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POLL: Should UND-NDSU Resume the Football Series?



220 members have voted

  1. 1. Should UND and NDSU Resume the Football Series?

    • Yes, play the game annually
    • On occassion, but not annually
    • No, we've gone our separate ways so let's focus on building new rivalries

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I am not saying I disagree with the move to bring in Hansen at all, he looks to be the real deal and could really help the team.

But, do you think this might set a dangerous precedent at the QB position? Bringing in a guy who will only be there for 1 year at such an important position, and pretty much handing him the position?

Thanks for your interest in Fighting Soux sports. I think if he sucks he obviously won't "be handed" the job. Over the years su has had many transfers come in - were they all "handed" the job just because they were a transfer?
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I am not saying I disagree with the move to bring in Hansen at all, he looks to be the real deal and could really help the team.

But, do you think this might set a dangerous precedent at the QB position? Bringing in a guy who will only be there for 1 year at such an important position, and pretty much handing him the position?

He hasn't been name the starter so I don't think he's been handed the job. People who went to practices and scrimmages this spring and watched know that him and Bradley (along with the others) split reps between the ones and twos. Both seperated from the pack and the battle will continue into the fall. Neither has been named the starter so I guess to answer your question, no, its not a dangerous precedent at all.

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Thanks for your interest in Fighting Soux sports. I think if he sucks he obviously won't "be handed" the job. Over the years su has had many transfers come in - were they all "handed" the job just because they were a transfer?

Can we just stop with the condescending thanks for your interest in Fighting Sioux Sports BS.

Yes I am a Bison fan, but I am from ND, had many, many, friends who went to UND and had very good friends play at UND. My interest in Sioux sports is not as a Bison fan coming here to knock you guys down, so don't take every post I make as a shot in some way. Do I get into it with someone occasionally because I am passionate about the Bison, of course. But that doesn't make me a troll.

If a UND fan asks that exact question it would simply start a discussion about the topic being brought up.

To answer your question, no being a transfer doesn't mean you automatically get the job. But at the QB position in particular competition isn't always what's best, it can ruin the confidence of a previous starter knowing he is now competing for a job that was his a second ago. What's the old saying, if you have two starting QB's, you really don't have one.

A clear cut starter is always what's best for the team and the players IMO.

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Bison fan here who wants it back. A couple points:

I wish they could do it annually but I understand that since they will not be in the same conference it makes it more difficult. Both teams have difficult conference schedules, and it is a race to 7 and usually 8 wins for the playoffs. So we are always looking at the payday games (UM, Kansas, Colorado State, etc) as well as the cupcake home game early in the year. In my opinion, the best case scenario would be a conference game. Obviously that isn't going to happen because everyone involved is or was too pigheaded to do this thing together (hindsight is 20/20). Because of the cupcake and payday factor, I think the next best option is every other year, and rotate venue.

Iowa State and Iowa can do it on a larger level, I wish we could see it happen here. And everyone hates each other I guess, but count me in the camp that even though you hate your rival, you can also make each other better.

Looked back to the beginning of this thread and found this as one of the original posts, pretty much states what has become the conclusion as far as what makes sense in renewing the series...every other year with rotating venues. And over a year later it looks possible that this might be the scenario that plays out, starting when is the only question.

Good call, from a Bison fan no less.

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Looked back to the beginning of this thread and found this as one of the original posts, pretty much states what has become the conclusion as far as what makes sense in renewing the series...every other year with rotating venues. And over a year later it looks possible that this might be the scenario that plays out, starting when is the only question.

Good call, from a Bison fan no less.

Bison fans think they are giving up so much when doing it every other year at rotating venues. If they want their 6 home games they can still have it. All they are really giving up is an FBS game every 4 years!! Not to much sacrifice as FBS games are typically tougher opponents and NDSU is not going to always have the success they have had in the past. So really is it to much to ask to give up an FBS game to play a rival 70 miles away with a better chance of winning the game? I don't think it is.

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Bison fans think they are giving up so much when doing it every other year at rotating venues. If they want their 6 home games they can still have it. All they are really giving up is an FBS game every 4 years!! Not to much sacrifice as FBS games are typically tougher opponents and NDSU is not going to always have the success they have had in the past. So really is it to much to ask to give up an FBS game to play a rival 70 miles away with a better chance of winning the game? I don't think it is.

They want to punish UND for what they did to NDSU in 2004. Its all about that incident. Bisonville is full of that. Blame UND, blame Roger Thomas, GT is innocent in this. UND is still way below NDSU level of play. NDSU should only agree for a 2 for 1 game. First 2 in Fargo while they play 1 in Grand Forks. NDSU needs home games because thats how they won their National Title so bring on the home cupcakes and another National Title. I think they could write a book and call it....NDSU's excuses not to schedule UND.

