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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Have you watched the eastern conference playoffs this year? I don't believe anyone has cracked Boston's PK.
  2. Wow this must be the biggest upset in the history of the NHL.
  3. I was trying to stick up for the pundits because I haven't noticed anyone leaning the Hawks way over Boston's.
  4. I'm pretty sure everyone has given Boston their credit....it's a Boston team. Did you actually think this was going to be a sweep :o) ? From the beginning I knew this was going to go 6 or 7 games so the fact Boston got super lucky a stole one didn't surprise me. Let's talk about the Cup winner when it happens. We can't sit here and talk about not giving another team their due respect because they stole one game. Everyone saw who the better team was that game, however it's hockey, the better team does not always get the bounces. I actually thought Boston laid an egg last game, they looked pretty flat to me. Luckily they have an outstanding tender. I'm guessing tonight will be full of flavor as well.
  5. Anyone see the issed too many men on the ice call by the hawks in the second OT I believe.....they had 6 guys on the ice for like 40 seconds!
  6. Wayne has more assists than anyone else has points....and he leads the NHL in all time goals. End of story.
  7. Coming from a Hawks fan, it was pretty obvious.
  8. I like it. Need to get one past Rask early.
  9. Reminds me of a typical Sioux game...outshoot the opponent, seem to have tons of scoring opportunities but every time the other team has a chance they capitalize.
  10. It amazes me how good their penalty kill is...but I'm sure I just worded your quote differently.
  11. All the Bruins are doing is playing a transition game and banking their goalie can hold up...it's working though. Haha McQuaid just high sticks holland in the face, right in front of a ref....outcome nothing. I'm getting sick of all the non calls going the bruins way.
  12. True, but now Bergeron and Chara will be on them....you have to split up Kane and Toews. At least to start the series. You really don't want to go down 0-1 by hoping that for some odd reason Bergeron and Chara simply get lucky and those two go bonkers on them. Q is preparing for the Cup.
  13. I'm guessing they have it under control.
  14. Can't you take 3-6 credits without being enrolled as a full time student?
  15. Props to Boston...they look so good right now. I can't remember a team playing better D than Boston is right now. Chara is rough. The cup should be interesting, however, I really do not want to see the city of Boston win another championship (better than NY I guess).
  16. Some very odd (obvious) non-calls have been going the Bruins way this series. I never really thought about this too hard until I saw Crosby get blind sided (without the puck) by Paille right in front of the ref. Odd.
  17. Not a fan of dirty players in general....even if they are on the Hawks. I like certain guys who will yap (Perry, Iginla, etc). But guys who have a reputation for trying to hurt other players is what I'm against. Also, I'm not saying Marchand is anything close to Cooke....yet.
  18. I heard the new Dallas Stars jerseys are our old ones.
  19. There aren't too many guys in the league that wouldn't turtle with Lucic coming at him. Scary man!
  20. I actually believe he has an outside chance. Playing on a line with Bergeron.....they are pretty sound. I don't mind the trash talking all that much but the slew footing (potential injury) has to stop.
  21. He has two rough games, the Russia game and the first Canadian game....other than that I thought he looked very good. However, I think he could use another year in Major. The only way he makes the big club (for a full season) is if their team is downright terrible.
  22. If Mackinnon (sp?) isn't pick 1 or 2 it will be a shame. Kid is so good. I like Jones a lot but I do think he needs one more year of CHL play. Mackinnon is like drafting Taveras (haha maybe).
  23. Great game last night....I didn't see anything too dirty except Marchand attempting to injure Kunitz. Im guessing Marchand doesn't make the Canadian Olympic team this coming year (odd because he's actually a heck of a player...although Bergeron makes that line). Boston is tough and playing their best game at the right time. It reminds me a lot of LA last year. I actually say Boston is the favorite to win the cup, at this point in time.
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