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Everything posted by UNDBIZ

  1. UND needs most of these cuts regardless, the budget is a convenient excuse. If we get a second boom, the money will be used to expand on priorities rather than continued support of dead weight.
  2. FCOA was already accounted for in the budget (which also includes increased revenue)..... so yes. Good luck on the increased fee requests to pay for ndsu's FCOA.....
  3. For him, it starts in the cafeteria. I hope he crushes it this year.
  4. The space taken up by the Robertson/Sayre, Strinden, and Corwin/Larimore buildings would make for a very convenient parking lot, though they may not want to have a lot right on University for aesthetic purposes.
  5. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/4016639-und-eyes-buildings-vacate-part-new-master-plan
  6. According to this (page 25), we were at $3.9 million and over 200 scholarships 2 years ago.
  7. Tough to say as it depends on which sports are cut and how UND chooses to fund all its programs. Adding lacrosse, a sport not even sponsored by any high schools in the state, certainly wouldn't save the school any money.
  8. Someone else said 14 is the minimum earlier. By my count it's: ndsu - 16, USD - 17, SDSU - 21, Montana - 15, MSU - 15, and UND - 21 but will have 19.
  9. Nah, that's about 80% of the fan base. You're not unique in this case.
  10. Not necessarily true. Cuts are being made in part to set UND up for a future in which it will eventually be able to fully fund priorities, rather than half-a$$ing everything outside of hockey. For some areas, the budget is simply a convenient excuse.
  11. Unless the event is in some way supportive of UND, making money on it should absolutely be the goal of the REA. Now perhaps in the long run the exposure from this event helps student and athlete recruitment to UND, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  12. The cuts being made are in part to set UND up for a future where it will be able to offer competitive pay. UND could be like many of the other ND schools and reduce/remove the raises being given out this summer, but Schafer has said multiple times the school is committed to the 3% raise.
  13. This thread is about the potential, however unlikely, for UND and several other FCS schools to transition to FBS. It has largely consisted of the speculation of one poster, and although much of it is likely wrong, there are occasionally underlying seeds of potential truth within the larger theory. Siouan, who as a bison fan appears to have chosen a name that would generate an initial reaction of trust from this site, has chosen to attempt to drive the thread off the tracks with a crap post about UND dropping football. That post was a blatant attempt to anger forum members and sow seeds of doubt in the minds of potential recruits regarding UND's budget. The definition of trolling on this forum is posting with the sole purpose to taunt or generate anger. He was not speculating on anything, he was trolling. Ndsu trolls are not going to be a protected class on this site.
  14. I suppose the thought is that times change and the university must change with them.
  15. Schafer has said multiple times that UND doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.
  16. Cutting football doesn't benefit UND or the state. You're bs act of being a neutral party is garbage. Continue spouting off and it'll be considered trolling.
  17. I have little to no problem with cuts named to date. A university president is always a politician, anyone thinking otherwise doesn't know anything about university presidents. Schafer cares about UND and it's future. The cuts he is making are for the benefit of UND, not ndsu.
  18. Careful, your bizun fandom is showing....
  19. UNDBIZ

    2016 Season

    And they've been working with the tribal colleges to get them on board as well.
  20. Ugh. The walks there from the Chester Fritz parking lot nearly convinced me to drop out.
  21. There's a message going around on Facebook that purports to be from Dodson and indicates they are being given the opportunity to fundraise to save the program. Anyone know if there's any validity to it?
  22. Idaho St G Ethan Telfair has declared for the NBA draft but has not hired an agent. I believe that would make him eligible to return if he is not drafted/signed, right?
  23. Agreed, I'd like to maintain as much green space on campus as we can.
  24. You're going to be angry with me Vince, but I'd like to see the building demolished and a collegiate gothic style building put up in its place.
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