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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. nodak651

    Spring Ball

    There have been excuses to be patient every year since we moved to D1. No thanks.
  2. Wilke went to cc rowe was a decommit who went to asu and Murphy also went to asu
  3. Would be happy if they win: SCSU - NCHC team. Would definitely twist the knife for Gopher fans, especially after Minnesota took their old coach. BGSU - WCHA underdog, could also help build momentum around their program for this. Mankato - WCHA team. Would also annoy Gopher elitists. AIC - Everyone on their team right now... Mixed feelings but somewhat happy: ASU - Want new teams and teams out west to be successful. A natty so soon just doesn't seem right, though. Duluth - NCHC team Denver - NCHC team, although they would pass us up in championships, at least Michigan wouldn't be the outright leader. Ughhhhhhh U-Mass - East coast school but they have been pretty bad Northeastern - HEast school but have dealt with years of getting !@#$ on by the other Boston schools. Clarson - Could be worse Screw these guys Cornell/Harvard/Quinni - General East Coast hate Ohio State - Big Ten school with tons of money and non hockey success all around. Their alumni prob wouldn't even care. Providence - Providence regional AGAIN, and as a 4 seed, AGAIN, and they would have to beat Mankato right away. Notre Dame - Most bandwagon fans in the country, arrogant and wanted their own TV deal in the NCHC, the Rudy movie sucked.
  4. Is the money really saved if they were never going to maintain them anyway?
  5. That arena is just way too big.
  6. If Iowa doesn't add hockey, the new 5,250 seat arena in Coralville would be a great Midwest regional site. Most of the other USHL arenas are all too small.
  7. Are these requests for bonding that the univiersities have to pay back or is it free money to the school?
  8. Don't like to be publicly scrutinized?
  9. Gonzaga would also never be where it is if there was a subdivision like ND-Fan suggests. The WCC is as mid major as it gets. Also, Wichita was also a #1 seed if I remember correctly and made it to the final for as a member of the MVC.
  10. Never said there was an excuse. We suck, just like pretty much everyone in our conference. They are lucky that our conference sucks.
  11. They beat 300 RPI Oral Roberts, 334 RPI Western Illinois in the SEMI FINAL, and 130 RPI Omaha. That's not necessarily a high achievement to win all three of those games. They are lucky the summit sucks this year. And they are also lucky Crandall left UND, because I think he would have put us at or near the top of the weak summit this year.
  12. What works for some conferences doesn't for others. I have never said the BSC tourney was anything but, and I was an advocate for on campus playoffs when we were in that league. The point of my post was to highlight the difference in cost and travel logistics issues with on campus tournaments vs neutral sight tournaments. The fact that the Big Sky Tournament has been such an attendance embarrassment, yet the league has chosen to maintain the neutral site format says a lot. The point is that it would be stupid for the Summit to move away from Sioux Falls because they would have less revenue and higher costs and other complications. Besides that fact, Sioux Falls pretty much already has the vibe of the WCHA Final Five, but for basketball, and it shows great on ESPN.
  13. One of the biggest reasons for the big sky moving away from on campus arenas is because it is a disaster when trying to make last second travel arrangements in small towns. The Summit tournament also makes tons of money for the conference and has better attendance than many high major conf tournaments. No reason to move it. I hope your argument is at least consistent and you want the NCHC to move to 100% on campus sites.
  14. UND's been talking about a new business building for more than 10 years. This needs to be a priority given that everyone that attends UND takes classes at Gamble. Was really surprised when spirit campaign money wasn't allocated to it.
  15. My exact experience, minus the mouse. Also I was in Brannon and was secretly jealous of the greater camaraderie that I perceived was at Walsh. I think the bathrooms between the common area and the dorm rooms in the Wilki complex made it more difficult to meet people, because you have to go into the bathroom area before you can see into someones dorm room. In walsh, you could just walk down the hall and say hi to anyone with their door open, without being intruding or feeling obligated to stay and chit chat.
  16. Penn State hijacked the game and will be playing Notre Dame there instead.
  17. All I know is I'm jealous of everyone else's Sanford money. Is a UND relationship with Sanford in the cards or is that just not feasible with Altru so close to campus? Either way, if Kennedy is interested in pissing even more people off, he should look into it. We need phase two money and I just don't see where it is going to come from. If they don't have an announcement by this time next year, I see it going the way of Chaves' Gateway project at EWU and phase II of the arena renovation at SCSU.
  18. Yeah, I can't help but think how stupid of a decision this was every time I look at it. Why paint them the school colors when they can paint them so they look unfinished!
  19. I don't have any feathers to ruffle, and this type of discussion is one of the more interesting topics on the message board. Genuinely curious, how would YOU have done it differently? UND has lost or will lose, like, what, 20% of it's budget? Where should that money have been cut?
  20. 1. You blame Kennedy for the !@#$ hand he was dealt as he arrived here 2. Kennedy makes meaningful, long term cuts 3. UND is better positioned for the future (improves !@#$ hand) 4. You are mad at Kennedy
  21. Please do not refer to this as a donation, because it's not! It's UND's cut of the profit from revenue generated by UND Athletics! UND gets all the money left over after money is set aside for reserve funds and future upgrades. If the REA wanted, they could allocate as much money as they wanted to these funds to starve UND of cash. The thing is, they pretty much already do that anyway. The usage agreement aims for a minimum 500k allocation of these profits to UND each year, and that's what I would expect UND to receive going forward if they want to try to prove a point. Also, none of the numbers that are ever thrown around that involve UND hockey at the REA ever include concessions. The REA pockets 100% of millions in concessions each year.
  22. nodak651

    Spring Ball

    I kinda disagree. Freund want's the offense to be simplified. Let the players react, rather than think... Danny is gonna be talked about as the head-coach-to-be this time next year. Offense doesn't have to be rocket science, just learn your routes (but I've never played football outside of recess, so what do I know).
  23. nodak651

    Spring Ball

    You would think they can have access to a play book as long as they aren't "required" to memorize it.
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