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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Great game last night....I didn't see anything too dirty except Marchand attempting to injure Kunitz. Im guessing Marchand doesn't make the Canadian Olympic team this coming year (odd because he's actually a heck of a player...although Bergeron makes that line). Boston is tough and playing their best game at the right time. It reminds me a lot of LA last year. I actually say Boston is the favorite to win the cup, at this point in time.
  2. Goon....will u now admit Marchand is a POS?
  3. I thought Blais endorsed Johnson? That was the whole spat which ensued afterwards.
  4. I have to hand it to Boston....they had a game plan and are executing it perfectly. Their physical play is definitely getting to Pittsburgh. One thing I have noticed about Pittsburgh in the playoffs over the last two years is that when they get rattled they are rattled. They cannot overcome the tiniest of adversity, which is shocking because their skill is double that of Boston's. Boston is extremely hard to play against right now. As for Pittsburgh, I have never seen a team give up after the first period of game 2. 6 goals on 23 shots....are you kidding me!?! All Boston was doing was working their transition game....waiting for Pitt to make their mistake and take off the other way. However, usually this doesn't result in scoring on a 23% clip. Also, Letang is playing terrible. The guy takes way too many chances, he has to learn how to adjust to different types of teams...this isn't men's league. He is awesome when Pitt is overwhelming team's with their offense but he's so below average when they are playing a defensive minded squad. I'm guessing Pitt will make some sort of comeback but I now believe Boston probably takes the series in 6 or 7 games. Props to Bean Town, they look good.
  5. Kane is a decent young player....I would like him on my line.
  6. Great for him. He is a very good coach.
  7. Haha. Him and Torres are just part of a different generation. They are wired differently than a lot of guy in the league now. The game has gotten too fast to be attempting hits and play the way they do.
  8. True. I was specifically focusing on the hit from Saturday...I know who Matt Cooke is. I also know that he knows that the league is watching him very closely. I also saw the hit on mcquaid and thought mcquaid should not have spun when he knew Cooke was flying at him. But, I wouldn't shed a tear if Cooke was gone.
  9. Respectfully....look at who wrote the article. I like a ton if the stuff u write but come on man. Can't just put something out there from Boston based news. It's not line Boston doesn't have any iffy players on the team (ference, Marchand, etc). I hate that it sounds like I'm sticking up for Cooke.
  10. Settle down buddy, I wasn't assuming you said he was "dirty" but many others on this site think he's a dirty player and how you initially said "he did it again" made me think you were one of those guys. I just wanted to respond because I saw that hit and there was more than what you can see in a replay that goes into it. Anyways, my bad for you taking it the wrong way.
  11. I just saw the Cooke hit from last night. Although Cooke is a major POS, I don't think his hit was as deliberately dirty as Marchands. Brad knew what he was doing and Cooke was going for the hit and McQuaid spun. Whatever's whatever though. Bruin's own coach noted McQuaid has a responsibility to protect himself. http://www.nhl.com/i...id=nhl:topheads
  12. Pushing hard for Hawks this series....but I did not see Brown attempt to elbow Keith. The way Keith fell backwards it just looked that way. I honestly think that Brown goes so hard and so fast into his hits he cannot control himself...he is just trying to make contact. Have you ever heard him explain his hits....I really don't think he tries to be dirty. Up until late last year he was one of the hardest working body checkers in the league. Then he had that dirty hit in the playoffs last year and people actually started to focus in on him. When you play with reckless abandon and try to hit everything that moves, sometimes they can look dirty. Again, I'm not a LA fan whatsoever but I do like Greene and Brown. Call him dirty all you want but if I was building a team from scratch I would want a player like him on the team.
  13. I think this has something to do with it. It is the type of people playing the game. With basketball, the fans are too close to the game. With football...well someone would honestly die. Baseball is similar....fighting isn't prevalent but does happen.
  14. Was the hit that bad? I know it was looked at but they allowed Brown to play tonight. Long story short, you hate the guy when he goes against your squad but you'll like him once the Olympics roll around. He is a solid player. And I would love to have some that hits that much on my line. He does have a few questionable hits though.
  15. Thank you. I have seen this called for players trash talking many times. 99% goes uncalled but it happen all the time.
  16. First thing I have agreed with you on since the nickname I believe. Now were moving in the right direction.
  17. Actually there is....you can get unsportsmanlike conduct which is 2 or 5 minutes depending on the severity. Actually you can get booted too.
  18. Haha, Dave....do you understand the kinds of things which are being said during the game? What is your stance on boxing, or the MMA for that matter?
  19. Ditto....hawks are my squad but a matchup again the pens would be priceless. Toews is my favorite players (for obvious reasons) but Crosby is a super close 2nd (because he is by far away the best/complete player on planet earth). It's tough because Bergeron is third (because his all around play is also mind boggling).
  20. Totally ridiculous statement. Look at all the !@#$ players like toews and Crosby have to deal with. I am not saying they shouldn't deal with it I'm just saying I would start bitching too....try to get the refs to notice.
  21. There was nothing there...Crosby was just pissed because they were losing. I don't think rask tried to do anything. Either way pens win the series.
  22. Bergeron is solid....but obviously not a fighter.
  23. That is why Marchand is a dirty POS.
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