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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. From Twitter: Jayson Hajdu@UNDSID 28m @hitzgirl Their plans have not yet been affected and they're hopeful flight schedules will be back on schedule when they leave on Thursday
  2. Sorry, nothing is coming to mind right now about meeting someone with a list. The only things I really do remember as a freshman was the horrible experiences of the campout for season tickets and the 125 times the F*** the Gophers cheer was said by the student section that October 2009 weekend, which lead to the REA Spectator Code of Conduct
  3. In the 3+ years I have been here and the hours and hours I have spent waiting in line and talking to people (including some of the die hard student fans) I have never heard of "the list" ever spoken Of course, it won't be that hard to find someone to restart that tradition
  4. Never heard of the guys with "the list" Anyone like to enlighten me on this?
  5. Here are the cheers that I have heard in the 3+ years of student season tickets (going on 4th) Let Go Sioux Sioux Yeah Yeah Sieve, Sieve, Sieve Our score cheer during the PP* Our defense cheer duing the PK* Our teamwork cheer during the PP* SHOCKER cheer (a little too dirty to explain on a message board) Throw in the beer song, the dance to Chelsea Dagger, and the infamous f*** the Gopher cheer, that is it. I wish that at least on our end we are a little big louder and more into it, we should strive to be the Cameron Crazies of the hockey world. It wouldn't be hard to find a group of students who are devoted enough to lead the section in more cheers. EDIT: Thought of a few more that I heard Goalie/Sieve Gopher rejects Husky rejects Husky women If you can't get into college, go to Tech
  6. Wish I was, its the reason why they are using 7 Nation Army for football.
  7. About 95% of the time when the band starts something, the student will usually NOT follow. My numbers might be a little exaggerated but it is very high. Watch this weekend as eveyone else will yell D-A-K-O-T-A DAKOTA DAKOTA GO SIOUX! and the band goes D-A-K O-T-A NOOORTH DAKOTA! right after, I guarantee it. Its what has been going on at the football games and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. During the Gopher and Badger series last year when we were considered UND, the band didn't try to cover up any of the Lets go Sioux cheers, I expect that to continue for this year. In fact, I see the opposite of any UND cheers started by the band to be drowned out by the Let's Go Sioux cheers.
  8. They typically will take 1 fall trip a year with the football team.
  9. I reserve the right to see what the redshirt freshman and current freshman class (who would have 4 years of playoff chances) before calling for Muss's head. I also reserve the right to have Faison call the D coordinator into his office and fire him Monday Morning.
  10. Cause odds are they A) never got season tickets because they weren't the lucky ones that got picked by tickemaster (if there were "minors" as you say, most likely freshies and sophs, their chances of getting season tickets are much lower than upperclassman/grad students or B) AA does move the needle for them to get tickets or C) protesting the new student seating arrangements For the most part I acually will agree with this, but I want to play the devil's avocate role in this. With more of these fans, the atmosphere will more than likely go stale because they will be more concerned about getting on camera, or getting their pictures on camera, or being on their phones, not pay attention to the game, or complain about standing, or get lost on whats going on. A few good ones from last night leaving the REA was "I told my parents we dance after scoring a goal, I think that's stupid" or "That thing they do with the opposing goalie after we score is dumb", "why does the camera go on the same people over and over again?" That to me is stunning, I would think those tickets would be harder to get than Green Bay Packer season tickets after winning a title
  11. I really see this game going 1 of two ways. SIU continues its ballhawking ways and can get turnovers and can get their D to score, then they can go into Fargo and pull the upset. However, if they don't get those turnovers, I can just as easily see NDSU just crush them. IOW: SIU in a squeaker, or an NDSU blowout
  12. D'OH! Close enough and thanks, and im not done yet.
  13. Arrgh.... that was frustrating First set they were trading well until it was 13-12, and the ISU just ran away with it. Hardee was once again not happy after the first set with his team Second set was better, but we kinda got the wrong end of two calls. I didn''t see the first one, but the 4 hits ones was absolute bull because the ISU player clearly touched it before going back to our side. Should have pulled that one out Weird start to third, an ISU player had her shoe break (never seen that one before) so they had to use 1 of their 2 TO. We got out to a 17-10 lead, then.... fell apart like a newspaper in the rain... Time to rebound Saturday against Weber.
  14. Im going out on a limb here. I think that Hanson has another great day, and Sutton/Miller combo actually get a good rush going. Defense plays halfway respectable getting 3 more sacks on the QB and Ivery continues to play well in the secondary. We get a late 4th touchdown and UND gets its signature FCS win. The win sends more buzz around the Big Sky, upsets all the Bobcat fans, but begins the grumbling for us as we start saying what could have been if we didn't play Mines or had actually beaten NAU,Cal Poly or SDSU. UND 34 Mont St 27
  15. So has anyone heard any recent news about how practice is going, who looks good, who doesn't?
  16. Definitely a big weekend for the girls. I think they can beat ISU here tonight, they played them tough out in Porcello, and I think we can get them tonight.
  17. *Larry the Cable Guy Voice* I don't care who you are that's funny right there.
