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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. Head Coach!!! And I love this one!
  2. I'm into the coaches.... No name needed!!!
  3. Great post....well said! Thanks.....
  4. Ok I get it.... character and team building!!!
  5. Unless I am missing something, what does someone’s first plane ride have to do with a college football program. Sounds like a tradition to film the tea Tim s but, seriously, I was expecting some deapth. Maybe I don’t check out enough social media to get the focus of this.... but then I am old.
  6. A win is a win.... stuff to work on in practice and with a bye maybe everyone will be VERY hungry for Grizz in 2 weeks!!!!
  7. I have a son who played center.... many marks on his back over the years. From junior high thru college ball he did not ever miss a quarterback sneak.... never! That is a valuable thing for a team.... notvjust center and QB....
  8. Looking forward to some Sioux dominance today.....
  9. You should have seen the drunks at the Jimmy Buffett/Eagles concert! People did not remember how to latch the “Open/In Use” so everyone opened the doors and the people waiting in line got a “Full Meal Deal.” They were also too drunk to recognize when some vacat d a porta potty so some sat empty.... interesting evening!
  10. Lennon has kinda lost his luster....I’va always wondered how much credit should have been given to Roger Thomas. He seemed to have the drive.....
  11. So, depending on the coin too, I would like an offensive or defensive play that shows Sioux dominance. But this week I want FOUR quarters of Sioux dominance. A new twist on an old request. And who will start that look alike post?
  12. Mama Sue

    2018 Season

    What will be, will be. So do I have this right.... our next opponent, No. Colorado, is like 0 for 4???? If we can’t totally dominate this team, two issues: 1) we’re screwed, and 2) changes are needed (not sure what).
  13. Mama Sue


    The mascot isn’t so great based on the photos but I have seen worse. I mean, seriously, what can you do with a hawk? A bird is a bird. I am more interested in team morale.... is it still positive? Are the players working together? Are they looking past frustrations? Can’t have any meltdowns now..... the true leaders should be stepping forward!
  14. My next one makes up for it...and I think Whoopi is great until she got political!!
  15. I can't help it....I am a very religious person but the resemblence just hit me...
  16. Mine will be coming soon....
  17. Man.... I am researching for next week already......these are awesome!
  18. Is this so that they don't get another award for printing duringthe next flood? I love reading the Sunday sports section to read about the college games... Didn't we have a kicker problem? Is he related to Carlson the Vinkings kicker?
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