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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Someone has to either update or remove the scoreboard on the Sioux Sports homepage...I still get pissed seeing the 4-1 Yale loss every time I come to this site.
  2. This is what I am speaking on...those players that are approaching their high 20's to 30's. However, I do know that they can make more than $100k.
  3. I meante a degree in business, law, medical, or engineering. Some players do but many do not. Many think they'll have a shot to go pro only to realize their bodies cannot hold up and are stuck bouncing all over Europe with a young Wife and kids.
  4. Agree 100%....although my buddy is also jealous of guys who get real degrees so they wouldn't have to play over in Europe. It is actually very interesting....because those guys are so good and he noted he would trade it all for a great business job in a second. He also noted he would never push his kid to play hockey and he would focus more on school....even though he went in the second round. NHL never panned out for him.
  5. The USHL is such a great league....I would say players from this league more likely than not go the college route....or why wouldn't they have gone to Canada in the first place. However I've seen young USHL players go the CHl route as well. The CHL is for players focusing soley on hockey and wanting to go pro. The BCHL was started for Canadian kids who want an education as well I would say their train of though is very similar to a player from the USHL. I would actually say more players from the USHL go on to play in the CHL than players from the BCHL.
  6. Don't get me wrong....huge Duncan fan here. I'm just saying, he didn't do much....it's due to his size. I have a buddy that played with giroux during the lockout and he averaged over a pt per game through 4 years of college and he'll even say that Europe is nothing on an 82 game season in the pros. Everyone has mad skill over there but your body dictates if you can hang in an NHL season.
  7. It is not as deep. One of my buddies who played pro and now coaches in the USHL broke it down for me one night. As far as the 16-20 age group is concerned the CHL leagues are top (and are known to be the best development league in the world). USHL is second with the BCHL being third. This is all in North America obviously. Can a college team beat a CHL team...yes. There will be higher raw skill in the CHL however college teams will be bigger, stronger and smarter due to their maturity. Top CHL teams could also beat top college teams in a given game. Top USHL teams would also be average to above average if they played a season competing in one of the three CHL leagues. Lastly, the top BCHL teams would be very competitive in the USHL. All other leagues AJHL, EJHL, etc. are pretty far below the leagues I mentioned but decent players can come out of them (Frattin, etc.)
  8. Haha I've said that for years....that team was jacked. Didn't they have to beat Mankato in 3 just to get in?
  9. Duncan didn't do much though after UND. Low lever pros....I skate in the summers with a lot of those type of players. In a men's league game they dominate but the NHL is a whole different monster.
  10. A decent amount. Starting in like 01- 03 it seemed like there were tons of 1st rounders that went to play college it contined until the last 1-3 years. This year was terrible for college hockey. What was it one kid picked in the first round (mccaron) and he isn't a lock to even play.
  11. You have to at least plan that 1 kid may decommit when the are top flight prospects. When you do t plan ahead you get fans (especially on this site) bashing the kids for the next 5 years. Always have to plan ahead. And I , not once, said two kids would decommit "per year". U added that to attempt to be funny. I meant there are new players coming up each year that may be a nice fill in.
  12. That's what I was trying to say....in most cases, even NHL role players dominated in lower leagues. Then look at NHL superstars and they REALLY dominated.
  13. Agreed his numbers are a tad low but he is also 6'3'' 170...he might still be getting his coordination. sometimes though kids sprout up and it takes a year or two to fill out. From what I have watched and read he's top flight. I'm guessing he has a nice year this upcoming year.
  14. Typically BC players put up big offensive numbers as the league isn't as deep as the USHL. There are great teams in that league though. Point per game players in the USHL are what you want (unless they're really young). I liked Nick Schamtz's year last year as well given his age.
  15. The borderline kids just go somewhere else...you have to account that 1-2 kids decommit. Also, there are new kids each year.
  16. Your only as good as you are on paper, I learned that early in my life. His numbers are not terrible though as that team was pretty old. im guessing he didnt see a ton if PP time. We'll see what he does next year im guessing he kills it.
  17. Just looked this gropp kid up looks ok, his numbers are a tad low but he's young. Edit: looks as though anyone would take him....hope he comes hear then.
  18. Sure they do....how many top prospects came to NCAA rather than CHL. The number is declining every year. 22 of the 30 first round picks were from the CHL. That is what I meant from being a top prospect....1st round picks.
  19. I agree with you a lot but I think any way we can get the college game to replicate the NHL will be better for attracting top prospects. They'll have to figure something out though because there are far less games in college.
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