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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Kab

    2021 Season

    Don’t care if they stay here forever but I do want them out in the community, attending events, rubbing elbows with fans so people know,who the hell the coach is, would only improve the program and attendance
  2. Kab

    2021 Season

    Tough to recruit for a team that is as bad as us will take a coach that bleeds green, doesn’t have to be from here but buys into the community and university where is the AD, was he there tonight?
  3. If they go good for them ,but the summit shouldn’t let them stay in
  4. Was thinking here we go again’ a few fumbles in scoring position a field goal doink off the goal post then we make a few plays that put is on position to win ,defense kept us in it a few head scratcher reviews by refs, the fumble by Maag was one? but we win and on to next week, let’s give SDSU another loss
  5. We practiced with smaller rims to make us concentrate harder, don’t know if they do that anymore
  6. I doubt our AD is looking ahead for fbs plans where is he, the associate seems to be more places than Chaves
  7. aren’t they usually voted best pizza in town? who might you suggest
  8. SW Sioux, I. See Milwaukee has some high profile players, any analysis?
  9. Sideline interference, not a warning
  10. Vikings play call = und play calls at times sideways crap and lose a yard
  11. The defense stepping up the last couple of drives was huge. I don’t know that I have seen Bubba with that much fire in his belly. He was over talking with the defense and slapping players on the the behind and really getting them going. Need more of this even when things aren’t going good. the standings in the mvfc are really a cluster of same records, Belquist has saved our bacon many times
  12. Why are our coaches so undisciplined 2nd play of the game And we needed to take a timeout, get the damn play in and go sideline interference, which coach is supposed to take care of that , 15 yard penalty
  13. Where is the player enthusiasm time bubba sells insurance
  14. I agree, but what is the reason we lose players to other schools, I don’t know that answer im too old to know what young kids are looking ,for when they choose a school
  15. Sather can coach its a matter of the players he CAN get.
  16. Soft opening of Hugo’s today per article in herald
  17. You jump up and your schedule is controlled by tv also how many out of Towners are able to do a Tuesday or Thursday game
  18. I think NDSU is getting nervous with top rated FCS schools leaving the only way I see this working is with a split of MVFC and Big sky to form the northern lights football conference for FBS, problem will be money and adding more women’s sports Big boy football will split off soon anyway with maybe 4 super football conferences
  19. Is und bad or mayville better than expected
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