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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Put Q in ,what the hell will it hurt
  2. Just anemic, no fire in the belly
  3. Just no concentration schuster takes way too long before asking for the ball alot of this is on him
  4. Wtf again throw the GD thing away
  5. Need to score here or it’s history for all the money SD stuck into that pit it’s still an ugly football field
  6. Piss poor tackling playing off these receivers?
  7. How does bubba not have the team ready to go no excuses for this bs start
  8. Wtf does bubba have the constipated look on his face yet
  9. Kab

    The Yotes

    This game will show what type of coach bubba is
  10. Let’s get our AD on these suggestions right away, he should have done by next game
  11. Don’t know that I count that as a gadget, just a formation they hadn’t seen
  12. Bubba always preaches live for another play and don’t make a mistake he should have taken his own advise on that 4th down too much gadget bs plays with these coaches
  13. Kab

    2021 Season

    How long will the AD let this go
  14. I think bison fans think they will be gone in 18 months their AD said you never know what things will look like in 18 months
  15. This is on bubba dumb call on 4th down ,you just handed them 3 points until they get rid of all the motions and gadget plays this is what we will expect, we outsmart ourselves schuster should know better than throw that pass maag was limping all day, hamstring can’t be good
  16. When is 2 deep out wondering about Q if out who is next on chart, boltman or Feeney
  17. Kab


    It’s as easy as that but make sure Schlossman approves that you are ok, now he thinks he controls who VNL has in their time slots and their shot status. He can be a tool just like mcfooley ‘I don’t care what sports reporters think about anything but sports.
  18. Can we run the ball is my question can we stop their run game i just don’t see us being successful for whatever reason, I want to see a leader out there that gets the team and the crowd going hope they prove me wrong
  19. Looks like good weather so tailgating should be packed
  20. What time is the player walk to the stadium usually?
  21. Bison think they should be able to broadcast any game they want but Towson said no, good for Towson
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