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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Any chance Bollinger could be enticed to leave CDH and become UND's Offensive Coordinator?
  2. Drop all non required sports (except MIH) - S & D, WIH etc? and stay Big Sky
  3. Going to the Summit would be like going back to D-II, or is it NCC-II?
  4. And the Summit UND can't just declare they are joining a conference, there has to be an invite. Considering the buddy buddy relationship between Faison and Douple, this is not a given really hope this is not the goal.
  5. What would be a successful rookie season for Wentz? considering his o-line, staying healthy enough to start 16 games
  6. Nah... asshattery is asshattery no matter how you wrap it. Just read it differently than he said it.
  7. Was it a bitter cover-his-arse lashing out in front of his press corps because they weren't able to generate the offense he thought they 'should' have and barely squeaked out a win over a lowly FCS team? Honest question since I did not watch the press conference.
  8. Y'all may be reading the wrong thing into his comments. Could and Should are not the same thing. Sounds to me like the UND defense forced them out of their game plan, as in "We should have thrown 65, 70 times. If we're going to run this system and be married to it, we have to let him go out there and throw five picks." and "Hats off to North Dakota and their staff for sticking to the gameplan and not panicking,"
  9. Different players, new coach. So, no not the same team, however is the same school.
  10. Channel 413/412-02 on dish hopper if you have the sports package
  11. Just playing devil's advocate here, because UND being in the Big Sky is the better choice imho, but what happened to the line that non-conference games would be easy to schedule against regional teams since the old NCC rivals are available?
  12. Cynical, but honest question, since I didn't stay at Holiday Inn Express last night... is it possible the question about returning to DII is an attempt to make swimming and diving relevant? that is, after all, a program that has approximately zero chance of bringing UND any national recognition in DI. i am not on the women's hockey bandwagon by any stretch, but at least they may have a chance to win a DI natty. probably will take a coaching change, like men's hockey and football have had and hopefully men's basketball will have soon.
  13. "any recommendations as to sports to discontinue" bye-bye WAC sports. softball?
  14. Is it possible that the MVFC is looking ahead to losing Yougstown in a trickle-down effect of someone like Cincinnati going to the Big 12, eventually making room for the Penguins in the Ohio Valley or some other eastern conference?
  15. Wondering why all the focus on this board is now on UND moving to the Summit/MVFC as opposed to dropping swimming and diving (sports sponsorship) and maybe softball... ?
  16. Don't know if I believe this scenario is going to happen, ... But 6 years can be a long time with a lot of changes happening over that length of time. An example is NDSU's move up with UND saying they are not going DI in any other sports than hockey. Then UND moves in less than 6 years. Guessing that not all of the schools being listed here will make the move to a WAC (if that is indeed what happens), ... think South Dakota, Northern Colorado... the rest of the story sure makes the Bison trolls spin, though. seems they are often the one resurrecting this thread. makes for fun reading while we wait for football to actually get started.
  17. Ya never know. Political correctness run amok is one of the talking points of one of the prez candidates. Maybe the wheels could be rolled back, even if only that much.
  18. Sounds like Houston and BYU have support, too. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/17115091/big-12-football-coaches-favor-houston-cougars-byu-cougars-expansion-espn-poll-shows
  19. How are you going to count them after the number gets past 12?
  20. Yes, I realize that... as in the 'zona' part of my moniker
  21. Or BGSU and MnState to NCHC and let ASU go to the WCHA. The Sun Devils really don't bring anything to the table for the NCHC. Yes, Understand they are a P5 school, but hockey will not be a priority, and isn't that what the NCHC was supposed to be about? <ducking> <running for cover> too
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