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C'mon, Goon, you have to admit that even most Gopher fans know at least something about hockey. :D

But maybe Bison1234 is actually Sid Hart because their hockey knowledge seems to be about the same. Remember when poor Sid was whining about how D II schools like UND and SCSU had an unfair advantage over Minnesota? :huh:

Because of our 25 year old Canadians :D:)

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Because of our 25 year old Canadians :D:D

Oh, heck no, Sid wasn't smart enough to pick up on that angle. His arguement was that because the D II schools didn't have to put as much money and effort into D I sports, they could concentrate all their resources on one sport -- hockey.

Fortunately, the Gophers were able to overcome that severe handicap and win two national championships back-to-back, proving that Sid really should keep his mouth shut when it comes to college hockey. :huh:


We are playing either UMTC or ISU in 2007. I doubt we'll win, but i'd love to see your reactions if we did.

D3 schools can aparantly play D1 hockey too. What a horrible disadvantage to true D1 schools. Sid is right on, no more of this D3 and D2 only playing one sport at D1 crap.

Sid is right on, no more of this D3 and D2 only playing one sport at D1 crap.

And with that statement, you've proven yourself even more clueless than Sid. Congratulations! I didn't think it was possible, but you've manged to out-Sid Sid.



i live in minneapolis and read the ST everyday. IMO, Sid is scenile and outdated in his knowledge for sports today. i sometimes often just look down and shake my head at some of the things he says. pure disbelief. that's just my take on him.


I think Bison1234 should take his "Sid's a genius" angle to the Gopher's Pride On Ice message board and see how well it flies there.

Fortunately, the Gophers were able to overcome that severe handicap and win two national championships back-to-back, proving that Sid really should keep his mouth shut when it comes to college hockey. :D

Sid should keep his mouth shut period.

Bisonfan...I'm from the TC, and have read Sid's "column" many a time...sports genius he is not. Go over to POI and ask their opinion of the Sidiot.

A guy buys a new car and the radio has voice activation. All you have to do is say what you want to listen to and it automatically tunes to that station. He decides to try it out and says, "classic rock"...KQ comes on. So he says, "rap"...and B96 comes on. Suddenly someone cuts him off, and he yells, "A$$HOLE!!!"...and Sid Hartman comes on. :huh:


Back to the original thesis: NDSU versus the playoff field.

Note that this is only, and purely, a hypothetical exercise.

At least when Northern Colorado and UC-Davis left DII they left after a DII playoff loss and didn't come around with claims of "what could have been."

If you lived in Minneapolis and read the ST everyday, you'd see how truely genius Sid is.

LOL. Congratulations, you've now exposed yourself as a troll. Of course, you could actually believe this, which would put you in very select company, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

BTW, from Sid's own column today:

I've been writing a column for a long time. Most people say it has been too long.


We are playing either UMTC or ISU in 2007. I doubt we'll win, but i'd love to see your reactions if we did.

The United Marching Truckers Conglomerate and Isolated Singing Uberdweebs will pound the ND ag school.

Seriously, what schools are talking about? If you mean Minnesota, they are not UMTC. Only their mail says Twin Cities on it. They go by U of M, the U, or Minnesota. I suppose ISU is Iowa State, but I'm just guessing at what shcools you're talking about. It could be Idaho State.


This whole conversation is stupid the Bison are and always will be the superior team, national championships speak for themselves. Maybe NDSU leaving the conference will now open the door for UND to play in the DAK 10 with power houses such as Jamestown, Valley City, Mayville and Crookston Oh wait you have already played them so maybe Northland Community College is avail. for next years schedule. Also, has UND even played a road game all year I realize South Dakota, SDSU and Mankato are league powerhouses. Well thats it for my rant. Oh yeah I have in my possesion a picture of a former SUE quarterback not naming any names but he just might be the color man for Eddie Schultz (trader) wearing a pink dress standing on a street corner and if this stupid site would allow me to post I would put it out there.

Oh yeah I have in my possesion a picture of a former SUE quarterback not naming any names but he just might be the color man for Eddie Schultz (trader) wearing a pink dress standing on a street corner.

So what? Who cares about a man in a dress? Next are you going to say that a woman wearing jeans is wrong? Its the new hip style nowadays. Get out of the past (this includes the titles you won around 15 years ago). People are much more tolerable in this day and age, but obviously you still hold some inner child resentment. Seek a shrink.

This whole conversation is stupid the Bison are and always will be the superior team, national championships speak for themselves. Maybe NDSU leaving the conference will now open the door for UND to play in the DAK 10 with power houses such as Jamestown, Valley City, Mayville and Crookston Oh wait you have already played them so maybe Northland Community College is avail. for next years schedule. Also, has UND even played a road game all year I realize South Dakota, SDSU and Mankato are league powerhouses. Well thats it for my rant. Oh yeah I have in my possesion a picture of a former SUE quarterback not naming any names but he just might be the color man for Eddie Schultz (trader) wearing a pink dress standing on a street corner and if this stupid site would allow me to post I would put it out there.

Thanks for taking the time to register and contribute. Great first post. :silly:


Okay, and at the same time we'll have no more of these D-1A schools playing one sport at D-1AA.


What do you think of I-AAA? Those schools better get a football team quick.

The Herd has a lot of work to do in BB. There is no doubt about that. It will come with the move to D1, but, I am glad that there will be a probationary period to use a development time. Latest seems it will be about 5 years......I gotta say other than SDSU....I am surprised at how weak the NCC is this year.

Let us glance a moment into the mind of a Bison Fan........

(Wayne's World.......Dudelo Dudelo Dudelo)

Wait a second......I think I.......yeah, I just had an idea. Our teams are struggling. Basketball is winless. Football just came off of a 2 win season. UND has won 10 out of the last 13 meetings in football. We haven' t done anything in athletics as far as national championships in a long long time. Let's go D-I!!

(Dudelo Dudelo Dudelo)

That is unbelievable. The basketball team will find their improvments during the D-I move up?! Yeah D-II teams are kicking our ass but don't worry, we will fare better when we go to Div I. Good thinking boys.

BTW, for a look into SDSU Fan's mind, simply substitute NDSU for SDSU and give UND 20 more wins in every sport.

We haven' t done anything in athletics as far as national championships in a long long time. Let's go D-I!!

SU recent national titles

wrestling 98, 00, 01

women's track 02

softball 00

unless 02 was a long long time ago your statement is inaccurate


SU recent national titles

wrestling 98, 00, 01

women's track 02

softball 00

unless 02 was a long long time ago your statement is inaccurate

Your womens' programs is where you'll see the success.


Okay, and at the same time we'll have no more of these D-1A schools playing one sport at D-1AA.

NDSU is a D1 school, not a D1A school. There is no such thing as a D1A school anyway.

Here are some examples of D1 schools:




North Dakota State

UND is a D2 school and should be force to play all sports at D2.

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