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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. So when a mother visits the house of 6 college football players and sees 2 big refrigerators with padlocks on the doors.... does she assume it is to make sure no one steals the leafy green veggies inside?
  2. You know my rear has been chewed so bad in the last 2 days I should be wearing a size 3 jeans. I am sure coaches and players feel this way.... just a big, bad black hole. Hopefully things will reverse taking even positive baby steps. Don’t know anything about B.B. but watching a hockey game before Christmas... the Sioux did not have that spark or drive. At least that is what I thought. FB needs to turn around but I think these some of recruits have been role models in some of their high schools and can be again....waiting for some positive juju juice!
  3. Blue chippers who do not show up are not blue chippers.... again culture. i read info on these young men and things like multi-sport athletes and comments about furthering their education impressed me more than size, speed, and statistics.... we all have seen people excell where no one expected.... When doing a theatrical production, you can not teaching blocking when actors do not show up... I guess the same with players... motivation is as important, or more so, than skill... GO SIOUX
  4. AND, sorry guys... the UND Med School is second to none... you can’t relocate that.... there should be tremendous pride in that school. I am no lawyer but I have heard similar things about the law school!
  5. WHAT??? Hockey needs to rebound....the Sioux have been awesome for decades but again, how many young men are getting better offers from big schools with more money...
  6. Paper today.... Sanford Health, a SD-based health system with global division in NINE countries with 30 locations, has an operating income of $151 million on $4.4 BILLION in revenue for the fiscal year ending in June just saying.... my mother always said,”Money talks.”
  7. I started in health care just before man landed on the moon..... don’t get me started. Check out your state’s top non-profits. In my statecthe top 10 are all health care and in the top 20 there is only one that is not health care. I just listened to a non-profit for elderly housing plead poverty so they could increase rates from $1000 a month to $1500. They plan to pay their staff better while the CEO earned $458,000 a year and they had a profit last year of $850,000.... never will any corporate health care do anything that will not line their pockets.... they want the big bucks BUT all water over the damn... focus on the future topics for the survey looked good....
  8. That is a lot of administrative positions.... too many to keep track of... no wonder there are problems.... I didn’t like having 3 bosses.....
  9. Mama Sue

    2018 Season

    Just remember the high school front line...Holstein right or Holstein left depending on which side the dairy brothers were on.....life does not need to be complicated!
  10. Recruiting.... competition.... the cost of college sports and keeping “current”.....U of M just opened the new Athelte’s Village facility. It cost $166 million for the 750 student athletes.... There is Charlie and Kathy Cunningham Basketball Development Center ( separate floors for men and women with sound engineered floors on the courts to minimize sound), the Land ‘O Lakes Center for Excellence, the David and Jsnis Larson Football Performance Center (16,000 SQ)which is connected to the Indoor Practice Facility ( two buildings here folks), and the football complex has 34 study rooms. A new track facility opens this fall. Northwestern in Michigan will open a $270 million complex this summer. Just saying...recruiting....competition.... the cost of college sports and keeping current....
  11. Again.... you are the MAN.... so, so true
  12. Is there a press conference scheduled? when?
  13. I hope MM moves to asst AD and GO SIOUX
  14. Boy would I like to be present for that meeting.... the meeting after the meeting/the meeting instead of the meeting seems to decide more than the actual meeting! Good luck gobc! GO SIOUX
  15. It is what it is... back to my original post: someone in a paid or appointed position should have had the brains and gonadal fortitude to do this. Yup, Committee could have picked the top in each category.... #1 true, #2 true, #3 hard to say without knowing #1. I think CC and MM have strengths and potential. Yes, there are UND grads who could do this but I do not know any names.... when will this decision be made? What happens if the first choice decides he/she doesn’t want it?
  16. What is a hadju? Is this athletic or religious?
  17. I would agree although the best way to learn is by doing it! This Chevy Chase seems like a good candidate....I don’t know Kennedy’s experience in the athletic Dept. but a reputable person posted the need for an experience AD. I just liked that video and I felt CC appeared to be trustworthy and able to settle conflicts ( which would is huge). GO SIOUX!
  18. They don’t just hand out those national awards....this man may be just what UND needs. I was most impressed with how he said, and did not say, about some B.B. mess. He cleaned it up and moved on from what I gather.
  19. He looks impressive....ready to roll up his sleeves, had to follow after some B.B. mess so that is good experience.... jumped around a little bit the last stint is 7 or 8 years.
  20. Great post! And watching for that candidate that interviews “too smooth.” Once that was a bad one.... he got the job. I mean absolutely NO ONE talks to the local paper at 9:40 am before it goes to press and then leaves a message on my work answering machine at 5:10 pm about disciplining my child. Did I mention his child was involved, no discipline, and he did not pass the incident off laterally or up the food chain,. My mother said, ”Cream floats.” and he was gone in a year or so. His interview was perfect. So, just another issue when someone looks too good to be true. Interesting week ahead....
  21. Mama Sue

    2018 Season

    Mensa, huh? Our high school had some dairy farmers on the line... the plays were simple...Holstein right and Holstein left depending on which side they lined up on!!! Obviously, UND sets a higher standard!
  22. Yeast is used for beer too....just saying there are options here....
  23. Sicatoka.... you are THE MAN!! Yes, one person with a vision and strong work ethic can make it happen. It is like yeast and grows. GO SIOUX!
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