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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Huh? He right. Great kid, just playing his worst game of the year and were not catching breaks.
  2. Well....I completly agree with you. This is getting pretty ridiculous.
  3. Zanies playing poor. Dang. Same !@#$ every year.
  4. Ticket prices are starting to come down. I was getting nervous there for a while.
  5. That's what I was thinking but there are other smaller players in that listing.
  6. I've been really confused as to why H. Shaw isn't on that list. Kid has performed very well in the USHL the past two years.
  7. Give the kid some slack...it's taken him longer to adapt to the college game. He could be valuabe as a junior and senior. I've played hockey my entire life....I can tell he thinks a very smart game however his motor and aggressiveness has always held him back. He starting to turn the corner....we should be happy about that.
  8. agreed. Parks, schmaltz, etc these boys need to find their scoring touch.
  9. I like it. I really like our incoming class next year. I also read Button had him at #8 in his rankings. If that plays out (which it obviously won't) would that be the second highest UND draft pick, behind Toews?
  10. Ah...look who it is . Yeah I'll be there.
  11. Tippet is in the NHL, I doubt he'd come back to coach college hockey at this point in his career. Maybe when he's older if there is a position worth taking.
  12. Arguably the 2 of the top 5 coaches in the college game. Quinn is younger but he's done a lot since he's been there and his recruit pipeline is strong. Should be a battle out there on Thursday.
  13. I also agree. I think this may be one of the most critical advantages we have. I think Hak puts some of our older players on that line to attempt to contain them. Maybe the Parks-Caggs-Johnson line as we seem to be getting scoring from our depth lines.
  14. I get most of that but Hak hasn't slipped up the least bit. Every year he's rolling out a great team while also keeping the pipeline strong. You have to recognize that as well.
  15. In all seriousness, at this point in their careers a school would take Hak over Blais 10 out of 10 times, it shouldn't even be questioned. Both are great coaches however. Blaiser will retire relatively soon. Haks recruiting has been top notch lately.
  16. Ha that's right, the nutcase I attempted to introduce myself to last year who flew off the handle. Hopefully you've gotten help since. Doesn't seem like it however.
  17. Haha good one. you back on those meds again?
  18. The US team was one of the youngest teams in the tourney, if not the youngest. Had Eichel been playing with an older, more mature team or had he been playing with NHL players (like McDavid) I'm guessing he would have been more productive. Eichel is a one man wrecking crew. Hopefully Hak assigns the Parks line to shut him down... and hopefully those boys have the game of their careers.
  19. I think DaveK is one of gfhockey's personalities.
  20. This is too funny. On a side note, I'm rolling the dice and going to bank on scalping tix in Boston. Hopefully I can find tickets much cheaper than what's out there now. Getting crazy.
  21. I know I know...even if you are indirectly questioning Hak, or question different aspects of his coaching.....they'll pounce.
  22. Haha, you see what I mean .357 (and no I do not want Hak fired but still think the people on the opposite ends of the spectrum are loony).
  23. I get what you're trying to convey...however nothing you say will change the thinking on this forum. The slightest bit of criticism towards Hak will get you blasted on this site. You will instantly get thrown into the "Hak hater" bucket. I wouldn't even go there, you're just wasting your time.
  24. Agreed, he may need to be a top 6 guy next year. I'm also wondering if Murph could take a step forward and play a top 6 role next year.
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