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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. The point wasn't that I didn't get a spot to park. It was that there are WASTED spots in the ramp that AREN'T BEING USED. Students pay for the $7million dollar parking ramp through student fees and jacked up parking fees, yet they don't fill the ramp. FYI: I obveously parked in another spot on campus.
  2. FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS...... USE THEM! Source: The College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges; NCES, IPEDS.
  3. Terrible produce, below average deli, average prices at best, dreary stores, poor at removing out of date products. One positive is that they have baggers and paper bags. Edit: I guess that was two positives
  4. You must be trolling. If not, elaborate. I'm dying to know how showing up an hour and fifteen minutes before class makes me lazy.
  5. I have a blue. Pretty sure the grey ramp passes guarantee a spot because they cost an extra $145. More info: "Daily, there are 230 student spaces available in the UND Parking Ramp for "S" permit holders. It is open to anyone for "Pay-as-you-go Parking" 24 hours a day. Overnight parking between the hours of midnight and 5:00 am is prohibited for A, S or H permits and General parking spaces. Reserved Ramp Permits (RCA) for staff or faculty are also valid in surface "A" (red) and "A/S/H" (brown) lots. Reserved Ramp Permits (RCS) for students are also valid in surface "S" (blue), "A/S/H" (brown), and "H" (green) lots."
  6. Thanks
  7. Hugo's sucks
  8. Explain this: http://www.bloomberg...ustees-say.html
  9. To clarify, if you spend the $300, you are guaranteed to get a ramp spot. The problem is that they don't sell all of the ramp passes so there are wasted parking spaces that are left empty. They also leave empty spots for paying buy the hour, which they don't let S pass people use, even if those spots are empty.
  10. Class is at 11:00 and I got to the lot at 9:45... I'm so lazy.
  11. $155 for blue S lots and $300 for S lot plus ramp.
  12. Not sure, but the way they currently operate the thing is a complete waste, considering the lack of parking on campus.
  13. What a joke! I have an S lot pass and drove in to the parking ramp today and was told to take a ticket because S pass spots were full. There were two levels completely empty... complete BS.
  14. What was the cost of education when they went to school? How much debt are students stuck with? Pretty sure the average is around 40 grand.... that isn't free money. Also, who do you think is paying for their social security? Young people are, and they aren't going to get squat when they retire. WWII vets are only a fraction of retirees... please.
  15. You overreacted to an offhand comment.
  16. Restaurants, Bars, UND Athletics, Hotels, Gas Stations..... all benefit.
  17. They should build it in Thompson.
  18. More so than current UND students who will be saddled with all of their debt...
  19. Well since this thread was bumped, it's interesting to note that this thread is 70 pages vs the 121 of the 2014 recruiting class thread. Whether that's due to thread drift and racism debates or program interest, I'm not sure haha
  20. I'd believe this could be true... it's probably part of the reason they are building a new basketball venue.
  21. Pathetic attempt to rush the court by the way haha.
  22. Craziest game ever!!!! Watched it live, thanks to bigsky's new phone app. Holy cow.... still speachless. ESPN #1
  23. Liked
  24. You don't think Cashman should redshirt?
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