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Everything posted by Kab

  1. How does the team get to,Carbondale? Is there an airport there?
  2. 63 degrees and 11 MPH wind is predicted at game time looks like good weather to bring home a victory but having my doubts
  3. Kab

    2021 Season

    He was just put on administrative leave pending investigation
  4. Time to put this topic to bed and move down to SIU
  5. Just no excitement with this team im looking at at 38 to 12 loss at siu on the road, outside game, who knows what the weather brings
  6. Let’s go Brandon, at least he takes questions
  7. If bubba doesn’t make some adjustments to the lineup and if players don’t quit making these stupid penalties I don’t see the next game being even close schuster has to start playing with some urgency, right he is no threat to any other team
  8. Talking about leaders, look at some of the past digger, he always played hard and was vocal a defensive player by the name of Hendrickson, he was probably one of the most excitable players I’ve ever watched, he flew around like there was no tomorrow this team seems to be ho-hum, the most excitement I’ve seen was backup players when we played drake
  9. I agree, in my day everyone graduated in 4 years, at most 4 1/2 if you changed majors, I can’t imagine going 5 to 6 years to play sports And end up with a degree in university studies, each to our own
  10. If this side continues I think you play feeney the last 3 Games so he doesn’t lose his red shirt and gets experience in fall camp let them battle it out, if schuster wins it our stable of QBs is bad
  11. There will be players in the transfer portal this year again wether it’s bubba as coach or not some because of lack of playing time some because they think they are fbs caliber some because of,the current coaches Going to happen every year fans are frustrated because we just can’t seem to get to that next level, that’s why all the complaints
  12. There are no teams that fear what we bring to the table. They know our QB doesn’t throw the deep ball, they know what Otis brings so they stack the box, they know our o-line is awful . Other teams pretty much dictate what we do and we play right into their hand. This team is reminding me too much of the Rudy lead teams.
  13. Oklahoma benches their stud QBs and the backup leads them to a win, would be nice to shake things up do we have a fast freshman wideout ?
  14. He stayed at a holiday inn express last night
  15. Remember the first half of Utah state game where did that team go
  16. I like the word desire in that tweet
  17. Bubbas post game will be the same old BS need to clean up the small penalties he said that last week and had all week to do this I guess we just don’t have the players alot of these small penalties are on schuster, takes so damn long to get the ball hiked get to the line and hike the ball and go, enough with all the shifts and the other bs
  18. Coaches always preAch the Nd culture for our players what the hell kind of culture are they preaching
  19. That’s the season as far as playoffs I thought at start of the year this is a game we would lose
  20. Hey Freund, 23 points in the last 2 games have you been talking with Rudy?
  21. Win or lose it’s time for bubba to work for the foundation Danny needs to look (n the mirror get a coach not on the team or from ND
  22. Need a coaches 0nly meeting , looks like unprepared for this game
  23. Who is the leader on this team capable of doing that?
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