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Everything posted by GFG

  1. I was wondering that too, and I do agree. Blood does look like the silly one in that.
  2. Bertibm's comments nailed everything. Overall I think officiating was good this weekend. Many non calls but they went both ways. Both Kristo and Alt were more than deserving of their game misconducts. and both nights the better team won. Can't really complain. Blood should have been smarter than to do that in the hand shake line, though. He received a misconduct for it so i'm just curious, since it was after the game was done does he miss the next game or is it basically a wash? I'd assume it's just a wash.
  3. Definitely. Both could have, and probably should have been called penalties but since they let one go I understand seeing the 2nd one being a non call. I don't understand how he hurt his shoulder on that. I watched the replay a few times and just don't see how it happened. It's almost like a freak injury. I almost wondered if he didn't separate when he hit the ice, not the boards.
  4. I think they let the O'Donnel one go because of when Blood did the exact same thing earlier in the game and they didn't call it. To me, both of those were more hockey plays than anything else.
  5. They already have a date that is not technically confirmed. I have heard February 9th, 2013 at TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha
  6. Haven't heard. The only thing I saw is that he left the team without giving a reason
  7. UAA's leading scorer decided to leave the team without reason
  8. where can we see Hakstols comments?
  9. GFG


    Is this a tv channel, a website or what? Never heard of theScore
  10. Like buckysieve said, he's been getting targeted a lot lately. Even Notre Dame was targeting him. He just keeps with it though. He's definitely used to it, he was targeted heavily in high school and took many huge hits. If anyone watched the title game last year you would have seen him get completely obliterated about 8 times, yet at the end he got the game winner in the third OT.
  11. Minnesota's young defense has been struggling lately and now that they're exposed I expect a player like Kristo to watch some tape on them and take full advantage. The fact that UND needs the wins, especially against a team higher in the pairwise, will make them very dangerous in this rivalry series. That being said, UND hasn't been the greatest defensively either lately. I definitely think this series ends up in a split.
  12. By injuries I meant when players are nicked up and bruised. The minor injuries don't bother me at all. However, when it comes to major injuries, that is something that I never want to see for any team, or player, at any level. For example, Bina's injury, Jesse Martin last year, or Tom Pohl's career ending injury he sustained against Mankato State which required brain surgery. Heck, you may have even heard of the 16 year old, Jack Jablonski, in Minnesota that was recently paralyzed in a JV game. Those bother me, when players are nicked up it doesn't bother me, because that's hockey. Speaking on the major injury front, did anyone else see what Jack Parker had to say today? I'll post a small excerpt here and then the link for the full story after. It is a very good read. But Parker said the initiative is not enough to avoid future injuries. “Take off the facemask,” Parker said. “People wouldn’t hit people as hard. They wouldn’t get blindsided as much. They wouldn’t get hurt as much if they had the half shield instead of a full shield. “These kids think their equipment is made in heaven. They can go kill people, and they have no respect for anybody because they don’t worry about hurting anybody. If your face is exposed, people get worried about it.” http://www.thebostonhockeyblog.com/2012/01/jack-parker-sick-to-his-stomach-over.html
  13. Good call, I used Wikipedia and added up the wins at one point last year. The wikipedia page for them now is completely different and updated and now includes all those extra wins haha. They must have been older years that I wouldn't have been aware of.
  14. Ouch, that wouldn't be good news if true. UND's got a tough stretch, usually I would be happy to see injuries to the UND team since i'm a Gophers fan and we've been through it the past few years, but man I feel bad. I'm not sure i've ever seen a college team battle this many injuries and ineligibilities all season.
  15. The guy that did this put a lot of bearing on what happened the past 5 years to place them. Notice he even said Minnesota was 5th just because they've struggled recently. I would place it as Michigan, UND, Minnesota for the top 3. What he failed to realize is that Minnesota has the most wins of any program. Minnesota has almost 700 more wins than North Dakota, as well as less all time losses. I've always considered those three the most elite programs in college hockey because not only do they have championships, but because they have the history and boat loads of well known hockey alumni that Wisconsin, and Denver just can't fully match. I'm just glad that BC and BU weren't mentioned
  16. I don't know if i've ever heard UND called "Gopher Rejects" on the road. Minnesota fans really only chant that to Duluth. I've heard UND fans chant it to Duluth as well...but the Sioux? Has anyone heard them face the "Gopher Reject" chant on the road before?
  17. It's highly unlikely that he's going to bolt for juniors. He chose UND and made a commitment. To me, Rocco doesn't seem like the type of guy who's not going to honor a commitment he's made.
  18. Knight and Forbort could be back for Minnesota, and I wouldn't be surprised of Lammy made sure he's on the ice for that series.
  19. I have Midco digital cable and I don't get it. I need to get the sports package in order to get it (which i'm surprised I don't have yet)
  20. I believe they just use the cameras FSSN uses, like FCS does right now. But I'm not positive on that. For something like this they may use their own cameras, but I don't think those channels are HD at all.
  21. Sounds like it is Jim Scherr. That TV deal is definitely a let down for the conference since CBS college sports is not on any regular cable packages unless you have Dish or DirecTV.
  22. Goal by Zucker. 3-2 Canada with just over 6 minutes left
  23. On that lineup it says Full time but it's not even on my channel listing. Is it only listed when there's events?
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