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They want to punish UND for what they did to NDSU in 2004. Its all about that incident. Bisonville is full of that. Blame UND, blame Roger Thomas, GT is innocent in this. UND is still way below NDSU level of play. NDSU should only agree for a 2 for 1 game. First 2 in Fargo while they play 1 in Grand Forks. NDSU needs home games because thats how they won their National Title so bring on the home cupcakes and another National Title. I think they could write a book and call it....NDSU's excuses not to schedule UND.

I am fine punishing UND, if you could even call it that. If you do something rude to someone, I would expect them to do something rude back. I am a extremely rude to some people. They are generally rude back. Everyone has their own idea spin on if/when/circumstances of NDSU and UND playing again.

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They want to punish UND for what they did to NDSU in 2004. Its all about that incident. Bisonville is full of that. Blame UND, blame Roger Thomas, GT is innocent in this. UND is still way below NDSU level of play. NDSU should only agree for a 2 for 1 game. First 2 in Fargo while they play 1 in Grand Forks. NDSU needs home games because thats how they won their National Title so bring on the home cupcakes and another National Title. I think they could write a book and call it....NDSU's excuses not to schedule UND.

That group on Bville acts like little children holding a grudge.
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I'll assume you have never held a grudge before then.

I try very hard not to hold grudges. And I would never hold a grudge over something like that. The only time I've held a grudge for any length of time was over something personal, not whether someone didn't want to play my favorite football team. That is just petty.

Did it really hurt NDSU that UND cancelled the games? Did NDSU miss out on playing any games, or were those games replaced? How much longer would NDSU have allowed the games to go on? NDSU fans make fun of playing Division II schools, why would they have wanted to play UND more than another year or 2? I thought that NDSU had the best transition ever. If NDSU had the best transition ever then it didn't get hurt by UND cancelling the games. You can't have it both ways. That's why it appears so childish.

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Did it really hurt NDSU that UND cancelled the games? Did NDSU miss out on playing any games, or were those games replaced? How much longer would NDSU have allowed the games to go on? NDSU fans make fun of playing Division II schools, why would they have wanted to play UND more than another year or 2? I thought that NDSU had the best transition ever. If NDSU had the best transition ever then it didn't get hurt by UND cancelling the games. You can't have it both ways. That's why it appears so childish.

It didn't end up hurting. That doesn't mean it was not a crappy thing to do. Of course the games were replaced. And then you ask the question, "How much longer would it have been played?" You assume NDSU would have quit playing the game. Maybe, maybe not. But you are assuming that they would have. NDSU may have easily said, "you know what, this game is important, we like having it. we'll keep it going." NDSU had an exceptional transition, that doesn't mean that the games shouldn't have happened.

Most people I know don't harbour grudges from things that happened when they were 12 years old.

Most people don't care about the same thing when they are 20 as they do when they are 12. People of all ages care about sports. NDSU football has been a huge part of my life since I can remember, NDSU/UND games were a big part of every season. But if you really want, I can play the whole "UND ruined my childhood innocence" card by throwing a century old rivalry down the drain. I don't think that will be necessary though.

All I am saying, you can't bail on someone, then just expect everything to be cool when you are ready to be on good terms again. Any relationship, between schools included, is a two-way street.

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It didn't end up hurting. That doesn't mean it was not a crappy thing to do. Of course the games were replaced. And then you ask the question, "How much longer would it have been played?" You assume NDSU would have quit playing the game. Maybe, maybe not. But you are assuming that they would have. NDSU may have easily said, "you know what, this game is important, we like having it. we'll keep it going." NDSU had an exceptional transition, that doesn't mean that the games shouldn't have happened.

Most people don't care about the same thing when they are 20 as they do when they are 12. People of all ages care about sports. NDSU football has been a huge part of my life since I can remember, NDSU/UND games were a big part of every season. But if you really want, I can play the whole "UND ruined my childhood innocence" card by throwing a century old rivalry down the drain. I don't think that will be necessary though.

All I am saying, you can't bail on someone, then just expect everything to be cool when you are ready to be on good terms again. Any relationship, between schools included, is a two-way street.

It was 8 years ago. Grow up and be an adult. And if you don't think that NDSU would have dropped the game before they were done with the transition you are fooling yourself. There would have been an uproar to drop the games because "the Bison are so powerful and mighty" or some such garbage. When UND won a game, and you know that UND would have won a game some time, the uproar would have doubled.
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It was 8 years ago. Grow up and be an adult. And if you don't think that NDSU would have dropped the game before they were done with the transition you are fooling yourself. There would have been an uproar to drop the games because "the Bison are so powerful and mighty" or some such garbage. When UND won a game, and you know that UND would have won a game some time, the uproar would have doubled.

Prove it. You have literally nothing to go on in your belief that NDSU would have quit playing the games. No doubt their would be a big uproar IF UND had won a game. We don't know if UND would have won a game, two games, or anything, and we will never get to know.