  18. Well, with Ivery now in the secondary, that is a good thing now. That play he made stopping that HB swing pass was very good. I was impressed with the way he played for a guy that just made the switch. I have a bold predicition that he could be in a starting spot or playing significant minutes when we get to UNC. At this rate, with a good offseason, we could have 1 less worry on defense, especially in the secondary.
  19. That's not a half bad idea, it not only would get that across, but it would also get the student to know these freshman players a little bit better so when they do get on the field they know exactly who they are.
  20. One thing that irritates me on campus is the lack of promotion that occurs for the football team. Last week, other than the football car going around handing out t-shirts and the usual facebook and twitter spartial promotion, there was nothing! What do I see today, all over campus. Poster promotion the women's hockey game for the U of M game. Where was this last week for the football team? Hello? I said I would wait for a few responses before giving mine, so here it goes. Im going to break this down into 3 different areas. Promotion, Tailgating, and In-Game Atmosphere PROMOTION Educate the students on the teams: We are in a new conference, and while most will have heard of Mont, Mont St, UNC, etc. But how many have heard about ISU, PSU, etc. Every Monday, put up posters promoting the game for the week. Put them everywhere and hype it up like no other. Get a few footbal players to talk on the radio to encourage people to come out, quote them in the student paper, quote them on facebook and twitter, do what it takes. Have the players come to the dorms and encourage them to come to the game. At the very least, they will be able to put a name to a face and with a more connection, it would let them come to the game Big games, what about a pep rally: Sounds stupid? The big schools do it, why not us? I mean a REAL Pep Rally.Hold it in the REA on a Wednesday night and get Muss and the coaches and the captains to get the crowd jacked up for the weekend game. Bring in the fire spinning guy, bring in Jim Kleinsasser, bring in Phil Jackson, anyone! TAILGATING I loved SiouxFan7 idea, so I am not going to add anything else on this. This is the exact thing that we need to do. Also let them come out and tailgate during half. IN-GAME ATMOSPHERE Fix the stupid speakers once and for all so the music can be cranked up as loud as possible, also reorganize the music and get student imput on what they want to hear at the Alerus. Help the Yell leaders: UND has been doing yell leaders for the first time this year. This has acutally been a success, but with only 2 at hand, its kinda hard for them to get everyone to hear them. What it might take is about 20-25 fans gathered around them who will be rowdy and have fun. If more people see they are having fun, they will want to join. This is how new cheers get starting and new traditions. The band needs to join: While the band brings atmosphere, they need a bit of a rehaul as well. They need to help the students coordinate cheers better, and the students need the band to help them. Pointing and yelling on 3rd is good. If you have a free seat, bang on it like everyone else. My #1 concern with the student... its ATTITUDE. It is no joke that too many students have an attitude of hockey first, screw everything else. With these freshman and the next classes, this is an attitude that needs to be fixed and fixed fast. You can bring up NoDak Nation, but I'll bet you that most people only use it so they can get perfect attendance so they can get early pre-sale for next seasons tickets. There is ZERO excuse that we can't make football a big sport on campus. The football players want this! Everyone one of them on Saturday thanks the small contingent of students who stayed and gave hi 5's
  21. Start the day deciding on whether to wear the black (big/important game) or white jersey (anytime else) and making sure to put on an orange shirt (HS colors) underneath the jersey. Wear it throughout the school day. Get done with class/work and get ready to stand out in the student enterence: I throw on black sweatpants, bring my iPod, bring my black bomber hat and my snapback Winnipeg Jets hat. Get in line and put on black bomber hat and turn iPod on and listen to music/talk to other students Once inside, head straight for section 110 and my spot on ice row, right next to our penalty box. Quickly put my stuff down and head to the nearest Little Ceasars stand. I would get either crazy bread or cheese bread and a kool aid slushie (blue raspberry). When team comes out for first time on ice, throw on Jets cap and wear that until anthem. Once anthem is sung, switch to bomber hat and get ready to cheer on the team.
  22. This season cannot start soon enough, I am excited for some ball!
  23. I just didn't know where to put this and I was too lazy to dust off an old thread. I figured if I made this specific enough that it would warrant a new thread.
  24. Since this topic has flammed up after the debacle of Montana, I figured this topic needs its own posting. If this needs to be combined somewhere else, Mods go ahead. This is a two part question. 1) In a vacuum, on a scale of 1 to 10, how have the students performed at the fooball games for the entire season. I am meaing actually showing up, staying, and making noise. 2) How can this be fixed? You can go pretty much anywhere with this. Improving the atmosphere at the Alerus, stuff on campus, etc. I'll wait for a few responses before giving mine.
  25. This I 1000% agree with right there. This is an attitude that needs to change. Too many hockey "purists" on campus. Honestly, that is the only way that is going to fix the problem. The quick fix is that next year we win 9 or 10 games, make a playoff run, and then the problem is solved quicker. There was 1 game I have left early in the 4 years I have been here, and it was this one... I was sooo pissed on how they were just getting beaten badly by a NAIA team. The way we need to stop the bleeding once and for all. Knock off a top 10 team, make a playoff run or get a good FBS win.
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