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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. If Alabama only had 63 scholarships they would still drop 80 on NDSU. If you take away the turnovers (which you can't do) the bison lose. Kstate had like 8 returning starters and it was the first game of the year. That was obviously in NDSUs favor. Which lower schools are you talking about? They might have a close game with Kentucky but every other team crushes them quick. This sucks because I was pumped watching that win but all this crazy talk about them competing in the SEC is insane.
  2. Dead last...or second to last with maybe one conference win if they got lucky and beat Kentucky....it would also have to be the first or second game if the season.
  3. That is absolutely laughable!!! Please stop. Running through the gauntlet that is the SEC schedule would tear them apart from the very first minute. My gosh...please think with a realistic mind here. Your talking about the 'best' conference in the FBS absolutely stockpiled with 4/5 star recruits all the way down to the 3rd and 4th spots on their depth charts. I was very proud of my home state for that hug win but please keep your sanity here. First see what kstate does the rest of the year, second it was prbobably one great game. From a look at the box score it appears NDSU did get quite lucky against an unranked squad. Big win though. NDSU could handle an SEC schedule....my god.
  4. They would struggle very very bad in the SEC.
  5. It already is the biggest football win....by far. K state is a big 12 squad. The other wins are a terrible umn team and some other garbage teams. K state has been very good the past few years.
  6. Congrats....huge win. Super hockey fan here but I'm trying to determine where that win ranks on biggest ND wins...#1???
  7. Parks-mark Mac- Murphy (or OD if he's figured it out yet. Rocco-Johnson- Murphy ( same od comment as above)
  8. True. I honestly would like him to play high side wing so team would have to play honest and not pinch so much. Our breakouts would be so easy.
  9. In the long run he's going to be a wing, let the kid develope into a winger (unless we have such a hole at center that it hurts our team, which will not happen). Many of the posters said he would play center last year too and disagreed with many of my posts....and he rarely played center Why? Because he is too small, even in the college game. He can be a very exciting and dominant man on the outside though. I do think (positionally) he would be a great center due to his motor but he will have issues with draws. There is a reason many of the great centers are huge....or strong as hell. He is just a tad small for that position. Johnson will be a great center someday (hopefully immediately). I believe tambellini plays center and we have a few others as well. You may be right though, he definitely could play the position, we may sacrifice on draws though (which coaches hate).
  10. Agreed....by size I meant mass, not necessarily height. He needs to gain some muscle, which he will. His pops was strong as hell.
  11. I like it...my only suggestion would be to have Johnson center Rocco and Murphy, his passing skills would definitely compliment those two.
  12. Lets drop calling out people over the Internet....especially residents of GF. Stay classy buddy.
  13. It will be ok...don't worry. Are they doing a 4x4 OT period first? They should.
  14. He's still very good.....more of a two way player. But the knock on him is his size. Look at his plus minus the past two years in the USHL as a 17 and 18 year old....pretty solid.
  15. At World Junior camp, Big Ten had a big representation Read more: http://www.uscho.com/2013/08/15/at-world-junior-camp-big-ten-had-a-big-representation/#ixzz2c5SHwa8a Duh....look who the coach is. They're going to market that new league pretty well this year. I know I'm whining but it was so obvious.
  16. I think our team would have benifited more but he always seemed like a euro player to me. He was much more finesse....very good offensive player but the one game I saw him in the AHL he didn't look like the player we saw in GF. It's funny what happens when everyone around you is huge and awesome. D. Olver who played for N mich was the exact same player, except was even drafted higher.
  17. Not sure on that...I thought they select the best u 18... their goalie played NTDP.
  18. I do agree with you point here.
  19. Yup I watched that game between Bama and GS. Bama was rotating in backups the entire game....from the first snap, especially on D. The only 100 yd rusher against the Bama d that year was from GS (even though they had a safety playing QB) and play right through a vicious SEC schedule. Point being, if Bama had wanted to put up big numbers on them they easily could have.
  20. Yup...in the US. However that argument is apples to oranges because you are speaking about different ages kids....with only a slight overlap. Also college teams would easily compete in a major junior schedule (because they are more mature). Fcs teams would get destroyed by FBS teams ( yes I know about once every other year the top fcs team sneaks out a nail biter against a bottom of the barrel FBS team but all football fans outside of Fargo know what I mean). Bama puts up triple digits on any fcs team in the country while the best CHL team could lose to many of the top college teams in any given game.
  21. I'm sorry but the FCS is definitely a "JV" league while hockey is tops in the US, as far as hockey goes..
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