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Everything posted by Kab

  1. I think fans only have so much money to spend on sports save all,year for season tickets and then playoffs are extra unless you live in that town you have gas, food, motels, maybe a day off of work all,fans aren’t hard core and need to watch in person, easier to sit and watch on tv students really could care less, they stay for half and it’s party time
  2. Dixie state next saturday didn’t we lose to them last year
  3. Can we borrow the hockey black uniforms something needs to change practice against some intramural,team and see who could play for us
  4. Pathetic playing’ can’t even pass the GD thing in bounds shooter that has hit 1 3 all year casts one up panoam wiffs on a layup whats with this team
  5. We just keep passing around perimeter no one can drive the lane pretty easy to defend
  6. Playing way too many -layers get down to 8 and get going
  7. Remember Jones days when he had to run the Princeton offense just to take the full time off the shot clock hard to compare coaches when Jones didn’t have to deal with the transfer portal sather I think is a good coach, when will the talent follow?
  8. Anyone know if we get return games from these last 2 games or were they pay to play?
  9. Coach said they played with emotion, we didn’t he needs to find the players with mental toughness to play more he sounded as frustrated as those on this board
  10. Hope conference play is better to us but will see howard is sort of like bird and gets the job done, not athletic but solid
  11. Armstrong is so hard to guard, up on him he goes around you, step back and he hits a 3’wonder how Nero would have done on him
  12. I don’t see one player that is athletic on this team
  13. Guess we need to start recruiting in Tasmania
  14. Put the Hillsboro kid in cant be any worse
  15. Howard plays with a purpose doesnt look smooth but gets things done
  16. We aren’t good at 3s and not good down low doesnt leave much
  17. Bruns seems ready to play as a freshman, not so sure about grant
  18. Frustrating to watch sathers substitutions
  19. Let’s hope the shooting is better time to get a shorter rotation too
  20. So was the 4th down before the end of the half gave Detroit 3 points
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