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It didn't end up hurting. That doesn't mean it was not a crappy thing to do. Of course the games were replaced. And then you ask the question, "How much longer would it have been played?" You assume NDSU would have quit playing the game. Maybe, maybe not. But you are assuming that they would have. NDSU may have easily said, "you know what, this game is important, we like having it. we'll keep it going." NDSU had an exceptional transition, that doesn't mean that the games shouldn't have happened.

Most people don't care about the same thing when they are 20 as they do when they are 12. People of all ages care about sports. NDSU football has been a huge part of my life since I can remember, NDSU/UND games were a big part of every season. But if you really want, I can play the whole "UND ruined my childhood innocence" card by throwing a century old rivalry down the drain. I don't think that will be necessary though.

All I am saying, you can't bail on someone, then just expect everything to be cool when you are ready to be on good terms again. Any relationship, between schools included, is a two-way street.

Spare us. It happened when you were 12. Your feigned concern is quite over the top.

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Spare us. It happened when you were 12. Your feigned concern is quite over the top.

Well, alright, if it wasn't a big deal for UND to end the games, then it should not be a big deal if NDSU doesn't accept any offers either.

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Well, alright, if it wasn't a big deal for UND to end the games, then it should not be a big deal if NDSU doesn't accept any offers either.

No one is going to die if the games don't happen. But when the schools play on the same level there isn't a good reason not to play, especially when it could benefit both schools.

You might want to find yourself a hobby. Trolling on the forum of a former rival is just about as childish as the grudge that you are holding from when you were 12. Maybe you should try volunteering. You can help others and make yourself feel good at the same time. I can help you find some volunteer opportunities if you are interested.

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Prove it. You have literally nothing to go on in your belief that NDSU would have quit playing the games. No doubt their would be a big uproar IF UND had won a game. We don't know if UND would have won a game, two games, or anything, and we will never get to know.

NDSU has made it a goal not to schedule lower division teams. Their fans rip on UND for playing SD School of Mines, Sioux Falls, etc. Do you really think that NDSU you schedule a D2 team every year instead of playing an FBS team to make money? UND did not want to play NDSU because beating a D1 team hurt their playoff chances in D2. NDSU would have cancelled the game eventually because they would rather make money playing an FBS team. So UND had their reasons, and eventually so would have NDSU. You can blame UND for "ending the rivalry" NDSU fans are the ones that don't want it started again!! If you were so mad in 2004, this is your chance to get it back now than we are on equal playing field. No more excuses!!

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No one is going to die if the games don't happen. But when the schools play on the same level there isn't a good reason not to play, especially when it could benefit both schools.

You might want to find yourself a hobby. Trolling on the forum of a former rival is just about as childish as the grudge that you are holding from when you were 12. Maybe you should try volunteering. You can help others and make yourself feel good at the same time. I can help you find some volunteer opportunities if you are interested.

I can't walk right now. Right now, my life is bumming a ride to work, and then coming home and sitting on my butt. And volunteering? No thanks. When I work, I work for money. Maybe when I'm older and working on getting into heaven.

NDSU has made it a goal not to schedule lower division teams. Their fans rip on UND for playing SD School of Mines, Sioux Falls, etc. Do you really think that NDSU you schedule a D2 team every year instead of playing an FBS team to make money? UND did not want to play NDSU because beating a D1 team hurt their playoff chances in D2. NDSU would have cancelled the game eventually because they would rather make money playing an FBS team. So UND had their reasons, and eventually so would have NDSU. You can blame UND for "ending the rivalry" NDSU fans are the ones that don't want it started again!! If you were so mad in 2004, this is your chance to get it back now than we are on equal playing field. No more excuses!!

From what I have gathered, it hurt there chances for one year, and after that the policy changed. You do not know what NDSU would have done. Perhaps NDSU would have said that UND is an exception to the "sub D-I" rule. Perhaps NDSU would not have. I, along with most/all NDSU fans were mad in 2004, that doesn't mean we feel a need to get it back. A lot do, I would like to see the teams play at some point. I would like to see UND do something big at the FCS level before it is scheduled. That could be soon, it could be a long time. Who knows. I'm guessing the game will get scheduled before then.

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Looked back to the beginning of this thread .......................................

The beginning of of this thread asked, " Should UND and NDSU resume the football series"..................

My answer is still no.....................

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The beginning of of this thread asked, " Should UND and NDSU resume the football series"..................

My answer is still no.....................

Yeah, the point is 54 pages later the arguments remains the same.

Maybe this thread needs to die, if they actually sign a deal we can come up with a new topic.

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Prove it. You have literally nothing to go on in your belief that NDSU would have quit playing the games. No doubt their would be a big uproar IF UND had won a game. We don't know if UND would have won a game, two games, or anything, and we will never get to know.

I think 2006 UND would have had a great chance at beaing NDSU. I mean if UND can go into the UNI Dome and beat UNI then why not...NDSU hasn't seem to win in that dome.

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