me if Taylor and bohl decide not to punish beck and the problem only grows.

For a stupid little bar fight yeah I'd say the media did a hatchet job on him.

As for the actual incident there is no victim, just two drunken idiots doing stupid things at 2 AM. Beck is lucky those two guys didn't beat the pulp out of him and he is lucky the guy he knocked out is fine. Nothing ever good can happen at the time of night. Even in his drunken state I don't think Beck wanted to knock the guy out but like another poster said the guy wanted a fight and he got one.

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Gee, maybe not agree that they should take the fight outside (Beck's own admission) and then proceed to do so? Not exactly what I would call defending yourself.

Gee, what would you be willing to bet those punks would have just followed him outside if he had tried to just walk away? I imagine Beck didn't want to trash a private establishment, so he figured it was better to take it outside so that innocent bystanders weren't injured in the process. The bottom line is, these punks wanted a fight and they weren't going to go home until they got one. If a 21 year old college kid can't go to a bar on his own free time and have an adult beverage, then that is sad commentary on our world.

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Gee, what would you be willing to bet those punks would have just followed him outside if he had tried to just walk away? I imagine Beck didn't want to trash a private establishment, so he figured it was better to take it outside so that innocent bystanders weren't injured in the process. The bottom line is, these punks wanted a fight and they weren't going to go home until they got one. If a 21 year old college kid can't go to a bar on his own free time and have an adult beverage, then that is sad commentary on our world.

He was a willing participant in the fight, I'm not sure how you can say he wasn't when he admitted he was? "Let's take it f'ing outside." is not defusing the situation nor the comment of an unwilling victim. It was two guys hyped up and taking trash talking too far, getting in a drunken fight. Not much more, not much less.

As for the actual incident there is no victim, just two drunken idiots doing stupid things at 2 AM. Beck is lucky those two guys didn't beat the pulp out of him and he is lucky the guy he knocked out is fine. Nothing ever good can happen at the time of night. Even in his drunken state I don't think Beck wanted to knock the guy out but like another poster said the guy wanted a fight and he got one.

Can't argue too much with that.

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I thought agreeing to public brawling (aka a bar fight in a back alley) is the definition of "disorderly conduct".

Where are those charges for those involved?

No more charges Travis Beck spend 2 whole days in jail. To quote lakes.

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Yep, good ol CC, I mean Sam, I mean lakesbison. He said all bison players have targets on their backs...really?

So, Lakes Buffoon is now the spokes person for the NDSU Bison Football team. That's comedy gold.

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As for the actual incident there is no victim, just two drunken idiots doing stupid things at 2 AM. Beck is lucky those two guys didn't beat the pulp out of him and he is lucky the guy he knocked out is fine. Nothing ever good can happen at the time of night. Even in his drunken state I don't think Beck wanted to knock the guy out but like another poster said the guy wanted a fight and he got one.

Victimless incident: b s on that. Beck's antics have caused extra work for ther the court system, public prksecuors, and police. If bison supporters are willing to pay those bills, fine, call it what you want. But otherwise the victims are taxpayers. He's a punk adult with the maturity of a 12 year old.

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Victimless incident: b s on that. Beck's antics have caused extra work for ther the court system, public prksecuors, and police. If bison supporters are willing to pay those bills, fine, call it what you want. But otherwise the victims are taxpayers. He's a punk adult with the maturity of a 12 year old.

No doubt, victim less crime like the Voter Registration Fraud scheme as well.

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