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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I'm sort of shocked that Gersich isnt playing for the US Ivan Hlinka squad. Looks like schmaltz is killing it and Austin P is on the team. I always thought Gersich was better than Malmquist, just played on a worse team.
  2. You're right, that's chump change to those teams but your forgetting what they're missing out on. A top 5-7 player in the game. Yes, 5-7.
  3. I think he would . JR is the one who inked the deal. I would say fedorov has the right to be slightly pissed.
  4. I guess this was more of my thinking. Kovy bailed on like 12 years of newly signed contracted while Pots will be making more than what he would be offered this coming year.
  5. I believe BC is alright, they are full of former CHLers.
  6. GF native R. Potulny is off to the KHL. Smart decision on his part.
  7. So do I....I think I saw almost every home game and a bunch of away games. Head to sensors....real fans watch the games
  8. That's great another GF kid signs a pro contract.
  9. But Toews did play in GF correct? And Leddy didn't play in Brainerd correct? Again, I don't feel Toews has to bring the cup to GF as his coming here was all I needed, but your Apples to oranges comment didn't make any sense.
  10. Sorry....I'm sure he has played in Brainard (against them) but I don't believe he has ever played for a Brainard team, so in regards to the post I was commenting on it isn't quite apples to oranges.
  11. Did Leddy ever play in Brainard? Anyway, I don't think toews has to bring the cup to GF....but it would be cool.
  12. Agreed....as I have said before (and some of the regular posters have misconstrued what I have said) you have to at least estimate a certain number of early departures and decommits. If all those USTDP and Gropp come we'll be pretty lucky.
  13. That would be the ultimate die hard....if (when :o)) I get booted I'm gone for good.
  14. I called the McCarron departure....now there will be zero college players drafted in the NHL's first round. When was the last time that happened?
  15. Agreed....panz maybe could fit in somewhere.
  16. I meant they will upset some team who everyone outside of Sioux nation thinks should beat them.
  17. I also can't wait for the season to start. I'm calling for this team to have a few upsets early.
  18. Agreed...not a huge wild fan but do cheer for former und players. I also like some of their youngsters.
  19. Not overly fond of the Cooke move but I don't think the wild crapped the bed this year. They made the playoffs and were beat by the eventual cup champs. They have a promising team with some of those youngsters. Cooke is a POS but he also has NHL talent so whatever's whatever. Guy is a decent third/fourth liner. Also, I heard that the wilds bottom line would be negative if they didn't make it out of the first round (due to the parise/suter signings) so, if true, they really need to make the playoffs.
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