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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I'm guessing he rarely plays. I say parks and mark Mac together....plug someone else on their line. Put Johnson with Rocco....Johnson is much more valuable when he is on a line with a full blown sniper. Maybe Murphy on the Mac line and tambo with Rocco and Johnson. Pretty lethal to me. Then u load up some of our hard working upper class man on lines 3 and 4. I'm not worried whatsoever about this year, we will be very good. Load some offensive talent on the top two lines early in the season to to build chemistry and gain confidence.
  2. Miller had a decent rookie year for an 18/19 year old. Your comments are a little off on this one.
  3. What's the deal with Murphy and Stecher....I thought those guys were solid? Murphy's numbers are eye popping why would he not even be a 7th rounder? Is he small?
  4. I think Adam could be a late 2nd rounder.
  5. scpa0305


    I wonder where he went. That guy/girl was all over the place. One minute he is agreeing with me the next he wasn't.
  6. Bergeron played with a broken rib, torn cartilage and a separated shoulder...wow!
  7. Haha, I like it. However chara is very good, he only picks on/fights small guys but he can play. I would take chara and Bergeron if I was starting a franchise that's it (Jagr is pretty old but a beast). Go hawks!
  8. Tonight was as bad as I've seen. By the refs putting away their whistles it allowed Boston to play very cheap. I hope Toews is ok, however, I'm guessing it's a concussion injury. He'll be doubtful at best next game. Sounds like Bergeron is hurt pretty bad so he is most likely out too. I'm going to guess appendectomy or spleen injury.
  9. He may be hurt....I have no clue but I do know he is their weakest link in their own zone and it was a must win game. As for everything else you noted...I think you're spot on.
  10. He not hurt he's just struggling in his own zone....bad. He can skate and move the puck but a defenseman has to play D too. Oduya will be fine, he's a real good player that has been in this league for awhile. Same with hjallmersson, guy is a block machine and typically plays good D in his own zone. They do need to play better next game.
  11. I thought Boston played ok tonight, not great but ok. The hawks played decent as well and were very aggressive however they need to tighten up on D. Crawford almost lost them the game, he looked like he did all year last year. Something's going on in his head because he should have made a few more saves. I'm not going to say they were easy shots but everything is going glove side, the side that is usually easier for goalies. Emery may be worth a look, he was very good in the regular season. I doubt that would ever happen though.
  12. Crawford can't save anything glove side...which is opposite of 99.99% of goalies.
  13. Wow Hawks get lucky there. I'm finally glad Bergeron is getting the recognition he has deserved over the last 4-5 years. I have been a huge fan since he was in GF and nobody but real hockey fans understand how good this guy actually is. In my book he's top 5 forward in the game. No doubt in my mind. He would probably have even more accolades had he not had his brain mashed a few years back.
  14. I have never seen a team get this many fortunate bounces. Not only are they a good team playing well, but they get so many good bounces. The one game the Hawks start putting the puck in the net....Boston gets all these flukey bounces right on their tape. Hawks still look good tonight though.
  15. I think it was a great move. FLA has Huberdeau/Bjugstad and some other super young high draft picks who will play center. This was Corban's best shot at getting to play NHL early. It beats sitting in the A for a year or two and praying you have that breakout game the first time you get that shot. A lot ot 4 year NCAA players struggle with the lack of time they get to prove themselves at the NHL level. When you are over 25 years teams stop looking at you and go younger (a majority of the time). Corban is a very nice/headsy player. I think he's wearing that Flames sweater out of camp.
  16. I actually think this was a great move on Florida's part. They received a 4th round pick for nothing, Corban wasn't about to go there anyway, FLA is loaded up the middle for years to come. Smart move on both sides. I do agree FLA should move though.
  17. Congrats Corban....I hope he makes the big club out of camp. He should but you never know.
  18. I think people need to start focusing on the fact the Boston is playing an awesome defensive minded game right now....firing on all cylinders. The Hawks did look terrible last night but Boston isn't an offensive power-house. They sit back and work their transition game. The Hawks simply need to take a step back, watch some tape and tweak their game. They'll get the next one I hope.
  19. When was the last time the Briuns gave up a PP goal?
  20. And that friends was the definition of sarcasm haha. For those who said Boston wasn't getting enough credit...even though they just swept the pens. They've been getting all the credit (not that they don't deserve it).
  21. They're deep that's for sure, perfect playoff team. Still think it's going 6 or 7. This one could be a roller coaster.
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